Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Final Destination 3

Jason: The real fear of these rides comes from the feeling of having no control. Everyone imagines weird stuff when they get scared. But it never turns out to be what they imagine. Never.

Erin: A roller coaster is just elemental physics. A conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy.
McKinley: Yeah. Odds are like one in 250 million of dying in a roller coaster.

McKinley: You're more likely to die driving to an amusement park than dying at one.

Priest: We may feel that our lives are not our own. That Death controls, frames our lives. Our birth's nothing but death begun. Yet, whether it is with this tragic loss of young lives, which we have suffered much of late, or with a soft passing of the elderly in the night, we are all equal in Death's eyes.
McKinley: "Equal in Death's eyes?" Seriously? How can you say that? Dude, think it through. Charlie Manson made it to 70. Osama, still kickin'. Pimps, vice-presidents walking around. All the atrocities they've committed, they're alive and well. These two girls, who'd never done shit to anybody, they don't get to make it to 18? Where's the fucking equality in that?

Frankie: Seein' women as nothing but fun bags. I mean, if I'd have seen their, whatever, humanity, they wouldn't have felt the pressure to look so good. Impress Franklin Cheeks. Go on diets. Deodorize. Stretch. Tan.

Wendy: If there's any place that makes you feel like there's no life after death, it's a cemetery.

Kevin: It's never better staying ignorant. Willful ignorance is surrendering control.

Lewis: Lewis ain't afraid of no death. Fuck Death! Death is a fucking Denver fan. Death wear blue and orange. Real men wear black. Lewis ain't afraid of no Death. Death is afraid of me! Death fears me!

McKinley: We're biological entities and Death is just the end of biological function. It's as simple as that.

McKinley: Kevin, how come when a guy dies of a plain heart attack no one goes, "Oh, wow, he was eating French toast when Princess Diana died in Paris and then he saw her funeral on TV, and now he's dead"? You know why? Because they'd sound crazy so guess how you two sound right now? Crazy.

McKinley: So, Newton's third law of motion, and well, look I'm just guessing that it goes for Death too when he's working in our world. Newton says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So, that means that if Death has taken action, so can we. And that action we take has an opposite reaction that thwarts Death's intent. What if, for example, the last in line were to make the utilitarian choice... Kill themselves. Wow! Wow! That's going to ruin any plan that Death's put in motion. And even better, hey, it's gonna save five skipped lives. Any takers? Nah, I didn't think so.

Final Destination 2

Nora: I think you're a coward. You hide out in here because you're too bitter and selfish to help any other person. In my opinion, you're already dead.

Tim: If he gives me the gas and I end up with my pants unbuttoned, we ain't payin'.

Clear: If the design is flawed, it can be beaten.

Undertaker: People are always most alive, just before they die, don't you think?

Undertaker: Only new life can defeat death. Some people say there's a balance to everything. Where there's a life, there's a death, and death, there is a life. But the introduction to life that was not meant to be, that can validate the list, force death to start anew.

Final Destination

Tod: We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast. But when we say this, we imagine that the hour is placed in an obscure and distant future. It never occurs to us that it has any connection with the day already begun, or that death could arrive this same afternoon - this afternoon which is so certain, and which has every hour filled in advance.

Undertaker: In death there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps, and no escapes. What you have to realize is that we're all just a mouse a cat has by the tail. Every single move we make from the mundane to the monumental, the red light that we stop at or run, the people we have sex with or won't with us, the airplanes that we ride or walk out of, it's all part of death's sadistic design leading to the grave.

Terri: Enough! Both of you. They died, and we lived. Get over it. I will not let this plane crash be the most important thing in my life! I'm moving on, Carter, and if you want to waste your life beating the shit out of Alex every time you see him, then you can just drop fucking dead.

Alex: If I see it, I can intervene. If I intervene, I cheat the design.

Alex: God's not afraid to die. Gods don't die! We do!

Alex: Tetanus. Nice one. I overlooked it. You tried to capitalize, but I caught you. You fuck! I can beat you. Maybe not forever, but I've got this cabin rigged to beat you now.