Most of us come to college to get a career. But really the majority of that whole college thing is finding out who you truly are.
&& we'll all do some sort of experimenting from time to time to figure out exactly that.
We also find our best friends, because the ones you've had in high school go to different schools && not necessarily there for you when you need them because they are somewhere else. But these girls will be here because well, they are here.
We also fall in love, fall outta love, && fall back in. && sometimes it's not supposed to happened like that, or even with the same person all over again, but it happens. It's your destiny.
Overall, it is only us that know who we really are, not our parents, not our friends, just ourselves.
&& I'm not ashamed of my choices that I've made this year because really, they influenced who I am, && I wouldn't have done them if I didn't think it was right.
So let's just put it out there. I am a bisexual. It's been stated on my myspace for like two years now. && just recently did two people in my life make the biggest deal about it. Well, sorry to tell ya, that's who I am. I like girls. I like guys. Big deal. You're the only two with a problem when all my friends have accepted it and it doesn't bother them. They're cool with it. So why can't you? I don't want to say this because it'll hurt you && me.
That's life, that's my life. && I like the way I'm living it.