Tuesday, March 10, 2009

American Dreams: Season One

Girls are like pests. When you get rid of one, another one pops up. - Tommy DeFelice

You hurt someone on purpose or not, you take responsibility for it. - Jack Pryor

I think you have to decide whether you are telling to make yourself feel better and if that is the only reason then i think you shouldn't. But if you are doing it because it's the right thing to do then yes, I think you have too. - Helen Pryor
Do you know how lucky you are to be smart? And now you are just some average girl like me, who hopes a boy will call her and even if he does, you will never know if he likes you for you, or because he thinks he is smarter than you. You think that's smart Patty? It's not, it's really stupid. - Roxanne Bojarski

Don't ever let something you want, no matter how bad, get in the way of being a good friend. It's just not right. - JJ Pryor

Good lies are all in the details. - Roxanne Bojarski

That's what's so exciting. Come here. Come sit with me. Come up here. It's a big adventure. Like the first time you rode the roller coaster at Willow Grove. You were so excited. Remember what it was like when the car was going up? And you kept asking, "What's it gonna feel like when we go down? How fast are we gonna go?" You were so excited. Because you didn't know what was gonna happen. Well, that's what the future's like. Except there are no tracks. That's what makes it an adventure. - Helen Pryor

Do you ever feel like the whole world has a plan, except nobody told you? - JJ Pryor

Meg: What if you were doing something other people think is wrong?
Helen: Meg, all of my life, I’ve pretty much done what other people think is right. Maybe, maybe that doesn’t always work out so well. What I mean is, I think we should be able to choose our own friends.
Meg: But maybe some people really shouldn’t be friends…
Helen: I’d take that chance.

JJ: I don't need anymore hobbies. I've got football, and you.
Beth: I'm a hobby?
JJ: You're a full time job!
Beth: With benefits.

I don't want to be one of those people that nothing special ever happens to.

Roxanne, I could have chosen any girl to give up for God. I chose you. - Marty

It’s definitely nice to be attracted to someone, but I think it’s important to have things in common. Um, like, uh, things you like to do. – Meg Pryor
Movies and music and dances and well, me and Meg like all the same stuff, and she just happens to be the most talented, sweetest, smartest girl on the show. I’m just the lucky guy in her arm. – Jimmy Reilly

Hey I can fake honest better than anyone. – Pete

Is Mrs. Wall there? Is Mr. Wall there? Are there any walls there? If there are no walls there then what’s holding up your house? - Patty

Stay mad as long as you can, because when you stop, it hurts like hell. – Michael Brooks

Your actions don’t just affect you. They don’t. – Helen Pryor

Brush-by: before a guy goes to second base, he takes a lead off first. If he doesn’t get thrown out, the next time he’s up to bat, he’s got himself a stand-up double. – Roxanne

Kenny, you and any girl is science fiction.

I didn’t put the phone down for the longest time because as I held it, she was still close to me. – Patty

Fear is the one thing that holds us back. Without fear, you can shoot for the moon. – Pete Conrad

I think you have to decide, if you’re telling to make yourself feel better. And if that’s the only reason, then I think you shouldn’t. But if you’re doing it because it’s the right thing to do, then yes, I think you have to. – Helen Pryor

You know how summer romances are? Best kept in the summer. – Carol

You have to be careful. There are some things you can’t take back. – Helen

You can’t learn how to be someone’s friend from a book. This book can only tell you how to win friends, not be one. – Helen

It isn’t a secret if I already told it once. – Will

I want things like they were, like they’ve always been. Nothing different. – Jack

Things can’t stay the same forever. People grow. Things change. – Roxanne

It is the effort that is the measure of a great man.

How do I use your relationship with Michael to my advantage? - Roxanne

Sometime I just can't find the words, and then I'll hear a song and I know exactly how I feel. - Meg

Some people go their wholes lives looking for something to love. You've already found it. - Mrs. Pryor

Meg, there are always going to be men in your past, the list only gets longer if you're lucky. - Roxanne

Well you know what they say: "Never throw out your old clothes, they might come back in style some day." - Roxanne

Well I guess that's the difference between you and me, I'm not afraid to take a risk every now and then. - Pete Pryor

Nobody gets out clean. - Michael Brooks

The strangest thing for me is, that I didn't know there was another road to take. - Helen

Your actions don't just affect you. They don't. - Helen

A man's reach should exceed his grasp. But you ain't got no reach and you sure as hell ain't got no grasp. - Sam Walker

You can't learn how to be someone's friend through a book. - Helen

It's not a secret if I've told it once. - Will

The world ain't fair and that's a fact. - Henry

You're gonna know when it's time to give someone a second chance. I promise you that. - Michael Brooks

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