Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One Tree Hill: Other Characters

Erica Marsh: It's funny. You're scared of what's in here, I'm scared of what's out there.

Jimmy Edwards: You really think I am the only one. Then ask yourself this. Have you ever treated someone like crap in this school or left anyone out? Have you ever broken up with someone in the time it takes to pass a note and disappear? Or talk trash behind their back? Or maybe you just ignored it all? You know why you worry about the big game or the prom or the bake sale for the pep club. You ask yourself that and then you tell me if there is anyone else out there.

Tim Smith: Awe. He's 86'd yo.
Ellie: Don't be afraid, Peyton. Every song has a coda, a final movement. Whether it fades out or crashes away, every song ends. Is that any reason not to enjoy the music?

Ellie: You got the surviving part down. I want you to focus more on the living.

Ellie: I don't buy that for one second. And if you keep this up, hiding in your art and your sadness, you're really gonna miss out. Because the truth is: there is nothing to be afraid of. It's just life.

Abby Brown: What's wrong with you? He's just a kid. We're all just kids and we just have this life and the things you say and do, we feel that. How can you have so much hate in your heart? How can you act like it doesn't matter? It does matter. What happened to us? We're just kids. We can't be like this. It's not possible.

Jimmy Edwards: You know they're going to remember me as a monster but I wonder how they'll remember you?

Ellie: First rule of a rock tour: Nobody knows what anyone else is doing.

Haley's Parents: In-laws are like the FBI. They have a system.

'Clean Teen' Shelly: I want you to join our club. Virgins for Life.
Rachel: Virgins for life?
'Clean Teen' Shelly: Well maybe not for life but Virgins until Marriage didn't sound as good.

Rachel: What exactly does a 'Clean Teen' do?
'Clean Teen' Shelly: Everything you guys do. Except we abstain from sex.
Rachel: You're completely celebant.
'Clean Teen' Shelly: Pretty much.
Brooke: What does 'Pretty much' mean?
'Clean Teen' Shelly: Well we Brooke ourselves.
Rachel: I'll join.

'Clean Teen' Shelly: So you're decisions are your own then.

'Clean Teen' Shelly: Complicated as in you don't want to get too fat to fit into your prom dress.

'Clean Teen' Shelly: Why would a guy buy a cow when he can get the milk for free?

'Clean Teen' Shelly: It's about keeping our bodies pure. Have you ever had gonorrhea or chlamydia. Not fun

'Clean Teen' Shelly: At least I'm not a baby killer.

Stalker Derek: I guess I'm supposed to tell you, you have too much make up on, the skirt is too short, and the boys are only out for one thing. But you look beautiful.

Glenda: Yeah Shelly was like the biggest slut at church camp last summer.

'Clean Teen' Shelly: You don't think about it. You meet a cute boy and you're having fun. I couldn't tell my parents, I mean you don't get pregnant at church camp.

'Clean Teen' Shelly: You can't take it back. You think it's going to make everything better but it doesn't. You can't take it back.

Stalker Derek: Do you want to kill the messenger?
Peyton: No, God knows if we did that in this town every time someone got pregnant there wouldn't be nobody left.
Stalker Derek: Don't take it too hard about Brooke, there is a guy out there for you Peyton.

Real Derek: Fear is like a disease, if you don't treat it, it will eat you up.

Ellie: At the time I got pregnant I liked drugs more than I liked you.

Real Derek: The first step in learning how to not be scared, is learning to defend yourself.

Nick Chavez: You like to be the center of attention. Get a rise out of people. That's the Hallmark of insecurity.

Real Derek: What I want is for you to admit you have a problem so we can deal with it, instead of hiding and admitting everything is fine. Every day people all over the world get beat down. They lose their families, they lose their friends, and everyday those people fight like hell to put their lives back together. They don't curl into a ball and give up.

Real Derek: The world backs off Peyton, when you make it back off.

Gigi: He's 92% from the line and 100% hot.

Courtney Smith (inmate): Which time? I’ve always had my suspicions. I didn’t find out for sure until I walked in on him having sex with my neighbor. And even then he tried to deny it. The only think men do more than cheat, is lie.

David: So I guess I was wrong. There was something you could do to make me give up hope.

Sarah: Well what do you know? Character changes everything, doesn't it?

Sarah: If you let someone in, you'll erase me. You can't.

Sarah: You can't erase who we were or what we had. No one can. We burn so bright together. You won't lose that.

Sarah: Probably healthier than all the women you’ve had in your pool.

Sarah: But skipping a guys’ weekend to spend time with your dead wife probably no so healthy.

Sarah: Life is never fair. But you feeling miserable, is never going to change that.

Felix: First impressions are important, Anna, and yours says “Abierto all night."

Felix: Half the kids in this town were conceived on the first date.

Felix: I didn't break your window, baby, just your heart.

Felix: Just tell me if you can show me your heart. Because if you do, I'll guard it with my life.

Jules: A thief breaks in to steal. I break in with treats.

Jules: One of the reasons I fell for you was your independence. You made your own way in the world.

Lydia: It's moments like these that we're supposed to remember.

Josh: Did you see Brooke Davis's mom. I would totally hit that. I'm not even kidding. Right now today. I would hit that.

Lauren: You're the one that broke up with her. So if you still have feelings for her, just tell her, because it might not be over for you.

Lydia: Cancer doesn’t care much for promises.

Lydia: Men need to be hit over the head with things. Sometimes frying pans, mostly love. Don’t be afraid to do it.

Lydia: Give your head permission to follow your heart.

Lauren: I wasn’t worried about being your rebound Mouth. I was worried you’d be mine.

Lindsay: I remember the first time I read it. I was a junior editor, just out of college, missing my friends. I took two dozen manuscripts home for the weekend, just like I did every weekend, hoping that this time something would speak to me. And it did. It was a great first novel Luke. It brought you to me. But a writer’s career is about a body of work. It’s about the second book and the third and the fourth. It’s been two years and that wouldn’t scare me if I thought you were writing, but you’re not. So what am I supposed to do Luke?

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