Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The O.C.: Other Characters

Dawn: I didn't know what I was doing when I married your dad. I was too young when I had your brother. But with you... You were always the smart one. You know? The good one. When you got arrested... I knew I'd failed, and... you were my last hope. I should go.

Kate: Don't tell anyone I'm in grad school.

Hailey Nichol: [to Julie] You see, Jeffrey here might be a stripper, but honey, you're a whore.

Lindsay Gardner: I'm just gonna wring out my shirt, and stuff toilet paper up my nose, and I'm sure I'll have no trouble fitting in now.

Trey Atwood: Don't mess with those Newpsies.

Trey Atwood: You know, he looked like every other kid in the town. Tall, tan, and a face you just wanna... flatten.

Heather: The princess has flown her crown and threw herself on Volchuk's mattress.

Lindsay Gardner: Maybe I don't want to be Caleb Nichol's daughter.

Jean Michel: I love you, but I love L0VE more, and I don't want to be alone in it.

Oliver: The way you spend your New Year's Eve is the way you're going to spend the rest of your year.

Sadie: I get that something is pulling you under. And that you can't let it go.

Veronica Townsend: Lots of teenage boys get lipo. It’s not big deal. And stop picking at your man girdle.

The anticipation of death is far worse than death itself.


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