Monday, March 9, 2009
Instant Star
Sometimes you gotta live your life on the edge. (Season One)
You're quivering like a porn star in church. (Season Two)
A real kiss isn't in the lips, it's in the heart and if it isn't with [him] then it doesn't count. - Tommy (Season One)
Music is owned by the people who love it. - Pagan
You can't go around kissing people and telling them it doesn't count. That's like lip abuse. - Jamie (Season One)
They say the way you celebrate your birthday sets your tone for the entire year. - Jude (Season One)
Darius: Both y'all gotta learn to accept, when a thing you care about is dying, learn to let it go man.
Darius: A masterpiece so beautiful it made angels weep.
Darius: Condition number 1, you spend every day in here working on your third album until condition 2, you finish it.
Jude: That's the thing about love, every time you give a guy your heart, there's a chance he'll hand it back to you in pieces.
Jude: Spied, a homeless guy just offered to brush my arm hairs, okay? Paradise can't be upstairs from hell and nasty.
Jude: This is crazy, even for a crazy person, which you clearly are.
Mr. Harrison: I mean they never ask Bob Dylan about his sex life
Jude: Well I sure hope not, the guys like 60
Jude: Before I met you, I thought you were gonna suck huge.
Jude: You are like a banana split after a week of being on The Zone
Jude: I need help with lyrics.
Wally: How about..."Life's a test"
Spied: "But you always do your best"
Kyle: "Exposing your right breast"
Jude: It starts out as nothing, just a wish. Out of nothing a wish can catch fire and burn with such intensity, the glow can be seen for miles. Right now my life is on fire. Let it burn.
Jude: There are three types of people in the world, suckers, grownups, and victims. Being a grownup means choosing your own destiny.
Jude: If I have to make a choice, there's no contest. I'm a rockstar.
Jude: I know you care, Tommy, you save a look just for me.
Tommy: I want you to come with me. I want all of you with me forever.
Jude: Oh my God.
Tommy: And I don’t care if you’re herding goats, or waiting tables, or making music. I just want you to be happy. And, um, now you can be, as the sole owner of your own musical catalog.
Jude: What? You got this from Darius? Tommy, what did you have to do?
Tommy: Doesn’t matter. I would do anything for you…because I love you.
Speed: Is your squintless summer melting your grey matter? How long's it been?
Jude: 5 weeks, 3 days. But I can do it.
Speed: Yeah?
Jude: Yeah.
Speed: Right. You miss him.
Kyle: You need to see him.
Speed: You can't live without him.
Kyle: You need to give him a big hug.
Speed: You can't live without his kisses.
Kyle: And his hair gel.
Speed: I can't live without his hair gel.
TOMMY: So, let's meet halfway. Kissing in public is cool but no tongue.
JUDE: We can talk to the cameras about our relationship but no couch jumping.
TOMMY: Deal.
JUDE: So, tell me Tommy Q, limousine- public or private?
TOMMY: That is a bit of a grey area.
Jude: Come on, Tommy. I think we both know what you want to say. That it was a mistake, right? Just a pity kiss. That you don't feel the way I do because I'm just a kid... Just say it. Lie to me.
Tommy: Either I have to quit working with you, or I can stay. But we have to agree that that kiss - it never happened.
Jude: You can be a serious pain in the butt Quincy, but there's not one thing i'd change about you.
Jude: I'm Jude Harrison and I'm a Tommy-holic.
Jude: Your shirt does kind of say 'I love calculus'
Jude; Ain't no party like a Harrison party, 'cause a Harrison party don't stop!
Jude: Ok Spied, I need you to play like Karma just punched you in the face for breathing too loud.
Jude: Why is it always so easy for you to throw us away?
Tommy: Because I'm not good enough for you.
Tommy: Is everyone decent in here?
Jude: I think the iguana is topless.
Tommy: I'll consider myself warned.
Jude: If I was a wrench, where would I be?
Spiederman: Make him you second choice guy...Again! The dude’s been your rebound so many times he’s going to get whiplash!
Jude: Hi! Welcome to the new insanity that is now Gmajor Records, and this is Nurse Darius' ward.
Jude: I feel like if we don't repair this friendship now, we're gonna fizzle into stranger hood.
Tommy: You want to repair it in your pajamas?
Jude: You're right. Quality friend time first, then pajama party.
Speed: Thanks for acting as a buffer between me and Karma's big head.
Jude: And what a head it is.
Jude: I was planning to debut my new basement song tonight, but you're gonna have to wait for that one. It's a fantastic song and I love it, but it's not where my head's at anymore. So I'm gonna do another song instead, and it's about a girl who's just about to fly off and see the world and in order for her to spread her wings, she has to do it alone. So thank you for holding my hand and thanks for letting me go.
Jude: So uhm, here's a funny thing, a funny thing, about relationships. No matter what you expect from a couple, you never know what they're like when they're alone together. And the only two people qualified to say whether those two people even belong together, is those two people.
Jude: I'm twice the artist I ever was because of you.
Tommy: And I'm twice the producer I ever thought I could be because of you.
Jude: The whole poker thing, you were just messing with me?
Tommy: Uhm well documented break-up rule: exes get to push each other’s buttons just for the fun of it. And you were the one who convinced the shop owner to sell us the Bowie in the first place.
Jude: Well you’re still a jerk.
Sadie: Oh, well, you know…looks like a date, smells like a date....
Jude: So opposite to a date, it's a don't.
Jude: It's more of an emergency...A sexmergency.
Jude: Famous or not, a real relationship happens when no one else is looking, when you're alone together, knee deep in quiet moments, with the one you love.
Jude: I used to daydream about it all the time, What it would be like to be famous. I used to sing in front of my mirror you know, with my hairbrush pretending I was on stage. A Rock Star! All I could imagine was the sound of the crowd. The sound of my music pumping through the speakers and then it happened. I woke up and my dream came true.
Jude: You think I'm over-rated, Skidmark? How about you tell your new girlfriend here that nobody even likes you on the tour bus? We only keep you around because you're an okay guitar player! OR how about the fact that you wear the same Ninja Turtles pajamas every single night?!
Jude: I'm little Tommy Q and my pants are so SHINY!
Jude: Some decisions come naturally, sometimes you just know what's right in your heart.
Jude: My heart hasn't always known what's best for itself. How do you know who it is? How could you know?
Jude: This year has been worst and best in my life. I got the chance to start living a dream. I fell in love ...twice, then got my heart broke....twice. Then I learned that parents aren't perfect and that sisters can be your enemy and your friend and that some friends can be your whole world. With people this great in your life you hold on and pray they never leave you, but sometimes your the one who has to leave them. They say life is a journey and if it is the real question isn't 'Where are you going?' It's 'Who's coming with you.'
Jude: Every question in life can be answered by Joey Ramone lyrics. Joey wrote "Touring." Touring is never boring, lets go lets go. But he also wrote "Do you love me back?" so what do say? Do you love me back? There's only one person who can answer that for me. Tom Quincy do you love me back?
Jude: Nothing says I love you like unwrapping your feelings to the world and nothing says he doesn't like a huge dose of public humiliation.
Jude: You know when Tommy was in Boyz Attack, security used to call him Jazzy Hands. Sorry, I'm trying to wean off the Tommy mentionitis.
Jude: They say fame is like a drug, one taste and you’re hooked. And when it comes to celebrity cravings, no one has a more addictive personality than Karma. But there's no one less impressed by fame than Karma's husband. He just wants to keep his wife happy. Looks like she just got her fix.
Jude: She really is a shooting star, unpredictable, but beautiful.
Jude: I'll take my chances on the mean streets Mr. Quincy. But mark my words I'm going to be singing at the Hollywood ball and dining at the ritz faster than you can say cat man do. Good evening Mr.Quincy
Jude: If I fly to London I leave everything normal that's ever kept me grounded.
Tommy: Look around. When they start closing restaurants for you, you left normal eating your dust.
Tommy: The only thing worse than feeling like you can't move on, is the moment you realize that you can.
Tommy: Hey Vince, what part of it’s time for all posers to leave the studio don’t you understand?
Spied: Well, right after you, insecure, little Mangella boy.
Tommy: A real kiss isn't in the lips, it's in the heart.
Tommy: Just so you know, when the dealer is referring to chips, he’s not offering you a snack pack.
Tommy: 'Cause nothing says legitimate singing contest like space prostitutes.
Tommy Q: Same old story, Boy meets band, boy becomes big star of band, band wants to kill boy in sleep.
Tommy: Working in a song it's like falling in love. At first it's a rush, but then it gets painful and sometimes you gotta walk away. But sometimes you come out with something beautiful , like that song.
Tommy : Don't quit. Cause you're it, girl. You're the real thing. You're even better.
Tommy: Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside of us.
Tommy: Welcome to paparazzi hell, population us.
Tommy: I'll eat this mixing board if this is not your best album.
Tommy: Hey Karma, how about we try it again with a little more falsetto and a little less false?
Tommy: Tommy: It would amaze me if you cut out the finger noise and took it from the top without the attitude.
Tommy; It was shallow and bubbly like all great TV theme songs.
Tommy: Jude, just so you know, poker involves actual…math.
Tommy: Thou shalt not make the concept album. Thou shalt not let the drummer sing. Thou shalt not romance within the band.
Tommy: All my life I've been a coward, running away from the things that i wanted...but I'm done running.
Tommy: In my day we were grateful for crackers.
Tommy: In the immortal words of Johnny Cash "You want them to feel it in their guts, you got to sing it from your guts" so go get some
Tommy: A real kiss, it isn't in the lips. Its in the heart and if yours isn't in this one with Shay, then it doesn't count.
Tommy: Don't you ever ask anyone's permission to like your own music, you understand? Do you love that song?
Tommy: You come into my studio again and I will squash you until your emo haircut and converse sneakers are neighbors
Tommy: I know you want to protect your daughter, If i had a daughter I would never let her date me.
Tommy: I'll take you baby, I'll take you like a climber takes everest.I'll take you to the top
Tommy: Don't you ever let your friends, or the crowd, tell you if it rocks. You go out there and you tell them. I believe in you.
Tommy: First, I'm here because Georgia is friend. I could care less about you or your whack contest. Second, the name is Tom Quincy. Don't you ever call me Little Tommy Q again.
Spiederman: Five bucks says they had to pixelate my naked butt at least six times.
Speed: Dude, 3:30 Friday. You and I kick him in the shins and then run!
Spiederman: (To Jude) But I always knew that you only had room in your heart for one guy..and that's Lord Squinty Frooown!!
Speed: Dude, sometimes we walk where the streets have no name and still can't find what we're looking for.
Spiederman: Let's give it up for Can-Do Quincy, back in the studio! Aaah!
Speed: I've got a date with a chimichanga.
Speed: Finally I can scratch my ass without the nation watching
Speed: Dude, you must have cajones of titanium.
Karma: You've broken my heart and kicked my dog, but I am still standing.
Speed: I gotta hand it to you shorty, you are more fly girl that I could ever handle, but I will not leave this apartment until I see you cry.
Karma: If you bring Chichi back right now I won't hurt you. Well I will but not enough to leave a scar.
Speed: How can you say Chichi with a straight face?
Spiederman: Look Jennifer. Apparently, I know more about neuroscience than I do my own fiance.
Karma: Call me that again, and this engagement ring is inside your nose.
Speed: Come on Harrison. You gave up faster than Wally's deodorant.
Jamie: Spied, whatever you're thinking, for the love of your career, please unthink it.
Speed: No can do Jamers. Not when it's brilliant.
Speed: I feel like I'm cheating on Kyle and Wally.
Speed: You know why our audience hates you? It’s because you have no soul.
Speed: Hated first name usage. Low blow.
Speed: Now all we got to worry about is Patsy's ghost coming up behind us and giving us supernatural wedgies.
Speed: Like Wally says, even though you've loved and lost, maybe we can still jam together
Kyle: Don't look at me, I don't think in words.
Patsy: You're quivering like a pornstar in church.
Georgia: Men, can't live with them, can't stuff them in your trunk.
Stuart: So you've been moody and acting out because, why, the moon is full?
Jamie: A sandwich in its previous life. Now it's part of the fragile ecosystem I call Jamesica.
Kyle: It's like teaching sign language to a donkey.
Karma: Speedy, meet Chichi. Chichi, meet poopy head. Speed's a poopy head. Yes he is.
Jamie: Don't sneak up on a guy who has a double ear infection. I can't hear anything.
Karma:I knew from the moment we met your icky, ruthless side we'd be best friends.
Karma: If I ever had to pump my own gas, I would die.
Kat: I can't win. I get a boyfriend and he's in love with you, I make my own clothes and you get designer freebies, I get an old car, and you get the coolest old car ever,And then you get flowers from Tommy fricken Q.
Karma: Now you know my secret. Stop the presses. Karma has feelings. Karma has issues with other women. Karma hasn't had a real friend since 2nd grade.
Van: Your a doll, No really, your like a doll, all blond and manufactured,I can just see my seven year old daughter wanting to stuff you into the dream camper with your crotchless boyfriend.By the way, are you getting any plastic boyfriend action princess pop star?
Funny Valentines
Wedding Crashers
Gloria Cleary: Yeah. Do you want to watch me with another girl? How about those Brazilian twins we met at the ball game?
Jeremy Grey: Tattoo on the lower back? Might as well be a bullseye.
Jeremy Grey: Listen, a bicycle is going to take a lot of balloons and frankly, uncle Jeremy is a bit tired. How about I make you something else?
Jeremy Grey: A friend in need is a pest.
Jeremy Grey: I got a stage five, virgin, clinger.
John Beckwith: You look beat. Soft mattress?
Jeremy Klein: Soft mattress? Maybe, or it could have been the midnight rape, or the nude gay art show. I had my sock, the one that I walked around in all day, played football, sweated in, stuffed in my mouth and duct taped in! I'm going to eat my breakfast over here. Don't talk to me.
Chazz Reinhold: Grief is nature's most powerful aphrodisiac.
Mrs. Kroeger: You shut your mouth when you're talking to me!
John Beckwith: Don't waste your time on girls with hats. They're all very prim and proper.
Jeremy Klein: Yeah? Well, little miss prim and proper just eye-fucked the shit out of me.
John Beckwith: You know how they say we only use 10 percent of our brains? I think we only use 10 percent of our hearts.
Jeremy Klein: I felt like Jodie Foster in "The Accused" last night.
John Beckwith: [to a group of children at a wedding] Love doesn't exist, that's what I'm trying to tell you guys. And I'm not picking on love, 'cause I don't think friendship exists either.
John Beckwith: Claire! All I wanted is to have a minute alone with you to explain everything. But I've never gotten that chance. So here goes. For longer than I care to remember, my business has been crashing weddings. I crashed weddings to meet girls. Business was good. I met a lot of girls. It was childish and irresponsible.
John Beckwith: Rule #15: give me an up-to-date family tree. That was your mistake; you just made me look like an idiot.
Jeremy Grey: Rule #35: Never commit to a relative unless you're absolutely positive they have a pulse.
Jeremy Grey: Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!
Secretary Cleary: You know Gloria, she's always been impetuous. She had to have her sweet sixteen on her thirteenth birthday!
Secretary Cleary: Well, the guy wants to run for president, he thinks Moby Dick is a venereal disease.
Sack Lodge: Ok, you can just cut that psycho babble bullshit your mom tells you. You wanna help me kid? Do you? Why don't you run along and fetch me a 7Up, ok? 'Cause I might get vulnerable again.
Here on Earth
Kelly: What freaks you out more? Getting bailed out by your girlfriend or knowing she was adding me to her fantasy file?
Pete: What'd he say?
Jasper: I think he just said 'come kick my ass'.
Sam: I love this spot, it's like heaven right here on earth, maybe that's what heaven is, maybe we go through life collecting people and places we love and they become in our heaven and that's where you mom is, she in her heaven surrounded by everything that she loves... including you.
Sam: Some people live their whole lives and never fall in love. I've lived my life and I fell in love.
To Be Fat Like Me
People are like mirrors, they give back what you put out.
- Edward to Bella; New Moon.
And so, the lion fell in love with the lamb.
You're like my own personal brand of heroine. - Edward Cullen
If I could dream at all, I would dream of you. And I'm not ashamed of it. - Edward Cullen
Forbidden to remember. Terrified to forget.
When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.
Look after my heart, I've left it with you. - Edward Cullen
I’m here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away, when I told you that I didn’t want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy. – Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen: You see, every person smells different, has a different essence. If you locked an alcoholic in a room full of stale beer, he'd gladly drink it. But he could resist, if he wished to, if he was a recovering alcoholic. Now let's say you placed in that room a glass of hundred-year-old brandy... How do you think he would fare then?
Edward Cullen: Maybe that's not the right comparison. Maybe it would be to easy to turn down brandy. Perhaps I should make our alcoholic a heroin addict instead.
Isabella Swan: I'm only afraid of losing you.
Edward Cullen: Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it.
Isabella Swan: [to Edward] I'd rather die than to stay away from you.
Isabella Swan: You know, your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash.
Edward Cullen: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Edward Cullen: I can read every mind in this room apart from yours. There's... Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Cat... And then you, nothing. That's very frustrating.
Isabella Swan: [Last lines] No one will surrender tonight, but I won't give in. I know what I want.
Isabella Swan: [Voice-over] Death is peaceful - easy. Life is harder.
Edward Cullen: I'm the world's most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell. As if I would need any of that. As if you could outrun me. As if you could fight me off. I'm designed to kill.
Edward Cullen: I hate you for making me want you so much.
Isabella Swan: I'd never given much though to how I would die. But dying in place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go. I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me face to face with death. They also brought me to Edward.
Billy Black: I'm down with the kids.
Charlie Swan: [sarcastically] Oh yeah, you're the bomb.
Isabella Swan: About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him, and I didn't know how dominate that part might be, that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
Isabella Swan: [to Edward] You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is... pale white, and ice cold. your eyes change color. and sometimes you speak like like your from a different time. you never eat or drink any thing. you don't go into the sunlight.
Edward Cullen: I'm strong enough to kill you.
Edward Cullen: Is it not enough to have a long and happy life with me?
Edward Cullen: Your scent, it's like a drug to me. You're like my own personal brand of heroin.
Edward Cullen: I can't ever lose control with you.
Isabella Swan: I dream about being with you forever.
Under the Feet of Jesus
"God was mean and did not care and she was alone to fend for herself."
"Mama, take a look at that, but a woman walked in the store and toppled the peak by removing the top single red one, shiny as new love, and it was as easy to dismantle all the work as it was to kick a can on the road."
"I wish I could love someone so much that I would die from it."
"No wonder the angels had picked a place like this to exist."
DeGrassi: The Next Generation
You can't fight how you feel.
Life is random. Sometimes it's tragic and messed up.
If you can find someone you love and loves you back, then it's meant to be.
Your body is a reflection of you.
Love isn't about luck, it's about being with the right person.
What we want isn't what we get, and what we get isn't always what we want.
Oliver and Company
You and me together will be
Forever, you'll see
We two can be good company
You and me
Yes, together we two
Together that's you
Forever with me
We'll always be good company
You and me
Yes together we'll be
You and me together will be
Forever, you'll see
We two can be good company
You and me
Yes, together we two
Together that's you
Forever with me
We'll always be good company
You and me
Yes, together well me
You and me together will be
Forever you'll see
We'll always be good company
You and me
Just wait and see
Batman Begins
It's not about who I am underneath
It's what I do
That defines
Alfred: You start pretending to have fun, you might even have a little by accident.
Bruce Wayne: Bats frighten me. It's time my enemies shared my dread.
Bruce Wayne: I seek... a means to fight injustice. To turn fear against those who prey on the fearful.
Alfred: Time to get up.
Bruce Wayne: Bats are nocturnal.
Alfred: That may be, but even for billionaire playboys, 3:00 is pushing it.
Bruce Wayne: A guy who dresses as a bat clearly has issues.
Bruce Wayne: I'm going to show the people of Gotham that the city doesn't belong to the criminals and the corrupt. People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy. I can't do this as Bruce Wayne. A man is just flesh and blood and can be ignored or destroyed. But as a symbol... as a symbol, I can be incorruptible, everlasting.
Bruce Wayne: They told me there was nothing out there, nothing to fear. But the night my parents were murdered I caught a glimpse of something. I've looked for it ever since. I went around the world, searched in all the shadows. And there is something out there in the darkness, something terrifying, something that will not stop until it gets revenge. Me.
Pet Cemetary 2
"I've never had anyone die before. But I guess you get over it. You know, eventually."
"You never get over it."
John Tucker Must Die
How many of you are dating a John Tucker?
I know I did and he had me fooled.
John Tucker, there is only one man out there for me, and
John Tucker: Maybe I come on too strong, but... I don't know who else to be. I just have to put my whole heart into things.
Kate: So I'm not just some '82 Bordeaux you want to uncork and pork.
Beth: I can't believe I ate meat for him. I mean, it was fish, but still. I don't eat anything with a face.
Beth: I was so depressed, I couldn't even enjoy the break-up sex. Oh my god, I'm such a slut!
Scott: You're perfect Kate... and so far not flammable.
Carrie: You should totally wear underwear to school.
Scott: Well, my mom says I'm special on the inside.
John Tucker: Girl is my type.
Scott: Alright, well then maybe you're not her type. She's into stuff like old school Elvis Costello, she listens to obscure podcasts, she reads Dave Eggers. You know, she's deep, man.
John Tucker: Dude, I'm deep. I'm dating the poetry club.
Beth: It's not even my date and he still gets me out of my skirt!
Heather: John and I belong together. He's the varsity captain, and after all, I AM the head cheerleader.
Beth: Sorry what kind of cheerleader?
The Perfect Man
Love is friendship on fire.
Bringin Down the House
The cool points are out the window but you've got me all twisted up in the game.
A Cinderella Story
Sam: Where do princesses go to college?
Hal: They go where the princes go. They go to Princeton.
Hal: Fairy tales aren't just about finding handsome princes. they're about fulfilling your dreams and about standing up for what you believe in.
Hal: Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
Fiona: People go to school to get smarter so that they can get a job. You already have a job, so it's like skipping a step.
Fiona: Droughts are for poor people. Do you think J.Lo has a brown lawn? People who use extra water have extra class!
Mr. Farrow: A man's best friend is his Mercedes.
Buenos dias, fighting frogs. Here's your daily drought reminder to conserve agua. Cut your showers short. Brownie points go out to Mr. Rothman, who hasn't had one in weeks. And don't forget, today's your last chance to get tickets to the big Halloween homecoming dance. Whoop di do. You too can dress up like someone you're not for a change.
Sam: I swear, people like Shelby and Austin are genetically programmed to find each other. I mean, how can so much ego be in one relationship?
Sam: Sometimes fantasy is better than reality, Carter.
Austin: I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone. Then I think of you.
Austin: I can't sleep without knowing there's hope. Half the night I waste in sighs. In a wakeful doze I sorrow. For the hand, the lips... the eyes. For the meeting of tomorrow.
Gabrielle: Excuse me? Like, what are you the dirt police?
Fiona: Sweetheart, now that you're old enough, there's something I've always wanted to tell you, and I think you're ready to hear it. You're not very pretty,and you're not very bright. I'm so glad we had that talk.
Rhonda: Ugh, it must be Halloween. Look at what just flew in. The wicked witch of the Valley.
Fiona: Well, if it isn't little Betty Crocker from the 'hood.
Rhonda: Fiona, if I wanted to look like a clown, I'd join the circus
Fiona: If you were part of my circus, I'd have you clean the elephant butts with a Wet One.
Rhonda: That woman could make a nun swear.
David: Madison, Laxatives don't qualify as a food group.
In true LA fashion, it's not about who you are, it's about what you wear.
Terry: Indeed, I have traveled through time and space to find you. Now join me in the mating dance of Zion.
Austin: I live in a world full of people pretending to be someone they're not. But when I talk to you I am the guy I want to be.
Austin: You'd think I'd be able to remember those eyes. They're so beautiful.
Sam: Maybe you were looking but you weren't really seeing.
Carter: FYI, Sam. Yellow means slow down, not speed up.
Sam: I need Fast and the Furious, not Driving Miss Daisy.
Fiona: What are you? A commercial? Click.
Here's your daily drought reminder, only flush for number two.
Ryan: Real? Like she still have her old nose.
Austin: No, real. A girl who has more on her mind than what she wears or how much weight she wants to lose. She listens to me.
Austin: I need to know who you are. I can't take my mind off you. Please tell me who you are.
Brianna: This times could you make it sound more like me? I'm so sick of trying to explain why I sound so smart on paper and so not smart not on paper.
Austin: You know what bugs me?
Sam: People taking your order?
Austin: No. Taking people's orders.
Austin: Do you ever feel like if you show someone who you truly are they won't accept you?
Sam: Yeah, like being yourself isn't good enough. Like you're wearing a mask. You just wanna be honest with this person and tell them, "It's me. I'm the one you've been looking for."
Bonjour Fighting Frogs. Here's your daily drought reminder. Don't hose your lawn, your car, and anybody else, for that matter.
Shelby: Once upon a time, there was a big, strong Fighting Frog. He had a beautiful girlfriend, and his dad owned the biggest pond in all the land. But he still wasn't happy. If only he could find a princess then she could kiss him and turn him into a prince, and they would run away together. One night, after the slimy frog ditches his super-hot senior-poll-most-popular girlfriend, he meets his princess. Alas, it turned out that our frog not only had a secret identity but also had a secret e-mail relationship with a pen pal named Princeton Girl.
Brianna: Dear Princeton Girl, I can't wait till we finally get to meet. You're the only one who understands the real me. The man who doesn't want to play USC football. but who wants to be at Princeton, with you.
Gabriella: Dear Nomad, I want you to know who I am but I'm scared. I'm scared you'll reject me. And I've never had a real kiss before.
Shelby: But our princess had a secret too. She wasn't royalty at all, but a geek, a loser, a servant girl. And who, may you ask, is this imposter? Give it up for the pretend princess, diner girl, Sam Montgomery.
Shelby: People like her don't belong in our world, Austin.
Sam: I quit this job. I quit your family. And I'm moving out. You can mess with your hair, your nose, and your face. You can even mess with my dad's diner. But you're through messing with me.
Sam: No, you listen. You turned out to be exactly who I thought you were. I never pretended to be somebody else. It's been me all along. And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody. Look, I didn't come here to yell at you, okay? I came here to tell you I know what it feels like to be afraid to show who you are. I was, but I'm not anymore. And the thing is, I don't care what people think about me. Because I believe in myself. And I know that things are gonna be okay. But even thought I have no family and no job and no money for college, it's you that I feel sorry for. I know that guy that sent those e-mails is somewhere down inside of you. But I can't wait for him, because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought: useless and disappointing.
Carter: Anything is possible if you just believe.
Tuck Everlasting
You don't have to live forever.
You just have to live.
I wish you could see what I see. - New New
At thirteen, girls are like comic books: loaded with adventure, easy to understand, and cost no more than a quarter.
Boy, you're shaken like a stripper. Tighten up.
pleasure turns to the pain
of the lessons learned from the strain
of the questions burned in my brain
about whether love is humane
in its touch
these thoughts are like salmon
swimming upstream
in the tears of your deceit
fighting the current hurt
that kills more than is created
by the chaos of our intertwined emotions
chaotic because the anchor
of eros' arrow
has been plucked from the vessel
of my undying infatuation
separation not as simple
as the distance between us
my mind no longer possessed
by the demons
that had been the overseers
of my enslavement to your lies
the seeds of these lies
rooted so deeply
they have cracked the foundation
of what we once shared
allowing the faith in us i had sealed inside
to gush out like a river
ripping the image of our future together
from my thoughts
as violently and as brutally
as if it were a child being taken
from his mother's arms
i'm left surrounded in darkness
but i refuse to be swalloed by it
my loneliness like the night air
invisible to the eyes, obvious to the touch
in its cold uncomfortableness
yet if i could do it all over again
to lay down and let love die
just stay down and let love lie
no, no, not i
i'll stay 'round and let love fly
even though i have seen
its darkest form, deceit
nothing else could taste this warm
or feel this sweet.
Never Been Kissed
with his mysterious confidence who seems so perfect in everyway..
the guy you get up and go to school for in the morning..
high school would not have been the same without him..
I would not have been the same without him."
Nobody's gonna wanna buy the whole ice cream truck when you're handing out Popsicles for free.
That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person. And you realize that that person is the only person that you’re supposed to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment you get this amazing gift. And you wanna laugh and you wanna cry, ‘cause you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that it’ll go away all at the same time.
She's The Man
Some were born with greatness.
Some achieve greatness.
Some just have greatness thrust upon them.
- "Duke" Channing Tatum
Girls with asses like mine, do not talk to boys with faces like yours. - Monique
Wen my eyes are closed I see you for what you truly are... UGLY! - Violet
Jerry Springer
Guest: Well, you got your cousins and your kissin' cousins.
Guest: We're cousins. I know what we doing is wrong. But I would never do this with another cousin.
Guest: If you was there, we would be having sex.
Jerry: You do have to be there to have sex. I'm old but I know that much.
Jerry: There's one way to settle this... in the "Jerry Springer Muscle Woman Competition."
Reverend: First off, God wants you to go to church but he also wants your to cut your own grass. If you didn't leave it to him, you wouldn't be there listening to porno music, you wouldn't be jumping off the couch. How often did you have sex? Three times a month, what the hell, you mind as well be married. So forget the big wedding, get married, and you don't have to worry about having sex anymore because it wont happen. Are you going to forgive her for having sex with your brother? Do you want to get married right now? Are you up for it? Let's get married!
Guest: You're a guy. Guys like to have sex!
Jerry: There's only one way to resolve this... and that is to have the "Jerry Springer Muscle Man Contest."
Girl: You got girls sending naked pictures to you every night.
Guy: I'm a tattoo artist. I want to see my canvas before I work on it.
Guest: You're going to cry when you're sleeping with my best friend?
Audience Guest: I got a question for the tranny. Do you stuff your bra with double cheeseburgers?
The Rage: Carrie 2
It's not so great. Sometimes I wish I could be like the shiny happy people, ya know.
What? Does that surprise you?
--Yeah....Everything about you surprises me
A Walk to Remember
It’s like the wind, I can’t see it but I can feel it. I feel wonder, beauty, joy, love. It’s the center of everyting.
I’m scared of not being with you.
Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself. Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I’m sick, to help me through all of this. You’re my angel.
Music & Lyrics
Bobby: On Mindless Menace of Violence
Mr. Chairman, Ladies And Gentlemen:
This is a time of shame and sorrow. It is not a day for politics. I have saved this one opportunity, my only event of today, to speak briefly to you about the mindless menace of violence in America which again stains our land and every one of our lives.
It is not the concern of any one race. The victims of the violence are black and white, rich and poor, young and old, famous and unknown. They are, most important of all, human beings whom other human beings loved and needed. No one - no matter where he lives or what he does - can be certain who will suffer from some senseless act of bloodshed. And yet it goes on and on and on in this country of ours.
Why? What has violence ever accomplished? What has it ever created? No martyr's cause has ever been stilled by an assassin's bullet.
No wrongs have ever been righted by riots and civil disorders. A sniper is only a coward, not a hero; and an uncontrolled, uncontrollable mob is only the voice of madness, not the voice of reason.
Whenever any American's life is taken by another American unnecessarily - whether it is done in the name of the law or in the defiance of the law, by one man or a gang, in cold blood or in passion, in an attack of violence or in response to violence - whenever we tear at the fabric of the life which another man has painfully and clumsily woven for himself and his children, the whole nation is degraded.
"Among free men," said Abraham Lincoln, "there can be no successful appeal from the ballot to the bullet; and those who take such appeal are sure to lost their cause and pay the costs."
Yet we seemingly tolerate a rising level of violence that ignores our common humanity and our claims to civilization alike. We calmly accept newspaper reports of civilian slaughter in far-off lands. We glorify killing on movie and television screens and call it entertainment. We make it easy for men of all shades of sanity to acquire whatever weapons and ammunition they desire.
Too often we honor swagger and bluster and wielders of force; too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives on the shattered dreams of others. Some Americans who preach non-violence abroad fail to practice it here at home. Some who accuse others of inciting riots have by their own conduct invited them.
Some look for scapegoats, others look for conspiracies, but this much is clear: violence breeds violence, repression brings retaliation, and only a cleansing of our whole society can remove this sickness from our soul.
For there is another kind of violence, slower but just as deadly destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions; indifference and inaction and slow decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. This is the slow destruction of a child by hunger, and schools without books and homes without heat in the winter.
This is the breaking of a man's spirit by denying him the chance to stand as a father and as a man among other men. And this too afflicts us all.
I have not come here to propose a set of specific remedies nor is there a single set. For a broad and adequate outline we know what must be done. When you teach a man to hate and fear his brother, when you teach that he is a lesser man because of his color or his beliefs or the policies he pursues, when you teach that those who differ from you threaten your freedom or your job or your family, then you also learn to confront others not as fellow citizens but as enemies, to be met not with cooperation but with conquest; to be subjugated and mastered.
We learn, at the last, to look at our brothers as aliens, men with whom we share a city, but not a community; men bound to us in common dwelling, but not in common effort. We learn to share only a common fear, only a common desire to retreat from each other, only a common impulse to meet disagreement with force. For all this, there are no final answers.
Yet we know what we must do. It is to achieve true justice among our fellow citizens. The question is not what programs we should seek to enact. The question is whether we can find in our own midst and in our own hearts that leadership of humane purpose that will recognize the terrible truths of our existence.
We must admit the vanity of our false distinctions among men and learn to find our own advancement in the search for the advancement of others. We must admit in ourselves that our own children's future cannot be built on the misfortunes of others. We must recognize that this short life can neither be ennobled or enriched by hatred or revenge.
Our lives on this planet are too short and the work to be done too great to let this spirit flourish any longer in our land. Of course we cannot vanquish it with a program, nor with a resolution.
But we can perhaps remember, if only for a time, that those who live with us are our brothers, that they share with us the same short moment of life; that they seek, as do we, nothing but the chance to live out their lives in purpose and in happiness, winning what satisfaction and fulfillment they can.
Surely, this bond of common faith, this bond of common goal, can begin to teach us something. Surely, we can learn, at least, to look at those around us as fellow men, and surely we can begin to work a little harder to bind up the wounds among us and to become in our own hearts brothers and countrymen once again.
Juno MacGuff: I'm at suicide risk.
Leah: Juno?
Juno MacGuff: No, it's Morgan Freeman. Do you have any bones that need collecting?
Leah: Only the one in my pants...
Juno MacGuff: I'm pregnant.
Leah: What? Honest to blog?
Juno MacGuff: Yeah. Yeah, it's Bleekers.
Leah: It's probably just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch?
Juno MacGuff: No, this is not a food baby all right? I've taken like three pregnancy tests, and I'm forshizz up the spout.
Leah: How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests? That's amazing...
Juno MacGuff: I don't know, I drank like, ten tons of Sunny D... Anyway dude, I'm telling you I'm pregnant and you're acting shockingly cavalier.
Rollo: That ain't no etch-a-sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, homeskillet.
Juno MacGuff: I think I'm in love with you.
Paulie Bleeker: You mean as friends?
Juno MacGuff: No... I mean for real. 'Cause you're, like, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know...
Paulie Bleeker: I try really hard, actually.
Juno MacGuff: Yea, you just take Soupy-Sales to prom I can think of so many cooler things to do that night. Like, you know what Bleek? I might pumice my feet, uh, I might go to Bren's Unitarian Church, maybe get hit by a truck full of hot garbage juice, you know? Cause all those things, would be exponentially cooler than going to prom with you.
Paulie Bleeker: You're being really immature... You have no reason to be mad at me, I mean, you know, you broke MY heart. I should be royally ticked off at you. I should be really cheesed off, I shouldn't want to talk to you anymore.
Juno MacGuff: What? Cause I got bored and had sex with you and I didn't want to like marry you?
Paulie Bleeker: Like I'd marry you! You'd be the meanest wife ever, okay? And I know that you weren't bored that day because there was a lot of stuff on TV, and then 'The Blair Witch Project' was coming on Starz and you were like 'I haven't seen this since it came out and if so we should watch it' and 'but oh, no, we should just make out instead la la la'
Juno MacGuff: You just take Katrina Von douchebag to prom. I'm sure you two will have like a real bitchin' time
Paulie Bleeker: Well, I still have your underwear!
Rollo: You better pay for that pee-stick when you're done with it. Don't think it's yours just because you marked it with your urine!
Punk Receptionist: Would you like a free condom? They're boysenberry.
Juno MacGuff: No, thanks. I'm off sex right now.
Punk Receptionist: My boyfriend wears them every time we have intercourse, it makes his junk smell like pie.
Juno MacGuff: As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleeker is totally boss. He is the cheese to my macaroni. And, I know that people are supposed to fall in love before they reproduce, but... I guess normalcy isn't really our style.
Mac MacGuff: Next time I see that Bleeker kid I'm going to punch him in the wiener.
Bren: Doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream.
Juno MacGuff: That's a wise choice because I knew this girl who like had this crazy freak out because she took too many behavioral meds at once and she like ripped off her clothes, and dove into the fountain at Ridgedale Mall and was like, "Blah I am a Kracken from the sea!"
Juno MacGuff: ...and the receptianist tried to get me to take these condoms that looked like grape suckers and was just babbling away about her freaking boyfiends pie balls! Oh an Su-Chin was there and she was like, "Hi babies have fingernails." Fingernails!
Leah: Oh, gruesome. I wonder if the baby's claws could scratch your vag on the way out?
Juno MacGuff: Your little girlfriend gave me the stinkeye in art class yesterday.
Paulie Bleeker: Katrina's not my girlfriend alright? And I doubt she gave you the stinkeye that's just how her face looks, you know? That's just her face.
Mac MacGuff: Look, in my opinion the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what-have-you. The right person is still going to think the sun shines out of your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.
Juno: I need to know if it's possible for two people to say happy together forever.
Chasing Liberty
They want you to appreciate the good things in life but not do them
They want you to see art, buy art, but not make art.
They want you to have love, find love and value love, but not make love, ever.
Telling the truth isn't always good, but lying isn't always bad. If telling the truth makes someone feel bad, lying can be good.Good things can come from lying, bad things from telling the truth.. although sometimes telling part of the truth is the same thing as telling a lie.
If something is meant to happen it will.
The things you're scared of are usually the most worthwhile.
Before you achieve, you must believe.
Twins: Cause Jake, you're my Mississippi.
Jake Huard: I'm your what?
Twins: People who live in Arkansas, you know what their favorite state is?
Jake Huard: No.
Twins: Mississippi. Cause Mississippi's the only thing that keeps Arkansas from being the worst state in the whole country.
Jake Huard: I'm Mississippi.
Twins: Well you sure as hell ain't California. Listen, Cole and Whitaker are so busy tryin' to run you out they forgot about me. As a matter of fact, they've forgotten about every other plebe in this whole company. That's why I stay in this room Jake. Cause if Mississippi quits, then all of a sudden Arkansas is the worst state in the whole country.
Lt. Commander Burton: Couple kids decided last minute they'd rather have fun at college.
Jake Huard: That's why I gotta get the hell outta here. If I can't find better guys than you, I'm in trouble.
Jake Huard: What kind of father wants his own son to fail?
Jake Huard: Sir, the latitude of Annapolis is 38.58 degrees north. Sir, the first three admirals were Dewey, Porter and Farragut. Sir, I've been in the Navy all my bloomin' life, sir. My mother was a mermaid, my father was King Neptune. Every bone in my body is a spar. And when I spits, I spits tar. I's hard. I is, I am, I are.
Jake Huard: Uh, yeah. I think I might go over to Sir Frankie's and see if there are any escorts around.
Twins: [on "North" Beach diet] Not only am I the president, but I'm also a client.
Estrada: Help is like sex... Take it from whoever and whenever you can get it!
The Notebook
Noah: My Dearest Allie. I couldn’t sleep last night because I know that it’s over between us. I’m not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I’ll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I’ll be seeing you. Noah
Allie: You don't look at Daddy the way I look at Noah. You don't laugh or touch or play. You don't know anything about love.
I can be anything you want. Just tell me what you want and I’ll be that.
Allie: [lying in the middle of the street] What happens if a car comes?
Young Noah: We die.
Allie: Mmm-hmm. Most of the time I have all these thoughts bouncin’ around in my head… but with a brush in my hand, the world just gets kinda quiet.
Noah: You don’t know me, but I know me.
Noah: It’s not about following your heart and it’s not about keeping your promises. It’s about security.
Noah: Well that’s what we do, we fight… You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you’re back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.
Noah: So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What’s it look like? If it’s with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that’s what you really wanted. But don’t you take the easy way out.
Allie: What easy way? There is no easy way, no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt.
Allie: When I’m with Noah I feel like one person and when I’m with you I feel like someone totally different.
Lon: Allie, it’s normal not to forget your first love but I want you for myself. I don’t want to convince my fiancée that she should be with me.
Allie: You don’t have to. I already know I should be with you.
Martha Shaw: Look, a woman know when a man looks into her eyes and sees someone else.
Noah: Now you know that I want to give you all the things that you want, right? But I can’t, because they’re gone… They’re broken.
Duke: That’s my sweetheart in there. Wherever she is, that’s where my home is.
Noah: So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard; we’re gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me… everyday.
Allie: Do you think our love can make miracles?
Duke: I do.
Allie: Do you think our love, can take us away together?
Duke: I think our love can do anything we want it to.
Noah: Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They’re shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they’re gone.
Anne: ‘Cause I might know you a little better than you think. And I don’t want you waking up one morning thinking if you’d known everything you might have done something different.
Young Noah: I could be fun, if you want. I could be pensive, uhh… smart, superstitious, brave? And I, uhh, I can be light on my feet. I could be whatever you want. You just tell me what you want, and I’m gonna be that for you.
Young Allie: …You’re dumb.
Young Noah: I could be that.
Duke: Well thanks doc, but you know what they say, science goes only so far and then comes God.
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
-Dan Aykroyd