Angela: Things were getting to me. Just how people are. How they always expect you to be a certain way. Even your best friend.
Angela: Like with boys, how they have it so easy. How you have to pretend that you don't notice them... noticing you.
Angela: I'm in love. His name is Jordan Catalano. He was let back, twice. Once I almost touched his shoulder in the middle of a pop quiz. He's always closing his eyes like it hurts to look at things.
Angela: School is a battlefield for your heart. So when Rayanne Graff told me my hair was holding me back, I had to listen. 'Cause she wasn't just talking about my hair. She was talking about my life.
Angela: Lately I can't even look at my mother without wanting to stab her, repeatedly.
Angela: My dad and I used to be pretty tight. The sad truth is, my breasts have come between us.
Angela: It just seems like, you agree to have a certain personality or something. For no reason. Just to make things easier for everyone. But when you think about it, I mean, how do you know it's even you? And, I mean, this whole thing with yearbook - it's like, everybody's in this big hurry to make this book, to supposedly remember what happened. Because if you made a book of what really happened, it'd be a really upsetting book.
Angela: If you made a book of what really happened, it'd be a really upsetting book.
Rayanne: I think lard's my favorite food group.
Angela: Cafeteria is the embarrassment capital of the world. It's like a prison movie.
Brian: Oh, look at me, I'm way cool. I'm off with my way cool friends to sniff floor wax.
So what is fat free?
- When something is free, of fat.
So what's the difference between fat free and non fat?
- Good question.
Rickie: If you were about to do it, okay, what would you want the other person to say, like, right before?
Rayanne: "This won't take long."
Rickie: No, seriously.
Rayanne: "Do I know you?"
Rickie: No, like, for real. Like, romantic.
Angela: "You're so beautiful, it hurts to look at you."
Rayanne: "It hurts to look at you"?
Rickie: How'd you think of that?
Rayanne: Where would it hurt?
Angela: These guys started hitting on us.
Brian: What? Like sexual harassment?
Angela: Like guys.
Angela: My mother's adopted. So for a while, she was looking for her real parents. I guess that's just what everyone's looking for.
Angela: Something was actually happening but it was to actual.
Rayanne: You know, with your hair like that, it hurts to look at you.
Sharon: I pity you, she takes advantage of you and you don't even know it.
Angela: I bet people can actually die of embarrassment. I bet it's been medically proven.
Angela: What I like, dread, is when people who know you in completely different ways end up in the same area. And you have to develop this, like, combination you on the spot.
Rayanne: He wants you to work on his apparatus.
Angela: Were you raised in a satanic cult?
Angela: How come I have to be the one sitting around analyzing him with microscopic detail, and he gets to be the one with other things on his mind?
Sharon's Mom: If you've got to cut it, cut it. Who cares what men like? They like long hair, and they like me to wear red.
Lab teacher: An experiment can turn successful if the experiment yields positive results.
Patty: Oh I forgot. A kiss must resolve in intercourse.
Rayanne: You like Jordan Catallano but you're programmed to never admit it.
Angela: What's amazing, is when you can feel your life going somewhere. Like your life just figured out how to get good. Like that second.
Angela: See, there's thinking about him, right... which is what I do, all the time, like, like this...
Rickie: Obsession.
Rayanne: Right. So?
Angela: So it keeps me going or something, like, I need it just to get through the day. It's, it's just...
Rickie: It's an obsession.
Angela: Right, and, and if you make it real, it's, it's not the same. It's not, it's not yours anymore. I, I don't know, maybe I'd rather have the fantasy, than even *him*.
Rickie: I completely understand this.
Rayanne: I totally and completely disagree. *You want* Jordan Catalano in actuality because... there is no because. You just *want* him. Only you're programmed to never admit it.
Rickie: That does have the ring of truth.
Angela: You have to work up to that. I don't open that wide at the dentist.
Angela: People just hang out. They're not dates. Just people. In a bunch.
Angela: It's so strange how parents can out of nowhere turn psycho. it's unnerving.
Graham: It's really hard how to figure out how to be a man.
Angela: Moms like to tell you where they were when Kennedy was shot. It makes me kinda jealous like I should have known where I was when something important happened. But I don't.
Angela: instead of changing the world, people sit in class and write notes about each other.
Angela: They weren't the kind of kisses you could actually evaluate. They were more like... introductory kisses.
Rayanne: That was a 'get to know you' hi. Except now he thinks you put out.
Angela: Maybe Jordan started the rumor. It's a very guy thing to do.
Rayanne's mom: they find someone and they cant get enough of them. it's like being in love but they cant have sex.
Rayanne's mom: Who's going to shoot me with this bod mom, she says. she thinks she's immortal.
Rayanne: Do you want my mother to call your mother and tell her you didn't sleep together?
Ricky: Maybe ppl have guns to protect them, maybe ppl have guns because they're victims.
Angela: It's such a lie to do whats in your heart. if we all did what was in our hearts the world would run into a cult
Brian: Nobody cares about the truth, they just believe what they want to hear.
Brian: You just did what you wanted and you didnt care about what damage it did to anyone else.
Ricky: You have this great house, parents that are there, and no one talks about you at school.
Angela: It's weird how something has to happen sometimes to see how you actually feel about someone.
Rayanne: Can you imagine Ricky in a maximum prison, who would supply his makeup?
Rayanne: They're exchanging fashion tips.
Rayanne: I'm so hungry. Do you ever get hypnotized by food?
Rayanne: I can't believe that I'm making something that's not in a pouch.
Angela: When you're not sure you trust a person anymore, say a person you really trusted, say your father, you start wishing they'd do something like really wrong so you'd be right about them.
Rayanne: Ignore Angela, she cant help her self. She's been raised in a two parent household.
Angela: What's really horrible, is being a witness while someone's parents start bossing them around. It ruins the conversation.
Angela: The worst feeling is suddenly realizing that you don't measure up. And that in the past when you thought you did, you were a fool.
Angela: It had become the focus of everything. It was all I could feel, all I could think about. It blotted out the rest of my face, the rest of my life. Like the zit had become... the truth about me.
Angela: Just pop it already and get on with your life.
Angela: But won't that cause a scar?
Rayanne: What are you talking about? Everything causes a scar - LIVING causes a scar.
Patty: Cool? Cool is not what substitutes are. They have really hard last names.
Vic Racine: These kids aren't afraid to put their hearts on the line.
Angela: You know, you are sick and demented. You skew everything in terms of sex.
Angela: Once upon a time there lived a girl. She slept in a lovely cottage made of gingerbread and candy. She was always asleep. One morning, she woke up... She woke up.
Angela: Love is when you look into someone's eyes, and suddenly, you go all the way inside, to their soul... and you both know, instantly. I always imagined I would fall in love, nursing a blind soldier. Who was wounded in battle. Or maybe while rescuing someone in the middle of a blizzard, seconds before the avalanche hits. I thought, at least, by the age of fifteen, I would have a love life. But, I don't even have a "like" life.
Angela: Field trips are so intense. it's like they were all let out of their cages.
Angela: If only there were a button somewhere that I could push to force me to stop talking.
Angela: Huge events take place on this earth every day. Earthquakes, hurricanes, even glaciers move. So why couldn't he just look at me?
Angela: When I was little I, like, worshiped Halloween. And truthfully, part of me still does. 'Cause it's your one chance all year to be someone else.
Angela: I wanna be someone else. To wear an actual costume to school, is... too scary.
Patty: She wants to be someone scary.
Graham: Who's scarier than Madonna?
Angela: Be a pain in the ass because that's what you are.
Danielle: I could be you, but I can't find a mask that scary.
Angela: I can't believe it. I can't even communicate with him when it matters.
Angela: When someone dies young, it's like they stay that way, forever. Like a vampire.
Rayanne: Just your type. Watch out for those dead guys, they'll break your heart.
Angela: It seems some people have to die young, like it fits them or something.
Angela: Contact him? How? I have enough trouble contacting living guys. I don't even believe in ghosts.
Brian: I left my keys in your pants... I mean, my pants.
Rayanne: He left his keys in Ricky's pants.
Rayanne: Brian knows some clever chess club way.
Rayanne: Man, an AV graveyard.
Jordan: But you come because you think something cool is going to happen. And what if something does. Then you'd miss it.
Patty: Those children. So innocent, so sweet.
Angela: You're crazy to let her tell you what you are.
Angela: I know what you think, how could someone like me understand. Only I do.
Rayanne: Have you ever stopped to think about refrigerators? Refrigerators are so revealing.
Danielle: My life is not fair. It's totally edited.
Rayanne: Do you think it's possible to please that woman? do you think she would give anyone a break? Have you seen that woman's vegetable bin? I rest my case.
Rayanne: Mom, Ricky's here. I hope you're at least wearing underwear.
Angela: Walking into someone else's house for the first time, is like entering another country. Not that I've ever been to another country.
Rayanne's Mom: The only real food is appetizers, so why eat anything more.
Rayanne's Mom: The moon, thats like the deadly mother.
Rayanne: Show her death, that's one bitchin' card.
Danielle: Is Grandma going to drive everyone crazy like she did on Thanksgiving?
Angela: Life was created to be lived.
Angela: Sometimes I think if my mother wasn't so good at pretending to be happy, she'd be better at actually being happy.
Ricky: Have you every tried to protect someone so much that it hurt.
Angela: Each card has a name: The Magician; The Empress; The Fool; The Wheel of Fortune; Strength. They represent challenges and tests, twists of fate. No card is all good or all bad. Cards can be positive or negative depending on where they fall. When you read someone's future, they must think of a question. They must hold it in their mind. The cards are read in sequence, each card leads to the next. We move from terror and loss to unexpected good fortune and out of darkness hope is born.
Brian: I became yearbook photographer because I like to idea of watching life without actually being a part of it. But being yearbook photography, you're never actually a part of it.
Brian: What always amazes me, fishermen. How they wait there forever when something finally tugs on their line. They don't panic. The strange thing is, even though I've established verbal communication with Delia Fisher, I still think about Angela constantly. Why am I like this? I truly sicken myself. I just have to stop being her little puppet. I vow to never again show up at Angela's door with some lame excuse.
Rayanne: Ten days, no drink no drugs. I'm so clean you could eat off of me.
Jordan: I have this philosophy. If I go somewhere and someone I know is there, then cool, there's something... natural about it. But once you start making plans then you have like obligations, and that basically blows. So my feeling is, whatever happens happens.
Brian: Of all the stupid things I've said before now, I've never wanted to take them back more than that one.
Brian: There's something about my life. It's just automatically true that nothing actually happens.
Brian: Finally! An erection from actual, physical contact!
Angela: All over school there are these certain places that are like reserved, for certain people. You're not supposed to cross certain lines. Like it's this unwritten law, like gravity or something. Like in the basement near the north exit, there's this boiler room, where certain people, like go, for like only one reason. I've never been there, ever in my life.
Angela: We barely talk, but when we do.. it's really meaningful.
Angela: My whole life became like divided, into kissing... and not kissing. Kissing... and... not... kissing.
Angela: In geometry, I felt like a criminal. I've missed every review session. So I tried to be invisible. It's surprisingly possible. You just sit in the back and keep quiet. And let the boys shout out the answers, which they will even if they're wrong. Boys are less afraid of being wrong.
Rayanne: I don't get my emotions involved. I am the type of person who can handle the boiler room. You cannot.
Angela: There's something about Sunday night that really makes you wanna kill yourself. Especially if you've just been made a total fool of by only persom you'll ever love.
Angela: I couldn't stop thinking about it. The, like, fact that - that people - had sex. That they just had it, that sex was this thing people - had, like a rash. Or a - a Rottweiler. Everything started to seem like, pornographic or something. Like, Miss Krysanowski has sex. So does Mr. Katimsky. They both have sex. They could - have sex together. Like right now.
Rayanne: They obviously haven't 'um'ed' yet.
Angela: There's this dividing line between girls who have had sex, and girls who haven't. And all of a sudden we both realized that we were looking at each other across it.
Jordan: You don't get it. You're supposed to. It's what you're supposed to do unless you like... abnormal.
Brian: My parents have a vibrator. It sounds like a lawnmower.
Rickie Vasquez: I just think it should be like a miracle. Like... seeing a comet. Or just feeling like you're seeing one. Seeing the other person's perfectness... or something. And if you do it before you're even ready, how are you going to see all that? Not that I would like, know, or anything.
Patty: Do you think you actually store sexual energy between your toes?
Angela: Brian! Yeah! Shut up... boys don't have the monopoly on thinking about it.
Angela: It's sorta like when you let me drive your car. I really loved it because it made be feel really powerful but always like terrified, because like I wasn't ready for that much freedom.
Angela: It is a big deal. I mean, sex made your whole life start. And if you think about life as a circle, or something, then sex and death are the same.
Angela: Sometimes someone says something really small... and it just fits into this empty place in your heart.
Angela: People alway say you should be yourself, like yourself is this definite thing, like a toaster or something. Like you can know what it is even. But every so often I'll have like, a moment, when just being myself in my life, right where I am, is like, enough.
Angela: So Jordan Catalano and I had pretty much broken up, but he
still knew the combination to my locker.
Angela: You need me. You must have me as your own. You can't live
another second knowing others could possess me.
Angela: I'm just like really low, I'll find any excuse to touch him.
Rayanne: It's like watching a roller coaster. Actually I think they're at the ticket line, really close to the roller coaster.
Rayanne: I'm 33 days. I'm squeaky clean like a rubber duckie.
Rayanne: I'm sick of appetizers. I want a real meal, with all four basic food groups, and just for once can it not be such an amazing surprise that I want to eat dinner like every other American on the planet?
Jordan: Can you imagine what that's like? To have to, like, sit around, trying to figure out what someone else is, like thinking.
Rayanne: God. Angela, I just had the most unbelievable idea. I am, like, so brilliant. I, like, amaze myself. Me.
Rayanne : Well, why would they possibly not want me? I mean, I'm cute, I'm a total exhibitionist, and I can certainly sing just as loud and obnoxious as Tino.
Rickie : Nothing, yet. I mean, I've seen her like this, you know, excited about something? When she's excited like's kind of dangerous.
Rayanne: Look, so like, in your opinion I can sing halfway decent? Like, say, I can sing in front of people?
Sharon: Maybe if you dressed a little more normal.
Rayanne: Well, lemme ask you your opinion about something. Say one person finds out there's a way she can get into a band that, like, needs a lead singer, and say this person can sing--
Sharon: This is you, right?
Rayanne: Just listen. So she asks this other person to put in a good word for her, because this other person, like, hangs out with someone in the band--
Sharon: W-w-wait, what band?
Rayanne: Shut up! So, this other person is acting, like, all put out about this, like it's some big chore or something.
Sharon: Why? Because she wants to sing in the band herself?
Rayanne: No, that would be totally impossible. She totally could not attempt that. The point is, wouldn't she want to do this? I mean, if she was a real friend? I mean, if she really believed in me? I mean, her. Unless, I guess, she thought this person would make a complete fool of herself.
Sharon: So this is Angela, right?
Patty: Why is that, though, do you suppose? I mean, why is it so taboo? Why, why is it that, that you can't speak to people honestly about their children?
Graham: Because nobody wants to hear something like that. Nobody wants to hear they may have made a mistake with their kids. Nobody wants to be accused of not being a decent parent. I mean, it-it is, it is an unwritten law, whatever goes on in your family is your business, period. Nobody else's.
Amber: Well, she's on the wagon, so she's completely no fun anymore. I'm just kidding. I'm very proud of her. Ooh, did Angela tell you she's gonna be singing in Jordan's band?
Patty: Yeah, so I hear. So, um, you're certain that, that she's not drinking.
Amber: About as certain as you are that Angela and cutie-pie are just friends.
Jordan: Hey, Graff. The Vertigo guy called. Our audition's tonight.
Rayanne: What?
Jordan: Yeah. So we're trying to think of a name.
Rayanne: Forget a name. We're not ready.
Jordan: We'll do okay. Just, w-w-wear something tight.
Rayanne: That's your solution? Cut off my circulation? We need a real rehearsal.
Jordan: Look, you wanted this chance, you got it. Don't blow it.
Amber: A karass. Karass is a group of people who kind of get mixed up in each other's lives in order to do God's will. It was in "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut.
Amber: I'll write her a late note. I'm a good mother. I'm a damn good mother, so you can just get right off your high horse.
Rayanne: Patty, thanks. For, like...for my life.
Rickie: No! I can't anymore. You don't know how scared I was. I thought you were dead. I was picking out the clothes I should wear to your funeral.
Rayanne: You and Rickie looking at me like I'm gonna lose control, like any minute I'm gonna go on some jag or something. I just can't stand knowing what you're thinking about me.
Rickie: I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you.
Rayanne: Is James Dean an Italian?
Graham: Patty, it's a greeting card, not a dead fish.
Danielle: Do we have to keep talking about religion? It's Christmas.
Rayanne: Rickie has this like tendency -- to get beat up, and he doesn't always love talking about it.
Rayanne: I don't know, just -- making depressed people talk to someone like you. Couldn't that, like, I dunno, push them over the edge?
Sharon: Over the edge. That's like your address, right?
Patty: You will not *believe* what Bernice and Bob Krakow did.
Graham: Oh, I know, but just that once, right? To make Brian, huh?
Graham: Oh, Brian's a level-headed kid. He probably likes having the place
to himself.
Rayanne: Stop acting so guilty. He probably went to his cousins'. He - he stays there sometimes. Angela -- you can't like be responsible for the whole world.
Brian: What is this big thing about Christmas? Everyone talks about it like it's the Second Coming, or something.
Sharon: Damn Santa Claus pin. The stupid nose broke.
Rayanne: [blowing bubbles from a small jar] I'm just going to let that one go. That's too easy.
Sharon: So Brian Krakow completely just screwed me over.
Rayanne: Oh, really. How non-unusual.
Sharon: Do you like know him?
Rayanne: Not real well. We slept together once. It's a joke, Cherski. Bubbles?
Girl: Deep in the night/ I think all the time/ All is bright/ Here in this dark place/ I see in your face/ All is not right/ Make it, make your way home/ Better find the light/ Brave it, brave it alone/ Take a second chance.
Jordan: Yeah, he was like, I'm gonna light a candle for you, and I'm like, don't waste your match. Ah, I shouldn't say stuff like that. I mean I didn't completely mean it. What, you miss him? come on, I'll bring you there.
Girl: Open a window/ Let in the sun/ Cold is all I know/ Go to the the fire/Stir it around/ There's really no place for me to go/ So make it, make your way home/Better than you had/ Break it, break thee along/ Leave it in the past/ Oh, look and you'll find it/ Someone wants to love you.
Angela: Shut up. It's just that -- they're like -- normal. They're like us. Like there's this one girl. And when you're talking to her, it's -- it's like you forget that -- you know -- that there's any difference between you.
Police : See, a runaway -- leaves home of his own volition. A throwaway, a push out -- is pushed out.
Angela: What I was thinking, is a new year's resolution, is to stop getting so caught up in my own thoughts. Cuz I'm like way too introspective, I think.
Sharon: I resolved to never again have sex with Kyle, or anyone, again. Unless I like really love and respect them.
Brian: I resolve to stop obsessing over Angela Chase.
Angela: What if not thinking turns me into a shallow person. I should really think about this introspective thing.
Angela: So I will stay introspective, but I do resolve that I'll stop doing Jordan Catalano's homework.
Angela: The thing about resolutions is, it's hard to remember them around somebody like Jordan Catalano.
Jordan: This is wrong.
Angela: What?
Jordan: You. Doing my homework, it's wrong.
Angela: I was just trying to help.
Jordan: It's like I'm taking advantage of you.
Angela: You're not taking advantage of me.
Jordan: Yeah, I am. It would be different if we were like... but not you're just... you know, a friend or whatever. I can't do this anymore.
Angela: I couldn't believe it. For like the first time in my life I actually stuck to a resolution.
Sharon: What? Kyle!, isn't that a little self centered on your part? To think that people are like spending their day avoiding you?
Angela: Um, can I, can I just ask you something? Say there's like someone, who's like really smart in a lot of ways, but isn't doing real well in school, especially in English..
Rayanne: I still can't believe the like, fact of it. How he declared his love for you. So this is like it for you, now, you know, 'cause you're totally fulfilled, right? Right?
Rayanne: Whatever! I mean, you don't have to like, be in love to have a good time.
Sharon: Let's say though, that you have a better time then you used to, when you were technically supposed to like love a much better time.
Sharon: Mmm...I'm going to Kyle, I'm going to tell him the truth, and then I'm going to never have sex again with anyone, until I know it's absolutely the exact right person that I am in complete and total love.
Rayanne: I just hope Brad Pitt's available...and in the tri-state area.
Rickie: ..but if you move, don't you leave a forwarding number? I, I mean, is there a number?....I mean 'cause they wouldn't just move without telling me....I mean, because, that would be crazy, that would be like impossible, because, people just don't do that, do they?
Sharon: It is definitely wrong to use people.
Brian: So you'll switch with me?
Sharon: No. No, that won't solve it, that's like the cowards' way out.
Brian: Well, I mean, I can live with that, 'cause you know, I kind of am a coward, so, heh..
Sharon: No. No, you have to be honest, you have to tell him that it was a mistake and that, and that you can't pretend anymore and that, and that that whole using him thing that, and you know, you just, you didn't want to hurt him!
Brian: What?! How am I supposed to get her number? I just like ask her just ask some girl I don't even know for her number? Like, without warning?
Jordan: You could, have sex with me though..{Angela laughs} if you really want to help. {Angela gets up, laughing} I guess that's a, no.
Jordan: I mean, even if it seems like too basic? Start with that. And then after if you want, I can teach you how to get someones phone number.
Hallie: No, be honest, I mean people only do what they want to do, I mean, hah, you wouldn't be here if you didn't really want to be, right?
Angela: I loved Jordan Catalano so much, and talked about him so much, and thought about him so much, it was like he lived inside me. Like he had taken possession of my soul, or something. And then one day...I got over him!
Angela: It was like Jordan Catalano had been surgically removed from my heart. And I was free!
Rickie: Rayanne, stage fright is, like, normal.
Rayanne: I became you. Emily's supposed to be sweet and innocent.
Angela: If you knew the dream I had about Corey Hellfrick last night, you wouldn't think I was so sweet and innocent.
Angela: Rayanne, think of it this way! Acting is like lying, and who's a better liar than you?
Angela: I like him. I do! And I wanna pay this much attention to every word he says. It's not just because Jordan Catalano's watching.
Patty: Graham, you have tons of clothes that you never wear!
Graham: Well, that doesn't mean that I never will.
Patty: Oh, I forgot! The one who has the oldest clothes when they die, wins!
Rickie: Look I'm not gonna hang out here just to watch you get plastered!
Rayanne: Aw, come on! I've been so good, and you know it!
Jordan: Sometimes it's like I really think I know her. And then it'll be like, like we're total strangers.
Angela: When you call someone's name, like, kind of loud, and they don't hear you, it makes you feel really lonely.
Sharon: Oh my god. Why did Brian Krakow have to witness this? And if Rayanne had to do this totally, low life, disgusting thing, couldn't she at least have done it in, like, private?
Rickie: Hey, hey, Brian. Could you, like, pick a sentence and go with it?
Brian: What are you doing here? You know, people should tell people when they have visitors!
Rayanne: So, congratulations, your dream came true.
Sharon: What dream?
Rayanne: Now you've got an iron-clad, perfect excuse never to talk to me again. You should be celebrating.
Sharon: You think I'm happy about this? Somebody I care about has been hurt!
Rayanne: And you just couldn't wait to go to them with the news.
Sharon: Don't turn this around on me! I said what I said to protect her.
Rayanne: "Protect her." What a crock!
Sharon: That's right! So she would know. Because it's what you do, when someone's your friend. You brought this on yourself.
Hallie: I know. Honey, I'm a Jewish girl from Texas. I'm your worst nightmare. You know, you could drive a sane person crazy!?!
Rayanne: Otherwise, I would have never done it. I mean...'cause it's not something that either of us really.... It was just, like, this thing. That, like, happened. He was just, like, there.
Rayanne: Yeah. I've never really hurt somebody this bad before. It's hard to believe. I mean, but I guess you can't really hurt someone this bad unless you really matter to
them. Please don't tell her I was here.
Brian: It happened. It can't be, like, erased.'
Rayanne: Great. Go ahead. Think what you want. You will anyway!
Rickie: Angela, look. You can't let their stupid actions, like, control you. You've gotta lead your own life.
Angela: Oh, come on! They think I'm some innocent little twit who they can treat as bad as they want. Well, they're wrong.... Thanks.
Rayanne You lost nothing, Angela. You lost a lousy, selfish friend, a guy you never really lost nothing!.... I lost a really good friend! I lost everything.
Rickie: I mean, face it...she's always partly wanted to be you. And in a way, I think this was her screwed up way of, for one night, kind of pretending she was you. I mean, I'm on your side, no question. But can I just ask you something? Why are you making this big play for Corey Hellfrick, when you know how I feel about him?
Graham: I don't know.... It's Hallie! Like how she's always late! Now even if we follow each other to a meeting, she's late because she stopped somewhere to...oh, I dunno...not to mention the fact that she is physically incapable of parking legally. I'll tell ya, it is enough to drive a sane person crazy!
Katimski: Oh, you can remember it like this: If you keep going downstage, you're going to fall down.
Katimski : Stop acting. There's really no need for it. You see, Emily is dead. The life she had is over. That's a pretty big deal. I mean...oh, gee whiz, she is just now
realizing how precious every moment of that life really was. And that she never really appreciated what she had. Just imagine...what that must feel like, Rayanne.
Rayanne: I can't go on, it goes so fast, we don't have time to look at one another. I didn't realize. So all that was going on, and...we never noticed. Take me back. Back to the hill, to my grave. But first, wait! One last look. Goodbye. Goodbye, world. Goodbye, Grover's Corners. Momma and Poppa. Goodbye to clocks ticking. Do any human
beings ever realize life while they live it? Every every minute?
Abyssinia: No. Saints and poets, maybe they do so.
Rayanne: I'm ready to go back.
Angela: Were you happy?
Rayanne: No. I should have listened to you. But that's all human beings are. Just blind people.
Danielle: My whole life, is waiting for something to happen.
Danielle: It's so easy to listen in on grownups' conversations. You just act like you're playing some boring game.
Danielle: It's truly amazing. I have the power to be invisible.
Danielle: My life is different people kicking me out of different rooms.
Rayanne: Hey, I didn't put you there, that's just where you are.
Cheryl : I hear this honk, right, and here's this cute guy in the car next to me rolling down his window. So I roll down my window, so then he holds up this piece of paper and he shouts out to me, "Hey, this flew out of your car." And I'm thinking, "My God, what did I lose?" And then right before the light turns green he holds the paper out and I reach my arm out and all these people behind us are HONKING. But he gives me the piece of paper so then I pull over to the side of the road, and I look at the paper and you know what it says?
Graham: "Hi, I'm Neil. Call me."
Cheryl: Yeah, how did you know that? How did he know that? Oh, I think I got a couple of doobies in here somewhere.
Angela: You know, if you wanted to, like, do something with Rayanne this weekend, it's not like I'd take it personally or anything.
Graham: Yeah. I love sex in a different bed.
Rayanne: I wouldn't mind spending a few hours here with someone special. I love sex on a different bed.
Rayanne: "Oh Graham, Graham, don't hurt me Master!"
Rayanne: Wait, maybe it's the other way around. "Graham, that dinner you prepared just wasn't tasty enough slave boy." "Patty, I've been bad. Punish me."
Rickie: This is, like, SO unfunny.
Cheryl: You're not listening to what I'm saying. Look this is what I believe, it is part of who I am and you've just, you have to accept that.
Angela: Right, I guess they belong to some really perverted guy you know or something.
Angela: Great. Wonderful. There's gotta be a key. Find it. And I'll explain this to you later. Like when you're thirty.
Angela: Why? Why? That is so exactly the point. Why? Because of respect, for elders, which I just feel is totally lost in, like, today's world. So, what did you need?
Patty: Well, I'm sure you could do anything you put your mind to.
Cheryl: I mean, you've got this great job, you've got this husband and children. It must be so satisfying. Like with me, there's so many, like, paths I could choose. Every single possibility of life is, like, open to me. But, you, I mean, your choices have been made. Your life is totally settled. It must really be like...comforting.
Camille: Uh, is that the same Rayanne that has the drinking problem?
Rickie: You might be confused and we don't want you to think that...
Angela: See, they're not even actually mom and dad's, okay, they're...
Sharon: Right, right, they're just, they're like...for fun, they're like...a toy.
Angela: Some big discussion about what happened between you and Jordan Catalano. Because the truth is, is that it happened and nothing can change that. I don't want to talk about it.
Angela : I'm telling you, those handcuffs do not belong to my parents.
Danielle: Oh my God. When he walked through the door, part of his arm
touched my shoulder. I thought I would faint, I mean swoon.
Brian: Um, all we need is wire shears. Uh, I mean, any dad has them, you know. I mean, not my dad, but a normal dad, like your dad, probably has them.
Graham: Whoa, it's really bad.
Patty: No, I'm an adult. I'm not gonna break the rules.
Cheryl: I have never met anyone like you.
Graham: Patty's not a big drinker.
Neil: Too mature for us.
Cheryl: By a lot.
Patty: Oh, come on, you make me sound so stuck up, or something. Fine, gimme that...hooch.
Graham: Aww, honey, you said "hooch" in a sentence.
Patty: Hey, that's not so bad.
Cheryl: Yes, whooo!
Patty: Cheers.
Danielle: He was a genius. I had goosebumps. Just watching him think.
Brian: Maybe we could find a place that sells handcuffs by the same manufacturer. Maybe they would use the same key.
Brian: Hey, I don't even know where the Pleasure Center is.
Sharon: Don't worry. I'll show you.
Patty: Oh, that means that he hates it. But I don't want you to feel bad, Warren, because you see, he's a food snob. And he hates anything that he doesn't fix himself.
Graham: Patty!
Patty: No. Warren is a very sensitive person, and he's my friend. And we speak all the time now. As a matter of fact, we speaked today when you left me here, all alone. Right, Warren?
Brian: Hey, wake up, I got 'em.
Rayanne: Oh, Krakow, we never did it with you on top before.
Brian: Hey, could we just keep this professional?
Rayanne: Oh, but you're my knight in shining armor. Wait a second. This key is too big. It won't fit. Krakow, you're such an idiot.
Brian: Quit moving, will you?
Rayanne: No, it's too big!
Warren: All right, that's enough! I'm sorry, but I have to ask you all to GO TO YOUR ROOMS!
Patty: Go to my room, excuse me, I am an adult!
Warren: That is a judgment call, ma'am.
Patty: No, no, no, no, what about my ice cream?
Warren: Nobody is getting any ice cream, tonight!
Patty: Ice cream! I want ice cream. Aw, c'mon Warren, how about one little scoop, hmm? I thought we were friends, Warren. Hey, this isn't so bad. This is fun.
Cheryl: I really admire her.
Rayanne : Girl after my very own heart. Okay, here's what you do. You go
down to the liquor cabinet. You give me a bottle. Anything brown.
I'll give you a dollar.
Danielle: My parents say you're a bad influence. I heard 'em talking about
the things you do. Why do you do 'em?
Rayanne : I don't know. See, okay, when I look at myself, I see everything
in, like, slow motion, and I think, "Something has to happen."
Only, it never does. So I have to make it happen.
Graham : Good morning sunshine. Uh, by the way, we've been asked to leave.
Cheryl : [laughs] We didn't decide to keep things casual. We broke up!
You don't wanna see me anymore. I got out of the shower this
morning, and Neil was on the phone with Marla. I guess it was
partly my fault. I take really short showers.
Angela : I'm really having second thoughts about you taking apart my
parents' bed.
Rayanne : Just do it.
Brian : I told you, that's the beauty part. I don't have to take apart
the whole bed, just the headboard.
Patty : Look, can I just say, oh God, how do I put this, I acted totally
like an idiot. I made a fool of myself. But, you still shouldn't
have left me alone all day while you were on your liquor hunt.
Graham : Honey, I had no idea it would take so long. Anyway, it didn't seem
to matter to them.
Patty : What about what matters to me? I mean, there I am, I'm waiting,
and I'm waiting, and I'm worrying, and I'm feeling like the minutes
are ticking by, and then you tell me that you're late because you
Rayanne : Yes, I'm free! Krakow, you're a genius! [plants one] Okay, I'm
outta here.
Angela : You're leaving?
Rayanne : I can still make something out of this weekend.
Angela : Don't you dare leave now. [grabs Rayanne's purse]
Rayanne : Hey, c'mon, hands off. [the tug of war begins]
Angela : My parents will never trust me again.
Rayanne : Come on, now you're crossing the line, girlfriend.
Angela : I can't believe you! You're like this curse that's just, just
destroying my life! [phone rings] You can't just walk out and
expect us to clean up after you. You're like this living,
breathing bad luck omen!
Rayanne : Don't mince words! Tell me how you feel.
Angela: In the dream I keep having about Jordan Catalano, I'm trying to catch up with him. But it's hard, because there's something wrong with the floor. Sometimes my father is there. Sometimes my great-aunt Gertrude's funeral kinda gets mixed in with it. The end of the dream is always the same -- I catch up with him. I yell and scream, how he hurt and betrayed me. How I can never forgive him. He just stands there, like someone caught in a storm who stopped caring how what he gets. Then I wake up. The storm of words still pounds through my body. Hatred can become, like, food. It gives you this energy. You can, like, live off it.
Graham: Yeah. Well, I say, good riddance. If they can't stand the heat, get out of the restaurant.
Graham: All right, here's the deal. Tasting is believing, my cooking speaks for itself. All right, I have to do what I do best, which is cook. So, I will cook for these money guys and that will be that. Right?
Angela: It's so weird when you see someone you just dreamed about. Like it's gonna show.
Jordan: Can't believe we have to use all those words in a sentence. I mean, not all in the same sentence, but, um, still. So, I'm still doing that tutoring thing. You know? Yeah. So guess what? There's, like, a term for me. I'm a rudimentary reader with low literacy skills. That kid, Brain, figured it out from this manual?
Sharon: He had the nerve to, like, talk to you? I don't believe him.
Sharon: Last night, I dreamed that Rayanne Graff and I were appearing in this water ballet together, for, like, charity.
Brian: Wait, you can go up to any girl and get her phone number, yet you're afraid to tell Angela Chase you're sorry?
Brian: No, uh-uh. No. Look, you did an undefendable thing, okay? No one can change that. I mean, you have to live with it. It's like you created your own prison, and now you have to exist in it.
Rayanne: Don't say, "in my humble opinion". That's Angela talk. That's how Angela Chase talks. What, are you trying to depress me? For your information, I happen to be a very happy, up person.
Angela: Well, I mean, a person can have feelings for someone, even if they're not, like, THE person any more.
Patty: I'm not sure. With Tony, it was, it was crazy. We really did some pretty crazy and wild things back then. I did! What can I say? But, uh, it's always tempting to lose yourself with someone, who's maybe lost themselves. But eventually, you want reality.
Brian: Just beg her forgiveness. I mean, tell her you're scum, that you're lower than scum. That you're not fit to lick her shoes.
Jordan: Angela?
Angela: I'm gonna be late for homeroom. What?
Jordan: I did an undefendable thing.
Jordan: I created my own prison.
Jordan: And I have to exist in it. Maybe I had a...wish, or whatever. To punish you. An unconscious wish. You've heard of them, right?
Angela: Yeah, I think so. [pause] I can't believe, what you just said was really amazing.
Jordan: I know.
Angela: Okay.
Jordan: Okay, what?
Angela: Okay, now we can have a serious talk.
Jordan: We just did.
Angela: Oh, come on, you can't hit a person with something that profound and expect that to be the end of the discussion.
Jordan: You can't? Oh, uh, I forgot. I, uh, I'm late for homeroom.
Jordan: I was so close yesterday, but it wasn't enough. She's, like, starved or something. It's gotta be written down so I can't screw it up.
Rayanne: Amber's, like, totally jazzed. It turns out, it's, like, her big dream to have a daughter in the school play.
Rickie: Yeah, but you're using him, too. To, like, express your true feelings towards Angela. Or whatever.
Rickie: I can't even believe it. I mean, it's such, like, an unfamiliar experience. I mean, do you realize, how much easier my life would be...if I could just like her back? I mean, Brian, this could be my chance. To be straight.
Dear Angela,
I know in the past I've caused you pain, and I'm sorry. And I'll always be sorry, 'til the day I die. And I hate this pen I'm holding, because I should be holding you. I hate this paper under my hand, because it isn't you. I even hate this letter, because it's not the whole truth. Because the whole truth much more than a letter can even say. If you wanna hate me, go ahead. If you wanna burn this letter, do it. You could burn the whole world down. You could tell me to go to hell -- I'd go, if you wanted me to. And I'd send you a letter from there.
Jordan Catalano
Angela: Have you ever just, like, completely given up on someone, and then
something happens, and you go, "Oh my God. There's so much more to
this person than I ever dreamed!"
Angela: It's not just this letter. It's, like, the most incredible letter I've ever gotten. Ever. Boy, you must have really worked hard. I mean, tutoring him. I mean, I really, I should thank you. It's obviously made a real difference.
Jordan: I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me.
Brian: No, look. I mean, what difference does it make? So, they happen to be, like, together. So what? SO WHAT? I mean, if you, like, analyze why certain people end up with certain other people, it'll make you want to kill yourself.
Rayanne: Wanna know something really laughable? I have no friends. I mean, Angela Chase. Forget it, we obviously cannot discuss that. Rickie Vasquez -- totally not my friend. Tino -- not dependable. You're probably thinkin', "So what? You, like, deserve to have no friends." I mean, that is what you're thinking, isn't it?
Sharon: I have never met anyone like you, you know. You will say anything, and a person can say anything to you. You're just, like, non-shockable, or something. It's kind of...
Rayanne: It's refreshing, isn't it?
Sharon: Yeah, it is kind of...refreshing.
Rayanne: Refreshing.
Sharon: So you do...have a friend. I mean, maybe not the one you want, but...
Rayanne: I screwed up.
Sharon: Duh squared.
Rickie: Okay, good. I don't feel so bad for blabbing it then. I kinda figured you'd figure it out.
Delia: Wow. I feel kind of honored. I have to be honest. I have, like, the biggest crush on you.
Rickie: Another first.
Delia: See, I've pretty much figured it out. It's partly because, I think, you're the most fantastic person. Plus, you're an awesome dancer. And partly that Brian Krakow really hurt me. I mean, I'm sorry, I know he's, like, a friend of yours and all, but he is the most self-centered, low-down dog of all time. He uses girls, then, like, tosses them aside. I guess I'm just...sort of in the mood to have a crush on somebody where it can't hurt too much.
Rickie: Be my guest. Uh, Delia, if I were attracted to girls, I'd be attracted to you.
Jordan : It's think you're safe, or something. 'Cause you can just...walk away anytime. Because you don't, like, need her. You don't need anyone. But the thing you didn't realize're wrong.
Angela: Uh, Brian? Brian, look at me. Um, that letter I told you about. Um, Rickie said you wrote it. And I have to know because-
Brian: Know what? There's nothing to know. [pause] Okay, what, what Rickie probably meant is that, see, Jordan Catalano asked me to, like, proofread it for grammatical errors.
Angela: You proofread a love letter? Is this like a game to you?
Brian: Um, hardly.
Angela: But you admit that you were involved.
Brian: I'm not admitting anything.
Angela: This is a joke, right? That the, the two of... Oh God. I can't believe I fell for it. It's obviously a total lie.
Brian: No, I meant every word. I mean, the person who wrote it meant every word. Probably.
Angela: Brian?
Brian: I didn't write it.
Angela: But Brian, you said-
Brian: Forget what I said. Forget this whole conversation!
Angela: How?
Brian: You liked it, though, right? It made you, like, happy?
Angela: Yeah.
Brian: 'Cause that's probably all that, you know, matters.
Angela: To who?
Brian: To, you know, the person...who wrote it.
Monday, September 14, 2009
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