Sunday, April 25, 2010

Instant Star Season Four

Jude: [voicover] Some decisions come naturally, sometimes you just know what's right in your heart, though my heart hasn't always known what's best for me. How do you know what to choose, how could you know? When it came right down to it, there was no choice to be made. Who am I to fight destiny, especially when it looks like that, feels like this?

Sadie: Losing your virginity on a beach to the guy you love sounds pretty special to me, Jude.

Darius: Michelangelo never wanted to paint the Sistine Chapel but the Pope insisted. You know what he got for finally saying yes? A masterpiece so beautiful that it made the angels weep.

Karma: Come on honeys, let's go shake what the good Lord gave us.

Cassandra: Oh, there's an odd couple. Tommy Q and monogamy.

Sadie: What are those coming out of your eyes? Crying?

Karma: Stop the presses. Karma has feelings. Karma has issues with other women. Karma hasn't had a real friend since second grade.

Karma: Does anyone plan to tear out her fake maid of honor's weave on national television because she won't get out of the bride's light?

Jude: Sorta an emergency. A sex-mergency.

Tommy: If you wanted simple, you should of chosen the boy next door.

Jude: I'm sorry I Paris Hilton-ed out on you.

Jude: Depth of sunlight, a gorgeous guy on guitar, my relationship with Tommy Q. He's the best in the world. Tommy and me, we're all about private moments. Others like to show the world what they got. Why can't they see what everyone else sees? Why can't they see they're doomed?