Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grey's Anatomy: Addison Montgomery-Shepherd

Hi, I’m Addison Sheppard. And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband.

She's young. That whole wide-eyed "ooh, he's a brain surgeon" thing happening, but still sweet. Which is what you were going for, right? The anti-Addison.

I flew all the way across the country to reminisce over wedding photos, get drunk, fall into bed, and make you realize you can't live without me. Relax, Derek, I'm here for work. I'm helming the T.T.T.S. case you guys admitted last week. And after Richard's briefing...

Actually I prefer to be called 'Ruler of All That is Evil', but I WILL answer to Satan...

It’s hard to accept the end when you're too close.

I am actively not thinking about you right now.

Seattle Grace is a teaching hospital. Part of your job is to teach. Your interns aren’t your slaves.

Happy people should have happy things happen to them.

It's not resignation, Richard, it's notification. I don't officially work for you. I came for one case, I can track the twins progress from New York.

I'm letting go of the preemie, you know that. He calls me Satan, Richard.

I just accidentally broke the news of my patient’s infidelity to her fiancĂ©e.

It's not a fight, he wins. I'm leaving in the morning.

The only reason we are talking like this right now is because I know you won’t remember a single word of this when the drugs wear off.

Just go back to you locker room and wait for your resident to give you instructions.

Put the ice on your hand.

He and Derek used to work together back in New York. And they, we, were all close friends. Until Derek found us in bed together.

Dr. Karev, I may be a board certified OB/GYN, but I also have fellowships in Maternal-Fetal medicine and Medical Genetics *and* am one of the foremost neonatal surgeons in this country. When you can top that, you can mouth off. Until then, you will do your job and you will do it right. Which at this point in time means you keep your mouth shut unless I give you permission to open it. Understood?

It’s not that I underestimate you; it’s just that I don’t think about you, at all.

I am not going to be sleeping with the help.

I’m so stupid for letting a cute hippie boy put needles in my face.

Pity. I've got three surgeries on the board. I was gonna ask you to scrub in but... I guess you should stay by that pregnant lady's side all day. You see to it, Dr. Bailey?

I want you to care. I sleep with your best friend and you walk away. He comes here from New York and rubs it in your face, and still you get a good night's sleep. What do I have to do? Oh, I know. Maybe I should sleep with the vet, because that's what it seems to take to send you into a blind rage. But wait, that won't work either because I'm not Meredith Grey!

Look, why don’t you pick a floor and stay on it, and I’ll pick a floor and stay on that, because I really need a moment or two without you. Your face shows up in my head, your panties show up in my husband’s pocket. Really, you’re everywhere, and I need a moment or two without you.

Ok. Except, you know. It felt like in the vets office this morning and again in the elevator, it felt like you two were having a "lovers' quarrel."

Did you hear about the slutty sex your slutty friend had with my super slutty husband?

So, I was um, thinking, we could have sex tonight.

I am desirable Amanda.

Good air in, bad air out.

A gathering of men outside the delivery room, how mid-century of you.

To be in that condition and have no one who knows you even know. She's all alone, it makes you think. You know? If I went missing would anyone notice I was gone?

What am I? The go to person for adultery?

Why do you think Mark moved so quickly? Do you think it’s because the orbital bone was floating towards the brain?

You're not god.

God wants you to be an adulterer?

An adulterous love child.

I’m the wicked witch who came in and ruined her life and cheated on Dr.... McDreamy.

Derek have you even considered that even if I’m Satan and an adulterous bitch that I might still be the love of your life?

What they’re doing is not about love, Derek. It’s like you. How you pretend to love me but you’re just using me to fill some need you have to be a good guy. Walk away, that’s all I get? What you’re not going to yell at me or call me names, or I don’t know, ignore me in an elevator? I want you to care! I sleep with your best friend and you walk away. He comes out here from New York and rubs it in your face, and still you get a good night’s sleep. What do I have to do? Oh, I know. Maybe what I should do is go out on a date with the vet. Because that seems to be something that sends you into a blind rage. Oh, but that won’t work either because I’m not Meredith Grey!

That’s what marriage is about. Compromise, right?

That’s what marriage is built on. Change. Change I what keeps marriages alive.

Just because I made what seems to be a transcontinental booty call, doesn’t mean we should try to make something out of this.

What's wrong with it? What's wrong? What's wrong is that I don't have time for it. I am out of time. I missed my chance. And now I only have two eggs left. I might as well have no eggs left. I am egg-less. Naomi says she's dried up; I'm the one who's dried up. I'm all barren and dried up. And I've clearly been wasting my time on men. I mean, I might as well take up hobbies or like needlepoint, or collecting those little ceramic dolls. Because that's what dried up women do, they do needlepoint. They don't waste their time flirting with men who clearly just want to get laid. They do not waste their time... telling overly personal... information about their eggs to total strangers, oh my god, I'm sorry.

I am being stalked by pregnant women.

I want someone stable, who barbecues; who teaches little kids how to play catch. He’s not Mark Sloan, which doesn’t explain why I spent the whole day looking at Alex Karev like a puppy at a chew toy.

People mess up.

I was jealous when there was no need to be.

Starting to think LA is like New York with a beach.

None of you go near Lisa or the baby until I say so. The child is not a possession you fight over.

When you’re obsessing about something like that there’s generally a reason.

Derek’s the kind of guy, I just knew he wouldn’t hurt me, not on purpose anyways, not the way I hurt him.

Derek, are you done, hurting me back? Because I need to know. I need to special order thicker skin or something.

She has nobody; she needs someone to fight for her.

I intend to fight like a girl. I’m going to let them kill each other, and then I’ll be the only one left standing.

Be the change you want to see in life.

Well isn't this cozy. Can I join in or are you not in to threesomes?

Sometimes people do desperate things to get attention. There are two sides of every story.

Nothing like a domestic dispute to liven up a pre-op, huh?

I don’t want someone who doesn’t want me, Meredith. But if there’s a slightest chance he does, I’m not leaving Seattle.

There is a land called ‘passive-aggressiva’ … and I am their queen.

Sometimes false labor is the body’s way of telling you to slow down.

I should of let him go. Should of stepped aside, been a better person. I should of... a lot of things.

When no one else is around, the elevator kinda talks to me.

Why am I the only girl? Am I the entertainment? I am not stripping.

Where I come from, elevators tend to be this kind of aphrodisiac, you know. People get on them and they just get all horny. It’s a relief to be on a not horny elevator. You know, get on. Ride, without the sex.

You know how long a baby can survive inside its dead mother? 4 to 5 minutes! Minutes, not seconds, Karev. Look at Melanie. Look at her. Now look around her, see all the doctors and nurses, even her parents? Their soul job is to take care of Melanie. My job is to care for that baby! Now I’ve got a surgery schedule so when I step foot on that elevator and leave, you are going to be the only person on this entire floor responsible for that baby! Do not let me down Karev.

This whole thing brings back very traumatic memories of being a band geek, with braces and a lisp, spending the whole evening with Skippy Gold talking about Star Wars... So, do you want to dance?

We do not get unlimited chance to have the things we want and this I know, nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could change your life.

Try not to say everything that pops into your brain.

You have to learn distance, Dr. Stevens. You’ll be a better doctor for it.

Is that the reason why you want to go into plastics, ‘cause people sign up for the pain they get?

It does suck watching them struggle. And that part never stops sucking.

You stole my husband and I hugged you.

Okay, in L.A., people say things, but in Seattle, there's this strange culture of wordlessness, where in I am supposed to guess what one is feeling by the slight raise of an eyebrow or the beginnings of a frown. Any chance you want to tell me what's going on with you, Miranda?

Who’s the mystery woman Derek’s dating? Who’s the McRebound?

I can hear you. And I’m not hiding. I’m trying to pray, but I don’t know how to pray because I’m a WASP and we only go to church on Christmas.

People get divorced. They meet new people. They get remarried.

We call Meredith the 12 year old. What do we call Lexie? The Pre-schooler?

Grey's Anatomy: Other Characters

Patricia, head nurse: With every fresh banana, always use a fresh condom.

Patricia, head nurse: When the time is right and gentleman, you'll all know when that time is, carefully open the condom packet and roll it onto the banana.

Patricia, head nurse: She knows your not in surgery. And she said to tell you, quote, "We are going to our niece's school pageant this morning. You have known about it for months. And after what you pulled on Thanksgiving...” and then she, started using a great many words I don't feel comfortable repeating.

Patricia, head nurse: And there was something about "divorce".

Patricia, head nurse: That’s why you don’t get any respect from the nurses; surgical arrogance.

Debbie, nurse: A little bit of respect and you could have saved yourself a very long day, Dr. Yang.

Debbie, nurse: Because I am not a bouncer and this is not a nightclub! I am doing what I can with extremely limited staff and resources and if you have a problem with that take it up with ‘Chief!’

Dr. Kent: Look I'm only here for one day and I don't need my ass kissed. All I need is to tell you what to do and you do it. And I don't like mistakes. Whatever, there's only one resident I want in my OR; a guy they call The Nazi. Do you know him? He gets a great word of mouth, stellar rep, balls the size of Texas?

Dr. Kent: We’ve got a line out the door for sutures. Everybody’s an amateur chef until they get a knife in their hands.

Nurse Olivia Harper: Another leech fell off and I can't get the new one to bite. I'm sorry, they just really freak me out.

Nurse Olivia Harper: People get lonely, George.

Nurse Olivia Harper: If she can’t love him back the way he loves her, then she doesn’t deserve him.

Nurse Olivia Harper: Change your own bedpans, Stevens!

Thatcher Grey: I spent years studying this board, holding a crying baby, trying to get an idea when my wife would get out of surgery. Appy takes about an hour. Anything with the word ‘cardio’ in it, I had to plan on never seeing her at all.

Thatcher Grey: I took her childhood; I can’t take any more from her.

Bomb Squad Captain, Dylan Young: Meredith, I want you to look at me. Look at me. I know this is bad. And I know that I'm this ass whose been yelling at you all day. So you pretend that I'm not; you pretend that I'm someone you like, whatever you need. But you need to listen to me.

Bomb Squad Captain, Dylan Young: The chief of surgery has authorized me to tell you you can not stay here.

Bomb Squad Captain, Dylan Young: You've got a sense of irony.

Bomb Squad Captain, Dylan Young: Meredith, this is not your brain on drugs. This is death. You are dead. You are really freaking dead. You're dirt dead, nap dead. No more you, dead.

Bomb Squad Captain, Dylan Young: You know what? That's why I don't like to be here with you. Because you don't assess the situation, you just dive right in.

Tim: To remind you... that you're not dried up.

Dr. Sidney Heron: My philosophy is “heal with love.”

Dr. Sidney Heron: Standing up for what he believes in, that’s my kind of little girl.

Dr. Sydney Heron: Dr. Yang wanted to be sure that perky little bimbo cheerleader wasn't in here trying to kill a patient. Am I right? Now with all do respect Dr. Burke, I know you don't know me very well, but I'm pretty good at what I do. And my patient is a 25 year old marathoner and I told her husband I'm going to try and save her leg. So my plan is to stand here for as many hours as it takes to scrape away every last cell of necrotic flesh. Now when I'm done, if it's still spreading, then we'll take the leg. And if we do, then our eager young intern here can hold the saw. Now unlike Dr. Karev, kindness and compassion aren't very high on her list of priorities, but a little bone-saw action, well maybe that will earn me some respect. Am I right? Now Dr. Yang, you ready to scrub back in?

Dr. Sidney Heron: I lost a kid, my first year. It was my fault, and I just couldn’t… so I had a breakdown, they gave me time off, and when I came back I put a smile on my face and everybody thought I was fine. I lost a kid. It comes in waves, Izzie. There’s a low and then another wave hits you. I wasn’t trying to pry, I just wanted you to know that it’s okay not to be fine sometimes.

Dr. Sidney Heron: Meredith is cleansing. In tribal culture, when one wants to cleanse a past, one cuts off all of one’s hair and buries it in the earth. You might try that, too.

Dr. Sidney Heron: Derek, I’m a lot of woman. I bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, serve it on eggs or in a sandwich, or crumbled up in a tossed salad. Not just bacon. But Derek I bring a lot of things to the table, and I’m looking for a man who can do the same. A man who can meet my needs. All my needs. I just don’t think you’re ready.

Dr. Wyatt: Yes, horrible things do happen. Happiness in the face of all of that... that's not the goal. Feeling the horrible and knowing that you're not gonna die from those feelings, that's the point.

Dr. Wyatt: And you're not done. You've made progress because you're feeling and you're telling me about it. Six months ago, it would've been just you and a bottle of tequila. My door is always open.

Dr. Wyatt: It’s a relationship. People make mistakes.

Jane Burke: Did I hear you refer to Miranda Bailey as a Nazi? You do understand that the Nazis were responsible for the worst genocide in the history of man, and a racist genocide as that. I would think that as a woman of color and as a doctor nonetheless, that you would think twice before using that word as a punch line.

Jane Burke: It’s not that I don’t like you. I think you’re a very smart, attractive woman, but you’re selfish. You pulled him out of a sick bed because you were uncomfortable. That’s selfish. You’re selfish, and my son is giving. And the combination is, well, it’s not going to last, not much longer.

Jane Burke: When you stood up in front of Preston’s friends and loved one and you said, ‘It’s over. It’s over. It’s so over.’ Were you trying to smash the hopes of the best man or were just trying to be funny? Because making light of that situation would be inappropriate and to use that moment to send a message to your boyfriend, well that’s selfish. So were you being inappropriate or were you being selfish?

Jane Burke: Once you’re in, you’re in. Be sure to have that engraved on your wedding ring once you’re married.

Jane Burke: George O’Malley, Burke’s friend, Burke’s guy. Staying in a marriage out of obligation, that’s no way to live, that’s no way to love. But I think you know that.

Jane Burke: Honorable men are all built the same.

Jane Burke: Do you know when to walk away? Do you know when not to take less than you deserve? If you do, then you’re an honorable man.

Dr. Swindler: My miracle case is on life support. I thought I had one. One miracle. I hate this job sometimes.

PARAMEDIC: You don't stick your hand inside of a patient when you don't know how he was injured. You don't stick your hand inside of a patient at all.

Clay Bedonie: You have your beliefs, I have mine.
Dr. Virginia Dixon: I don't have beliefs, I have science.
Clay Bedonie: Science is a belief, belief in only what you can see and touch. I believe in more.

Nurse Liz Fallon: I always divided surgeons into two categories: those who remember their patients, and those who didn’t. They always remember their surgeries though, every damn suture.

Nurse Liz Fallon: The Ellis Grey I know didn’t have regards for anyone I know except Ellis Grey.

Dr. Pete Wilder: I think why would I want to be attached to someone who doesn’t want to be attached to me?

Dr. Colin: She used to say to me that marriage was for the weak and undirected.

Nancy Jennings: Could you go tell Celeste? She’s a basket case and I don’t have it in me to take of my husband’s girlfriend right now. Of course I know. The wife always knows.

Dr. Naomi Bennett: A baby is not really an answer. It’s more a crying, puking answer.

Dr. Naomi Bennett: Nobody over thirty goes to the beach.

Dr. Naomi Bennett: You can’t use a movie made before you as your defense.

Dr. Violet Turner: You can’t be a man with your friend.

Dr. Violet Turner: Cooper, you’re blocking the caffeine. If you move, I’ll give you a cookie.

Dr. Cooper Freedman: I don’t go to hookers. I don’t go to strip clubs. I meet women on the internet that wanna meet me. So I like them a little younger, and a little dirtier. Is that wrong? That’s wrong?

Dr. Sam Bennett: You better be crying over that car and not Sexyboobs313.

Dr. Sam Bennett: Don’t talk about your penis while you hug another man.

Mrs. Shepherd: You have very low expectations for yourself, Mark Sloan. Since a little boy, you always have. And it’s time to raise them. You have the emotional maturity of a horny fifteen year old. You need young.

Mrs. Shepherd: I know enough. I know it’s easier to have compassion with a person than a murderer.

Black intern: Whoever it was, whoever rode him and broke him, that’s a girl I want on me.

Rose, nurse: Hospital is no better than high school.

Rose, nurse: my voice shakes when I’m nervous, it means I’m an imperfect person. It doesn’t mean I can’t fix the computer.

Rose, nurse: You want to insult my education or do you want me to help save your patient?

Rose, nurse: So not calling me after the sex is you being a dedicated life saver?

Rose, nurse: Before you existed, I was good. Every doctor in this hospital wanted me in their OR. I was known as a damn good scrub nurse. And now, I’m the crazy girl out of Fatal Attraction that goes around stabbing surgeons.

Rose, nurse: That’s kind of your thing, right? Juggling more than one person at a time?

White Supremacist Paramedic: I’m not the devil. I’m just a guy with a belief system.

Mrs. Archer: Surgery is barbaric. You tear flesh and spill blood. I work with light. I work with energy. I visualize healing. And even if there’s the slightest chance that what I do works, isn’t that preferable?

Phillip Robinson, bear attack patient: We’re newlyweds. She’s my rebound girl. She thought she was my rebound girl. I rebounded her all the way to the church. Only knew her ten days. When you know, you know, ya know.

Scott Robinson, bear attack patient: Dude, you married your midlife crisis.

Phillip Robinson, clinical trial patient: Jennifer we’re in a hospital full of eligible doctors and you’re a waitress with no prospects who needs to learn how to use her ass to catch a new guy before I bite the dust!

Phillip Robinson, clinical trial patient: Just because I’m blind doesn’t mean you can ignore me you sick twisted bastard! Playing games with people’s lives slicing open people’s brains.

Greta, clinical patient: Do you know how precious that is, time with someone you love?

Jeremy, clinical trial patient: Don’t you dare die. We’re not finished yet. I’m not finished loving you.

Tapley: Learning is like healing, it happens over time. Listen, keep running, not because you want to cut corners but because it makes you a better doctor.

Anna, ball gown patient: It’s pathetic, isn’t it? A married woman cheats on her best friend with her husband. You can’t go much lower than that.

Anna, ball gown patient: Little pieces of you get chipped away but another person and you shaved yourself away so that you’ll fit together. Then one day you look up and you don’t even know who you are.

Steve, intern: I draw a line at a tube in my penis. Line drawn.

Seth, patient’s husband: I’m not going to crap into a bowl until you admit it was a pimple.

Dr. Virgina Dixon: There are people dying right now, there are people dying. It’s inappropriate. I was talking about the brain dead girl. She can’t hear her sister, she can’t feel her hands. There are patients dying right now and those organs would keep them alive. Leave feelings out of it, leave them out of the science, leave them out of the decision making, because people are dying as we speak.

Dr. Virginia Dixon: It wasn’t appropriate but I’ve come to accept that from pediatric surgeons always breaking protocol. You touch the child whenever you speak with her. You explain conditions to the child, not just the parents, and then you react to the patient as if your own child and you break protocol which is inappropriate except in the case of pediatric surgery where protocols are constantly evolving. You are not a general surgeon. You are a pediatric surgeon.

Dunn, Prisoner: We’re not that different you and I. People are alive when they meet us, it all changes somehow.

Dunn: Would you fix a broken television before you throw it out?

Dunn: What are you so scared of Dr. Shepherd? Losing control? Or maybe, deep down, you know you’re no better than I am. You decide who lives and dies all the time but for you they call it medicine, not a capital offense.

Dunn: It would be good to have a friendly face in the crowd, when they kill me.

Sadie: My life is in pieces. All the time, I just keep breaking. As soon as I fix one, another goes down.

Mrs. Shepherd: I know it’s easier to have compassion for a good person than a murderer.

Jen, Brain aneurism pregnant patient: Brad proposed to me in a supermarket aisle. He said that was the first time he saw me. I said yes between the cat food and tampons.

Jen: You just told me there’s a time bomb in my head. I promise you I’m not going to stay calm.

Dr. Campbell: It’s just like a calculator. Just because there’s a machine to do if for them, children should have to learn simple arithmetic?

Band dork: Once you spaz out in front of the whole school, friends are kind of hard to come by.

Band dork: When most people see you as sick they don’t see you as anything else.

Stomach cancer patient: The reason Trish decides everything, Thanksgiving, dinners, vacations, she’s the only one left who knows how to cook a turkey, Mike. She’s the only one left who likes planning vacations. And she’s the only one left who remembers to make dinner reservations. She’s in charge of us because everyone else is dead. I want it. Now. I want the surgery right now.

Trish, stomach cancer patient: You don’t leave the people you love alone, Dr. Grey. That idiot may not know it yet but my fear is going to be what saves his life.

Dave, face transplant patient: Who am I kidding? It’s a face, right. If it’s anything above a point and stare freak, I’m gonna call it a success.

Mr. Torres: You don’t have children do you? No you don’t, because if you did, ‘Your daughter’s a grown woman,’ that means nothing. She’s my child. She’s like blood running through your veins. You don’t outgrow it, never goes away. The love, the need to protect from everything, even from themselves. They grow up, they move out, they change. Become people you don’t even recognize, make decisions. Then they think you don’t love them because you don’t understand. That’s the opposite. See it’s the opposite. You fight for them, always. You never surrender, or your child is on the line, you never surrender.

Mrs. Stevens: Life gave her lemons and she made cantaloupes.

Mrs. Stevens: When you have a sick child Cricket, money’s not really the first thing on your mind.

Mrs. Stevens: You don’t have skin on your organs, that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Becca, patient: Today’s the day my life begins. Today I become a citizen of the world. Today I become a grown up. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself and my parents, accountable for more than my grades. Today I become accountable to the world, to the future, to all the possibilities that life has to offer, starting today. My job is to show up, wide eyed and willing and ready. For what? I don’t know. For anything. For everything. To take on life, to take on love, to take on the responsibility and possibility. Today, my friends, our lives begin, and I, for one, can’t wait.

Charlie, amputation patient: you think I don’t know that? You think I want to cut my leg off? Of course not! Am I sure about this? No. the only thing I’m sure about is that I know I’m in hell right now. That I am sure of. I’ve lost everything. Everything I’ve worked for, everything I care about. I’ve traded it in for a six times a day pain pill that doesn’t even work. So don’t waste both our times by trying to scare me because you do not scare me, Dr. Torres. After everything I’ve been through, nothing scares me. So are we going to do this or not?

Dr. Swindler: There is no cure for cancer, Dr. Yang. There’s only us, the two of us, right here, right now, fighting this thing as aggressively as we know how. And sometimes that means pumping toxins into the patient to kill the cancer. And yes, sometimes, not very often, but sometimes those toxins kill the patient as well. But Alison had three months to live when she came to see me and I have managed to keep her alive for two years. So I am not about to give up on her or the IL-2 anytime soon and neither are you.

Amanda, patient: We start with the cold shoulder, you’re right on track. Then we go to our girlfriends and bitch, then our girlfriends say, ‘You want to build a future, build it yourself.’ We don’t need a man to give you that, so you want to buy a house, buy a house.

It’s like watching a living freak show.

Clara, boating accident patient: She made me from scratch. That’s what she always says. Like when I wanted to go skydiving, you know, ‘don’t jump out of a plane Clara, I made that body from scratch.’ When I sprained my ankle, ‘Be more careful darling, I made that ankle from scratch.’

Irvine, patient: Let me tell you about the Golden Years. There’s got to be more to life than eating pudding and watching CSI. Now, come on, can you give an old man a working Johnson?

Irvine: Let’s stop pretending she’s going to college. She’s pretty, but she’s not too sharp.

Irvine: You’re just a kid, Doc, you won’t understand, but one day you’re gonna wake up and all the big stuff, all the milestones you’ve been looking forward to, graduation, wedding, having kids, your grandkids, it’s all behind you. It’s all over. All you’ve got is a bunch of yesterdays and very few tomorrows.

Billy, patient: She found her footing, in the back of your neck. Find your open window. Everyone has one. A weak spot, undefended, an open window, a key hidden in a fake rock. That’s how I do it.

Billy, patient: ‘You’re not just a good doctor, you’re a great doctor. You are the future of medicine.’ ‘Only you can keep you down.’ And my favorite: ‘No one can tell it’s plastic surgery.’ I think it’s the nose but it could be the boobs. What do you think?

Isaac: If you ever become frightened, instead become inspired.

Wallace’s mother: Bad dreams, bad dreams, go away. Good dreams, good dreams, here to stay.

Hilary: Dad please, the last thing I am is a disappointment. I’m on honor roll. I run the student council. I basically am the school paper. And I tutor kids with reading problems. Okay, I am every parent’s dream come true including yours. I was exploring the bounds of my consciousness with the help of a mushroom. I made a calculated risk going on that roof, falling off, well, that was a low probability of it, even though low probability of events occasionally occurs. And this one did. So yeah, you’re bummed. I miscalculated because it reminds you of your own unfathomed ability. I’m bummed too. Let’s just leave it at that.

Dr. Singer, patient: Oh yes you’re going in there. So what, he got you pregnant. You’re going to go right into that school and show those cheerleaders that you have nothing to be ashamed of. Those little bitches are poisonous.

Dr. Singer: Are you crazy? I’m never going back to those sex-crazed, teenage alcoholics. No way.

Patient’s boyfriend: Does it make me awful to say I was slightly disappointed? I guess I was just sitting out here thinking, ‘Now he’s going to be like the rest of us who teach and direct and do all the things he finds demeaning.’ You know what’s demeaning? Loving a man, taking care of him, doing his shopping, making his meals, making sure his humidifiers are clean. God forbid his humidifiers aren’t clean. What’s demeaning is loving a man who thinks so little of you.

Dr. Baylor: You don’t have wants or needs, you’re an intern. The bottom of the surgical food chain. I am a resident. I’ve been here three years, you’ve been here three days. Do the math. Draw her blood.

Harper Avery: Was it a student? Board member’s wife? No one gives up the Chief of Surgery gig and they don’t ask you to unless it’s for something juicy so who were you slipping it to?

Harper: Being awake for my own surgery, what an opportunity like this to be a student again in a new perspective. It’s what we got into this business for in the first place. Those moments that challenge and terrify, dare us to reach the potential we were meant to reach. Let’s stop the talk, and get into the OR and teach those kids, teach ourselves what it means to be great.

Harper: No! I decide when it’s enough. You think that I am arrogant and overbearing and maybe I am, but I am also you’re only living grandfather and it has become very clear to me today that my time is coming.

Molly, patient’s girlfriend: What? Pick up women? You mean, how do you explain your boobs to the next chick who’s dumb enough to date you?

Cancer patient: It’s like I’m applying to die.

Cancer patient: I would like to end my life through physician’s suicide.

Patient’s daughter: I’m nine and you just spelled sex.

Mrs. Corso: It’s easy to make jokes about him. You didn’t know him before. You don’t know that inside all of that, I’ve always known. He can make me laugh til I can’t breathe. He’s been trying to make you guys laugh all day but you’re all too disgusted to smile or joke with him, make him feel like a person. I brought him here because I thought you could help him, but you’re only making him feel worse. S unless you want to tell me the next step to getting him out of here and home I don’t want to hear anything from you.

Dr. Ben Warren: Now, woman, I am naked and I look good. Now are you going to sit there and lecture me or are you going to let me take you into my bedroom and have my way with you?

Mary, patient: Full of fresh blood, it’s disgusting. It’s like I’m a vampire or something.

Mary: She knows. Girls always know.

Dr. Percy: Nobody named Charlie ever got the girl. Charlie Brown. Charlie Manson.

Dr. Percy: You’re trading sex for surgery. That’s prostitution. Is that the part I’m supposed to get over?

Dr. Percy: I know you of Yang, she gives you the warm and fuzzies with her magical, special, heart skills but those lungs your transplanting belong to a patient of mine and it would mean a lot to turn his death into something meaningful.

Dr. Percy: Can you find her and tell her I loved her? I loved her so much. You tell her I was a catch. I was a hot, hot catch. And she missed out on a great guy. And you tell her I was a brave, even if I turn coward and start crying and asking for my mom in a second. You tell her I died brave, okay?

Dr. Percy: Well, you know what they say about people with big feet.

Dr. Percy: And some doctors enjoy torturing patients because they messed up and don’t know what they’re going to do with the rest of their lives.

Sloane: I don’t want to know where to come back to. If I give him to you guys, it’s still my baby. I need him to be somebody else’s. I mean, my dad got a clean break from me, and look at him now. Don’t I deserve that?

Kristy: Finally getting some junk in this trunk.

Henry: No, I don't blame her. I was proposing for all the wrong reasons. I mean I liked her and all, but what I liked most about her was her PPO.

Henry: You saved my life this morning, and that deserves a toast even if it wasn't a real wedding.

Dr. Fields: That's how you get a woman to tear her own body apart. You promise her a baby.

Henry: I just have to say this. I basically spent the past hour on a date with William myself, and I don't know how much you know about the guy, but this is what I know. Um, he wears driving gloves, yeah. And he doesn't live with his mother, but until recently he lived above her house. And he used the word "shan't", and he wasn't being funny. And he has yet to tell a story about himself in which he is not the hero. And as your husband, I think we can do better.

Dr. Stark: Pediatric surgeons can be heartless wretches. Some would argue that I'm a case in point. But social workers, on the other hand, are bleeding hearts.

Lucy: Because even though you're whole rap is about self-confidence, you're about as self-assured as a chihuahua.

Eli: Inside the hospital you're the man. That's the protocol, but outside I'm the man. I am the man. Me. Now you can call me cro magnon or old fashion, but that's not going to stop me from taking you home to my bed tonight and showing you what kind of man I am. Now how's that? Does that protocol suit you?

Henry: I've been thinking lately, and I think...um...I think I've figured it out...why all of your dates go so bad, so, so bad, laughably bad, and it's not your fault—it's mine because I'm not the guy on them with you.

Henry: If unibrows were my thing, I'd be all over that.

Henry: I really tried to be a gentleman about all this, but now you need to get the hell out. Letting you go was the worst thing I've ever done. It's the most painful thing I've ever done, and I'm a guy who's had 82 surgeries. My threshold for pain is pretty high. You need to get out. I'm not your best bud. I'm not your security blanket. I'm a man who's in love you who waltzed you into the arms of a damn knight on a horse. So, go to Germany and have little spaetzle-eating children. And please, for God's sake, leave me alone.

Grey's Anatomy: Denny Duquette

Capricorn, single, loves to travel and cook.

Good luck with that.

Triple word score, 69 points. Woman, I'm beating the pants off you. Pay attention, what the hell are you doing?

You took a vow of celibacy?

What? You like your men sick and feeble? You don't dig healthy guys?

It's not the kind of thing I'd forget.

I tricked her into marrying me, how smart am I?

For five years I’ve had to live by the choices of the doctors. The guys who cut me open had decided that there wasn’t one choice that was mine. And now, I have this heart that beats, that works. I get to be like everybody else. I get to make my own decisions, have my own life, do whatever the damn hell I choose. That is the good part. So you listen close, what I choose, is you. You’re who I want to wake up with and go to bed with and do everything in between with. I get a choice now. I get to choose. I choose you Izzie Stevens.

Mistakes are painful but they are the only way to find out who you are.

I knew it. You people are trying to turn me into a robot. It’s all a part of your evil plan to take over the hospital.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, way too harsh! Remember we were going to take it easy? That was not easy.

Meredith, you drowned. In Elliott Bay, you remember that?

People tend to freak out.

Oh, okay Mr. I've-been-dead-longer-and-knows-everything.

Oh, I'm not the one who got himself all blown up.

I will kick your ass anytime. I'm the one with the fresh heart.

Alright, but that thing in the tub. What was that?

I do not see women in the bathtub. I wish I saw wo - We know things.

Yeah, you do. It's easier, but you can't. Because George's dad died. Because Izzie lost me. And Cristina - When she was nine, she was in a car accident with her father. And he bled out right in front of her while they waited for an ambulance to arrive. And Alex...

They're barely breathing. This will break them. None of them deserves that. And this, this is the big one, so you pay attention. Do you know what kind of miracle it is that Derek is who he is? Do you know how rare it is that someone like him even exists? He's an optimist. He still believes in true love and soul mates. He's waiting for you. And if you don't come back from this, you will change who he is.

No. Sometimes we'll be in the same place at exactly the same time, and I can almost hear her voice. It's like I'm touching her. I like to believe she knows I'm there. That's all you get. That's it. Moments with the people you love. And they'll move on, and you'll want them to move on, but still, Meredith, that is all you get. Moments.

I don't know. This is your afterlife, not mine.

[voiceover] Heaven. Hell. Limbo. No one really knows where we're going or what's waiting for us when we get there, but the one thing we can say for sure, with absolute certainty, is that there are moments that take us to another place, moments of Heaven on earth, and maybe for now, that's all we need to know.

[voiceover] I believe in heaven. I also believe in hell. I've never seen either, but... I believe they exist. They have to exist... because without a heaven... without a hell... we're all just heading for limbo.

I loved you so much. I loved you so much that when I got to come back for you, I thought... you were my heaven. But maybe... maybe I'm your hell.

I really hope this is heaven.

Izzie, that kiss is worth a thousand words.

I've been lying in this bed for close to a year, and I've had a lot of time to look back on my life. And the things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do and I did them anyway. The thing is, life is too damn short to be following these rules.

Oh, doc, I’d outta kick your ass making me scream like a baby in front of the girl I’m trying to impress. Man, oh geez.

Since when do you get to decide what’s an option in my life and what isn’t? My heart may be on your battery packs but it’s still my heart. It’s my decision. It’s my damn life.

Izzie, would it wrong for me to feel you up right now?

No you don’t! I’m a man! I’m a strong virile horse of a man stuck in the body some weak sick bastard that I don’t know, like or recognize. Now if you knew what that feels like, you would have never convinced me to let a battery run my heart. If you knew what that feels like Izzie, you would have let me go!

I’ve got twenty tubes coming out of my body. One in which coming out of my you-know- what. At some point I’d like to use that you-know-what for something besides peeing into a bag. Like, for instance, peeing into a toilet. It’s just, Izzie gave me medical advice. You’re giving me different advice. It just so happens that yours is the advice I want to here.

Horses have a great judge of character. If you don’t like horses, then that means they don’t like you.

[answering machine message] Dad, Mom, it’s me. I’m calling from Seattle Grace Hospital where the beautiful, talented, incredibly stubborn Dr. Isobel Stevens, she’s just given me a brand new heart and promised to marry me. I know we’ve had our differences and I’m sorry for not being in touch. Believe it or not, I was trying to make everything better. I know you’re angry, and I hope you’ll forgive me. It turns out, sometimes you’ve got to do the wrong thing. Sometimes you have to make a big mistake to figure out how to make things right. Mistakes are painful, but they’re the only way to find out who you really are. I know who I am now. I know what I want. I’ve got the love of my life, a new heart, and I want you guys to get on the next plane out here and meet my girl. Everything’s going to be different now. I promise, from here on out, nothing’s going to be the same. I love you. Bye.

I can’t do anything that would make you unhappy. You know that.

Denny: Do you believe in heaven? Because I thought maybe this was heaven, getting to be here with you. But now, now I’m not so sure. I think this may be hell.
Denny: You broke up with me and I’m still here. Doesn’t that mean something?
Denny: I want you do be happy Izzie, I do. I would leave if I could. You think I want to stay here while you tell me you want another man? I can’t go because you won’t listen to me. I’m here for you.
Denny: There are other things I’d like to do or see but I can’t. I can’t go to heaven or hell or to Asia. I can’t do anything but this, until you wake up and figure it out.
Denny: I loved you so much that when I got to come back for you, I thought you’re my heaven, but maybe I’m your hell.

Grey's Anatomy: Arizona Robbins

Um, No. You asked me who I was. I think that George joining the army is awesome. I am a person who thinks that what George is doing is dangerous, and terrifying, and brave. He's going to serve his country. He's going to risk his life to save the men and women who make it possible for you and I to sleep safely in our beds. I'm a person who thinks that, that is brave. And I am a person who stood in an airplane hangar, and watched them unload my brother's body in a coffin. And, all we got was a flag. My brother died over there because there weren't enough doctors. So, for my money Callie, George O'Malley is a patriot. He's a hero, and I am grateful that he exists. So yeah, the word I use is awesome. That's who I am.

Most people think that I was named for the state. It’s not true. I was named for the battleship. The U.S.S. Arizona. My grandfather was serving on the Arizona when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and he saved nineteen men before he drowned. Pretty much everything my father did his whole life was about honoring that sacrifice. I was raised to be a good man in the storm, raised to love my country, love my family, protect the things I love. When my father, Col. Daniel Robbins of the United States Marine Corps heard that I was a lesbian, he only had one question that I was prepared for: ‘How fast can you get the hell out of my house?’ But instead, it was, ‘Are you still who I raised you to be?’ My father believes in country the way you believe in God. My father is not a man who bends but he bends for me because I’m his daughter. I’m a good man in a storm. I love your daughter and I protect the things I love. Not that I need to. She doesn’t need it. She’s strong and caring and honorable and she’s who you raised her to be.

I... I never had boyfriends. Ever. I had a poster on my wall of Cindy Crawford, and it wasn't just looking at her mole. It wasn't news to my mom when I brought somebody home named Joanne. But you... you dated men your whole life, you loved men. You even married one! You're talking about 30 years of relationship, you know, he's been consistent for 30 years. And all of a sudden you're a whole new girl. So, cut him some slack. Sit down and have a conversation. Give him room to be a little shocked.

Oh no, because you slept with my girlfriend and I find that when I look at you, I want to hit you with a brick.

Jealousy is a green eyed monster and if you ask anyone of my kids, they’ll tell you there is no reasoning with a monster. Dude, run away before I find me a brick. As my friend, don’t judge me for that.

Mark is like candy. Eat it and forget about it. This might be the best idea I’ve ever had.

I told her he was a candy bar.

Until you can tell him he’s awake, it won’t matter. All they’ll hear is white noise and see your mouth moving.

A party in your panties.

This is not general surgery in miniature. These are the tiny humans, these are children. They believe in magic, they play pretend. There is fairy dust in their IV bags. They hope and they make wishes. And that makes them more resilient than adults. They recover faster, survive worse, they believe. In Peds we have miracles and magic. In Peds, anything is possible.

Birthdays are just days like any other days. I don’t like them, don’t celebrate them. No big deal. 25 million dollars, that’s a big deal.

Doing a tips on a kid who needs a new liver, that’s like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound.

I wish you could get organs delivered instead of going to pick them up. I hate flying. I always feel closer to death on an airplane than in the OR. Don’t you?

Children are resilient. And in all likelihood you’re going to open up this girl’s chest and fix something simple. And then you’re going to hand her back the rest of her life. I’m telling you Bailey, you’re gonna want to be there for that.

That it’s more than just cutting. Peds is more than just cutting. And what you did today was heroic. And you know it.

You know they teach us in med school how not to care so much. We drape the patients so we don’t see their faces. We do a thousand different things to care a little less. You care like crazy and I love that. And I’ll keep loving that even if you decide to lie to your family.

Chief? Chief. I’m going to cry and I just want you to know that I know it’s going to happen. I just want you to ignore it. I’m not cry because I’m upset. It’s just what happens when I get mad at [people of authority. I’m mad at you and I’m crying because you’re the boss, my boss, which brings up my issues of authority with my dad who you kind of remind me of, not that you’re old, but command respect. People respect you, and I know I do, and I know Dr. Bailey does, which is why I’m mad. Because it’s wrong sir, it’s wrong and mean to use a robot to lure Dr. Bailey back into general surgery ‘cause I don’t have a robot. All I have are little kids and they’re not as fun as a robot and they’re not shiny and new and silver and they don’t have things coming out of their belly buttons but I will fight you. And I will win, sir. Because I have something that you don’t have. I have joy, sir!

The kids you can save almost make up for the ones you can’t.

You know, it’s not a good idea to piss off your attending. I like kids, and I like their parents and I like to see them smile. So I like going to get them pudding and playing games with them because it makes reattaching their arm way more fun. I don’t like being used. And I don’t like being lied to even less.

You left him alone. You don’t get to feel anything, because he’s feeling everything. His every nerve is exposed and raw and we have to make him feel worse before we can make him feel better. So if you’re having feelings, then you need to shut them down. You need shut them down and talk to him about his future and remind him that he has one past all of this pain. And if you can’t do that, if you can’t do your job, then you find someone who can and you send them to me.

He makes scratching look sexy.

You don’t think Peds is hardcore? Because you can say that to my face Avery.

There’s a difference between advocating for tiny humans and berating terrified parents. You’re good with kids I can see that. You’ve got great hands and great instincts, we already knew that. And you’re as good as anyone I’ve seen when it comes to advocating for your patients, but until you’ve been a parent, until you’ve stayed up nights with a screaming infant, or dealt day in and day out with a terrorist toddler, or raised a lying teenager, you don’t get to judge parents. You have to advocate for the kids. You don’t get to berate terrified parents. You clear on that?

I like to fix things, people. I like to fix people. You’re staring and you’re sad and I think you need friends that aren’t Owen. That’s where I come in with the fixing. You’re going to be friends with me.I’m an awesome friend.

It’s really bad form to cancel plans with new friends, you know that right?

Are you one of those fake lesbians just having a vacation in lesbian land?

Everyone, we’re sealing the floor. I don’t know why and it doesn’t matter why, but no one goes in or out past the double doors. You check on your own patients then you come back and check to see if there are any others in the cube. We don’t have a lot of hands on deck. And people, do not alarm the makers of the tiny humans. They will eat you alive.

Look, it's not that I don't like Mark, it's just that he's Mark. What you see is what you get. Besides, you like him. What do I care that his abs are where his soul should be.

I am so deeply, deeply, deeply sorry for hurting you so much. I am so sorry because I'm so in love with you, and I will spend the rest of my life telling you that. I'll apologize to you every day if that's what you need, but, please, please don't walk away again. I came across the world to be with you. I love you. Please.

Body block him, Karev. Don't let him near that leg.

It's good that she's mad. It means she cares, right?

I'm a stuck up self-righteous bitch.

I bail. Ok? When things get hard, I walk away.

Shut up. Just shut up. You don't get to tell me that we're not together. We are together. Because I love you and you love me, and none of the rest of it matters. We are together. And if you ever sleep with anyone else again, man or woman, I will kick the crap out of you. Now you sit your ass back down there because that's my baby in there. I don't want anything happening to my baby.

And Mark, you know, is human and clearly has good genes because he's both pretty and smart.

OK, can we just be honest about the fact that is some kind of "bi" dream come true? I mean you get the woman that you love and the guy best friend who's also a great lay and then you get a baby. I mean you get it all. Me—this is not my dream. My dream does not look like this.

I never picked him, and I don't hate him, but I don't want a life with him. And yet that's somehow what I got.

I don't get excited by Mark. I'm not delighted by Mark.
We have a relationship, Mark. Part of that doesn't include you.

It's not all hugging and the Special Olympics.

I mean he gets most of you. The straight you, the Catholic you, the girl who loves baby showers. I just get, you know, the gay you, which is really only about twenty minutes a night...

Someone threw out the gift list, and now we don't know who got what, and people are going to think of us as the type of people who write vague and impersonal thank you notes.

You're not the Callie whisperer. And I'm not a monster for finding baby showers annoying. Everyone woman who's ever had a pregnant friend hates them. It's like a wedding—the bridesmaids always want to strangle the bride. It's practically a rule. The only one who's not normal here is you for acting like you're enjoying this.

I asked her to marry me, and a truck came out of nowhere.

I feel like your wife. I feel like our baby's mom.

She's one pound, one ounce of strong.

She can't open her eyes yet, but I can tell she's looking for you.

It's a traumatic brain injury. It's not boot camp.

Grey's Anatomy: Erica Hahn

So how have you been Preston? Last time I saw you, you stole my patient's heart. Then you got shot. Karma rocks.

Is it me or are there teeny boppers staring at you?

No one likes a girl who gets emotional.

Well, Yang, I appreciate the offer but I date men so I don’t think you’ll be able to impress me the way you’ve impressed your mentors in the past. You sleep with them right? Preston Burke, Collin Marlow. That’s your thing. My theory is, if you have the chops in the OR then you wouldn’t need to try and impress in the bedroom. Stevens, is it? Let’s go, Stevens.

I had no idea that sunrise yoga would be so intense.

Well I guess it’s no surprise, his arrogance is legendary... oh well, I thought we finally had some common ground... Good for you, refusing to trash him. Rising above. It's very impressive. I'm going to follow your example, Yang. Congratulations Preston, I wish you well.

I don’t make friends easily. I’m awkward and bad at small talk and I don’t generally like people I don’t know but I made friends with you and now you have this thing and that thing is Sloan.

I’m not mad that you’re sleeping with Sloan, I’m mad that you didn’t tell me you were sleeping with Sloan. I’m mad at you, because instead of telling me and admitting that you’re one of those girls who goes all poofy when she gets a boyfriend, you disappear, with you thing. I don’t make friends easily.

You studied at the right hand of God?! Wow.

So I’ve been observing teaching styles. Shepherd like to teach by thinking out loud. Bailey is blunt and direct and doesn’t over teach. And Sloan just likes to be berate and humiliate.

Restaurant, wine. At the end of the night I try to take your clothes off.

If you lie to me again, the next heart you will see will be your own as I cut it out of your chest with a steak knife.

Grey's Anatomy: Owen Hunt

Sometimes... words fail.

It’s outta time, outta spaced. Anything can happen on the vent.

I got you a cardio god, or uh, goddess.

Trauma is a team sport. You don’t have to be the hero. You just have to go where you’re needed.

Until you have exhausted all the options, it’s not false. It’s just hope.

Leave it right where it is! You get stabbed in the chest, you're lucky enough to still be breathing. You leave the knife in, at least until you figure out what's going on inside. Leave it in!

In the field you do what you can, you work with what you have. It’s about something. It’s not about being the best. It’s about saving lives. I make mistakes and guys by my hands, good guys, guys who are fighting for their country in the desert. I don’t know everything, nobody does. So I make mistakes, and I learn, and the next time I don’t make that mistake again so the next guy, that guy, he lives. Mistakes are how you learn.

Is that tetanus? You who you have to thank for the invention of the tetanus shot, Stevens? Horses. First shots were done on horses.
Owen: No what you did was pick over him like vultures. What you did was treat a man who's fighting to live like he's already dead. You have no sense, no decency and no respect!

Onward and upward.

As a rule, if I’m showering with a woman, I do it without my clothes. And if I get into her bed naked, I don’t pass out.

I was fired from the Army. They call it an honorable discharge. They knew it was my time even though I didn’t. I’m grateful to them for that.

You’re good at this. You’re thinking ten steps ahead of what you’re doing. Not many people can do that. The hairier things get the calmer you get. That’s not something you learn, that’s something you wire.

Are you whoring yourself out for surgeries?

In my experience nobody goes into a battle because they want to win a purple heart. You do the right thing and sometimes that gets you a medal, sometimes it can get you kill. When is the best thing for the most people? The thing that keeps most people alive.

You think that surgery’s going to make you feel, you think that a successful career is going to make you happy, you think you know things, know things and nothing else matters, no one else matters. People do matter. I matter. We matter. So you don’t get to toss me aside.

Mark Sloan is a public health hazard.

[voiceover] Dying isn’t easy. The body was designed to stay alive. Thick skulls, strong hearts, keen senses. When the body starts to fail, medicine takes over. Surgeons are arrogant enough to think there’s no one you can’t save. Like I said, dying isn’t easy.

[voiceover] Living is better than dying until it’s not. But even if letting a person die is the right thing to do, it’s not what surgeons are built for. We are arrogant and competitive. We don’t like to lose. And death feels like a loss even when we know it’s not. We know it’s time. We know it’s right. We know we did everything we could. It’s hard to shake the feelings that you could have done more.

I would love you if you were a plumber, but would you love you if you weren't a surgeon?

Patients don't suddenly die, it just seems that way when you stop paying attention. Food for thought.

Bowling with Bailey... that sounds fun.

You don't get to talk to me like that in my OR. If you can't keep your problems, our problems, outside, then you should go.

You are fearless, and I don't mean that in a good way. Most people don't tell the guy with the gun to shoot them. Most people are like Cristina. Most people are afraid. So what she needs isn't what you need. She isn't you, Meredith.

You have an obligation to at least pretend that you care what the hell I want.

It's what you are, just be excellent at what you are.

I want them, and maybe you could, too. I believe your life could be bigger than you think it is. I know you can contain more than you think you can. I'm not saying we do this, I'm just saying we think. Let's see what kind of life we can imagine. Cristina Yang, I imagine such a huge life for us.

Grey's Anatomy: Lexie Grey

No. I forgive you. I forgive you for treating me like crap, and I forgive you for letting your friend treat me like crap.

Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur. I can keep going.

Bad day. I get to be forward today.

Bow to me, for I am the queen of interns.

You sleep with me. You eat lunch with me. New rule.

I broke his bone.

The odds are against us. I am a one woman wrecking ball, all I do is break you: your hand, your penis, your relationships, your life. I can say our survival rate is about 3% and that’s, that’s bad but that’s not nothing. I don’t think we should give up on this, at least not yet.

My heart does not live in my... vagina.

For once in my life I am doing something for me and it has nothing to do with having feelings for you, or for Mark, or for anyone. This is about not feeling. You make me not feel. And if you can’t handle that, if you can’t handle being used for sex, then please just tell me so I can find a guy who can.

Sure, he’ll sleep with him. He slept with Addison. He’ll screw anything that moves. But what? I’m supposed to check into a convent. Why is he hanging on like this?

I didn’t plan on being here. I was all set for an internship at Mass Gen. And then, my mother gets the hiccups and I’m at a funeral. You know, we all have problems. Moms die, and dads drink so much they don’t even know what year they’re in, and sisters, I didn’t even know there was a Meredith Grey until a couple months ago. And she doesn’t even want to talk to me. I don’t want to be here, I’d give anything to not be here. To have my life work out the way I planned, to have time to ask ‘What about me?’ So you change, you get over it. I’m here, now. And you, you delivered a baby today. So, stop feeling sorry for yourself.

I’m an adult child of an alcoholic is what happened to me. I have boundaries issues. So when Meredith made me eggs this morning, I couldn’t not eat them. I had to pretend I wasn’t allergic to eggs and now I have a rash covering my entire body. I’m co-dependent.

He forgot he had sex with me?!

No. I forgive you. I forgive you for treating me like crap, and I forgive you for letting your friend treat me like crap. I don't know how you get up in the morning, I honestly don't. Our dad abandoned you. And your mom by all accounts was the meanest person ever and you can't let Derek love you, and it all really, really sucks. But ever since I knew you existed, I had this fantasy about my big sister, and you have failed on every occasion to live up to that fantasy. But I still love you whether you are capable of letting me or not. So, I forgive you.

It happens. People make mistakes. They... sleep with the wrong person and... they hide it but, if you ask me, it's the part that comes after that matters, the part where you make it right. And I think you're off to a good start.

I know. I’m pathetic and George doesn’t know I exist and I missed my surgery and blah blah blah. Could you please just tell me how it went?

Interns. You could screw interns. I mean, date. Residents can date interns because we’re non-threatening. I read a study once that said interns hardly ever file sexual harassment claims because we feel so weak and powerless in the hospital environment. So that’s good.

Those are your interns? Did you even ask for me? I helped you study. I decorated your stupid locker and you don't even see it! You don't see anything! I am such an idiot. And you are a jerk. You didn't even think to ask for me? Screw you, Dr. O'Malley.

Sorry about this little guy, must have been awful. One day you’re at some beautiful farm out in the country, breathing in the fresh air, lounging in the mud with all your friend and the next thing you know you’re sedated and stabbed in some skills lab.

I named the pigs today. I take things personally. I get too emotional. There’s no place for it at work, not with the pigs and not with you. I’m sorry.

I get it. I the one who organized a crazy cabal of secret cutter interns. The thing is I’ve been advised to seek out sex as a way out of my sad predicament, but I think I would rather just learn today. So, what do you say? You, me...

I respect you as a man, as a surgeon, as a teacher, I respect you. So, teach me. Teach me. C’mon, am I really so bad?

You sleep with me, you lunch with me. New rule.

Oh my god, are you okay?! It’s bent in the middle! I think I broke it!

He’s badly injured, in a bad way, for anyone who’s a man, but for Dr. Sloan in particular. He may have broken a bone. He broke a bone. I broke his bone.

How should I know? That’s none of my business and none of yours. But if I did know who broke Mark Sloan’s penis, I wouldn’t tell you because we’re not even friends. I mean, I took out your appendix and it almost ended my career. That doesn’t make us close.

I don’t want to keep secrets. I’ve been keeping secrets all day about surgeries and rings and you. And that secret, the ‘you’ secret, is giving me high blood pressure. And I don’t want that secret. We’re having a relationship and if we are, if we’re in a relationship, then I need to be in it in front of my sister and Derek Shepherd. If we can’t do that, then I can’t do this.

Until you tell Derek, our relationship is going to continue to consist of you hiding in the attic and me smuggling snacks past Mere’s bedroom. Do you know what that makes you? Anne Frank. I am dating Anne Frank and I’m tired of it. I want to go downstairs with you and I want to tell the Germans to kiss my ass.

“Hi mom, please prepare yourself because this is going to be difficult to read. I’ve been in an accident. I’ve suffered terrible injuries and seventeen surgeries. Currently I’m suffering from an abdominal infection which I’ve refused to treat. I’m going to die soon. Please come quickly, Mom and if I’m gone before you get here, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you, and to thank you for making me from scratch.” I can hit the call button and have the nurses in here take you to surgery or I can hit send, that’s the deal.

Are you really gay? Like how gay are you on a scale of 1 to gay? ‘Cause that’s my boyfriend in the shower, my hot, naked boyfriend and how gay are you?

So I’m going to be fired. I’ve done a lot of really dumb things today, including pulling your medical files. Just listen. I didn’t want to do this. I didn’t want to have to come to you for anything, ever. So I thought if I looked up your blood type and it was the wrong one, then that would be it. Then I could just stop thinking about it. But I can’t because you have his blood. And I know that he is not your dad. I know that he was never there for you. And I would never ask you to give him anything and he doesn’t deserve a thing from you. He doesn’t but he’s gonna die Meredith. And so I’m asking you to give something to me. I’m asking, I am asking you to give me my dad because as crappy as he was to you, he was wonderful to me. He never missed a single dance recital. He was there at my fifth grade graduation. What is that? That’s not even real. I know he’s not your dad, I know that. But somehow, you have his blood and I don’t. So I’m asking you, give me my dad.
Lexie: Here’s the thing about the rain. It usually just drizzles, not like tonight. But when it stops everything is super green and it’s beautiful and it smells like trees.

Hey, I wore a diaper yesterday, yes, and I will wear one today. If it helps get Dr. Shepherd through this surgery, I will wear a diaper. My diaper is awesome. My diaper is hardcore. You wish you had the balls to wear my diaper. I’m going to wear it and I’m going to wear it with pride. And if I have to pee in it, oh I’ll pee because I am a surgeon. This is America. And I will do what needs to be done. So you can kiss my hardcore diaper wearing ass.

You are pathetic, and hypocritical, and slutty!

You can’t be an ass to me all day and then expect me to give you respect. You can’t be an ass to me all day and then expect me to give you sex. And you can stop with the patronizing nicknames. I’m a nice person who couldn’t even bring myself to attempt matricide by sweet and low. That makes me charming to anyone else. I am a nice person. And I am nice to you. So whatever your damage is, you better start being freaking nice to me, or I am not spreading my legs for you anymore no matter how much I may want to. Now give me a damn beer.

It's like turning off the TV when Clarisse is knocking on the door of the house. It's silencing the lambs, and the lambs want to scream, Dr. Bailey. The lambs want to scream.

That a hooker on your shoulder?

Crap, my dad's tatted up skank isn't the bitch. I am.

Mark is having a baby, and he didn't even ask my opinion. He just clobbered me with it again. And he's leaving me behind again. So we're done. You know? We have to be, but I miss him.

I never really got it before, but this is how he operates. He starts up new families, stops talking to the old ones. He'll go off marry Dani the tattooed lady, have six little mid-life crisis babies, and I'll never hear from him again. It's exactly what he did to you.

That's what happens when your boyfriend's an old man. Old men get cancer.

He was too busy lovin' up on a tattooed twenty-year-old.

You're not his family! You're his midlife crisis!

It always feels like there is just one person in this world to love, and then you find somebody else, and it just seems crazy that you were ever worried in the first place.

Here's the thing — you're killing him. You're taking a gun and killing him, and there is nothing romantic about a joint suicide.

Grey's Anatomy: Preston Burke

The only one that can keep a promise like that is God, and I haven't seen him holding a scalpel lately. You never promise a patient's family a good outcome.

This is the men's room. Either whip one out, or close the door.

'Close’ appears to be something of an understatement.

I do, you operated, he survived, and chose me to take over while recruiting your wife.

I am glad that you're back, I’m just hiding my joy deep down inside.

You thought marriage was an idiotic institution.

He said that he wasn’t the most talented student at music school. He said that what he lacked in natural ability, he made up for it in discipline. He practiced all the time. All the time, he practiced. I was like him. I wasn’t the most talented student in school, I wasn’t the brightest. But I was the best.

You don't want to go out to dinner, you don't want to meet me in the on-call room and you sure as hell don't want to talk to me. I could pretend I know, but hey, I don't even have your home phone number. So tell me - what do you want

I believe there's a mind-body-spirit connection. And if Justin really doesn't want this heart, his body will reject it. Dr. Preston Burke: [to Christina] We go to sleep, I think everything is fine, by the time I wake up, you're just a little bit crazy.

You know all that ‘I trust you’ crap? You’ve been pulling that on me since I was this high. No, ‘I trust you’ is code for ‘Learn from your mistakes.’ This is not a mistake. Cristina never knows what’s good for her, that’s who she is. She hates change. I need, I have to, and then she’s grateful. That’s how it was with dating, with moving in. Look, I am going to make her happy Mama; the wedding is a huge step. And she’s been a great sport, you know what? Because she will be happy, someday.

And I don't want to be known as the guy who killed everybody else.

Terrorize one and the rest fall in line.

A day without surgery.

The way you’re feeling right now is why I have to believe in something bigger than me, because if I don’t, that powerlessness would eat me alive.

That’s not for you to decide, Dr. Grey. He asked you for something and you told him you would do it. And if you don’t, that doesn’t make you noble, makes you a liar.

I am Preston Burke, a widely renowned cardiothorasic surgeon. I am a professional, more than that, I am a good and kind person who cleans up behind myself. I am a person that cooks well. And you, you are an unbelievable slob. A slobbily, angry, intern. I am Preston Burke. And you, you are the most competitive, most guarded, most stubborn, most challenging person I have ever met. And I love you. What the hell is the matter with you that you just won’t let me?

Oh this is not... I am very confident in my manhood, thank you very much.

You're not the enemy, you're just the competition.

If you ever try to pull a stunt like that again, going to the parents behind the doctor's back, trying to steal a patient from another service, I will make your residency here, hell on earth.

But it’s not fine. You wanted to believe I was fine. You wanted me to be fine. You want it, I want it. Damn it! My hands are the only things I have of value to me, to you. My hands, these are who I am. If I can’t do this, if I can’t finish this surgery...

Cristina, I do promise to hold you and to cherish you. I do promise to be there in sickness and in health. Like they say, til death do us part. But I won’t, those vows are for optimistic couples. The ones full of hope. And I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope. I am not optimistic. I am not hopeful. I am sure. I am steady. And I know that I am a heart man, take them apart and put them back together. I hold them in my hands. I am a heart man. So this I am sure, you are my partner, my lover, my very best friend. My heart beats for you. And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this. I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands. I promise you me.

I'm up there waiting for you to come down the aisle and I know you don't want to come. I know you don't want to come, but you'll come anyway because you love me. And if I loved you, if I loved you, not the woman I am trying to make you be; not the woman that I hope you'll become; but you, if I did, I wouldn't be up there waiting for you. I would be letting you go.

When we're on duty, I can't be your boyfriend.

I got shot. I got shot coming back to the hospital to check on Denny because you asked me to. I’m not fine. Denny asked you to marry him and now he is dead. You are not fine. Don’t come in here and... just, we’re not fine.

I guess we never really got our date.

The only person who can hold a promise like that is God. And I haven’t seen him holding a scalpel lately. You never promise a patient's family a good outcome.

There's nothing you could reveal about yourself that I wouldn't want to know.

Gotta have to adjust your world view Dr. Grey. There are people out there who don’t lie.

I’m an attending. I don’t apologize to residents.

You have high standards. Your standards are too high. You make people out to be... people make mistakes. Your standards are too high. You see a flaw, you attack.

Quit. You quit being a surgeon. You have two healthy hands that you’re not using. Feel guilty about that.

Never in my career have I questioned a fellow surgeon in their O.R. I never understood what the problem was. An intern dating an attending. Until today.

Grey's Anatomy: Mark Sloan

Subtle's never been my strong suit. So, do you ever go out with co-workers?

Derek and I always did have the same taste in women.

You're Derek's lusty intern right? Heard about you all the way back in New York. You’re famous.

We're the dirty mistresses.

My $400 an hour shrink says that it's because behind this rugged and confident exterior, I'm self destructive and self-loathing to an almost pathological degree.

You know, it's funny. Derek walks in on me naked with his wife, actually in the throes, and he just turns around and walks away. But he sees me so much as talking to you, and I'm on the ground bleeding. Interesting, don't you think?

If what happened between me and Addison is so unforgivable, how do you justify what happened between you and Meredith? You want me to be the bad guy, fine. But I’m not the only bad guy here. Derek, you and me, we’re the same.

If you can’t handle coffee, you can’t handle plastics. Maybe you should head back to the gyney squad where stuff’s all squishy and pink.

If you want to be chief, you have to fight with the big boys.

We agreed on I wouldn’t sleep with anyone for two months; we didn’t say I wouldn’t look. You didn’t think I would hold out.

Hold down the fort, Chief.

I like nurses, they’re helpful and smart and already good at their jobs. So as a going away gift to them, I’m going to let you hang with Jim while I go do one last rhinoplasty at Seattle Grace. I do like to leave city just a little bit prettier than I came.

I’ve known you my whole life; I grew up with you so I know what you’re thinking. That there is a year of your life wasted, trying to make it work with Addison and you could have been with Meredith. That you could be happy right now, that all this, everything, that you and Meredith could have a real chance. Still, I thought you should know the truth. I thought that I owed you that, as a friend.

Your marriage is over Addison. All you have to do is admit it and then you can come back home with me. I'm going to the bar across the street. Meet me there.

How do you expect to work out a marriage if you can’t even be honest with him?

Double scotch, single malt. You look sad.

As long as you don’t tell him the truth, you get to be the good guy, and I’m just the chump that seduced his wife. Real fair.

What if you're wrong? What if, just this once, life comes down on the side of the dirty mistresses?

McSteamy? Is that what you're calling me?

Plus I slept with my tennis partner’s wife and he went out and bought a gun.

Once a man whore, always a man whore. Right?

She goes back to becoming an unhappy man who’s stuck with a penis. There are millions of us out there.

How's my favorite dirty mistress?

People talk around here. I listen.

So this can be just a drink or it can be more than a drink.

Is it ‘bring a hot blonde to work’ day? No one told me.

I am your attending. And if you want in on my surgeries, you’re going to learn how to fetch and stay and heel. Don’t fetch angry.

Shepherd and Grey are on the rocks, Burke and Yang are engaged... You need highlights... Highlights. That's why your hair looks so odd. I'll go save lives now...

People don’t come to me to fix what’s on the outside. They come to me to fix what’s on the inside. So if that means giving someone a straighter nose or bigger breasts, so if that helps a person get by, I don’t run, I don’t hide, I don’t take space.

The most refined, professional, lady-like doctor in this hospital came to my defense tonight. Best she could come up with was "he's a whore."

I'm telling you, these interns are out of control.

Sexed-up stalkers.

You're a bad liar.

Cheerleaders just dance around, Poms are dancers.

Oh my God, hot cheerleader ass!

They're medical professionals. A healthy level of fear is encouraged.

We all made mistakes Addison, all three of us, but somehow I lost my best friend and the woman I love.

Two girls getting nasty and loving it? That’s hot. One girl talking about how it sucked? That's depressing. Wrong! Just wrong.

These women, they over think everything.

It’s your fault, you know, I never even thought about little Grey in that way until you told me not to. You planted a seed.

It’s hard to sleep when you don’t feel safe in your own house, isn’t it?

She came to my hotel room, took off all her clothes, and said “Teach me.” It’s like I had no self control. She violated me with her nakedness.

I am not going to a meeting to discuss my obsession with my best friend’s girlfriend’s half sister.

You only live once, you can’t waste it.

Pain and agony for a little bit of pleasure. I get it.

It doesn’t feel so bad, when I’m doing it. It’s good. It’s great. And maybe if you weren’t so scared of getting burned, you’d feel the same.

Walk tall. All you can do is be brave enough to get out there. You fought and you loved, you lost.

ClichĂ©s became clichĂ©s for a reason. Because they work. It’s great isn’t it. When you feel so strongly about a person and it’s not about the sex. It is... it’s true.

We’re surgeons. We’re men. We lose patients. It doesn’t give him the right to go around acting like a drunk, frat boy.

You think you broke me little Grey? You’re the one that put me back together.

Surprise parties are hostile. They’re dark. People jump out and scream at you. They never come to any good.

I wouldn’t have to sleep with the nurses if you would put out.

You don’t sleep with another man’s girl. I learned that the hard way.

I’m a grown man. I can screw whoever I want.

I get it. You got used to being the one person she could count on. Then suddenly, you’re supposed to just move on, get a life that doesn’t involve taking care of one person you thought needed you. It’s hard.

You and Derek. You’re all “Don’t screw the nurses and the drug reps.” You did a psych rotation. You know what happens when you tell someone not to think about an elephant. I walk around the hospital, trying not to make eye contact with the women. I’m lonely, and unhappy. I don’t see how this is a solution.

So, asking you out tonight, probably a bad idea?

First she said no. Then she said yes. Then she said no again, because she doesn’t want to have a meal with me, she just wanted sex. Who treats people like that? Like an object, like a piece of ass?

That's just a hobby. Professionally, I’m more focused on my work as a male escort.

Lunch is not romantic.

I don’t know if I’d call it a date. Doesn’t going on a date imply actually going somewhere?

It’s code for something dirty. You eat her pound cake, she eats your pound cake.

I pounded her cake she pounded mine. Excellent pound caking.

That woman is not a single, malt scotch, my friend. She is bad, cheap wine that gives you a headache you feel in your teeth.

You wanna rub up against me, you gotta buy me some drinks first.

I’m the one that could use a friend. I didn’t come to Seattle for Addison, I didn’t come to Seattle to be chief. I came to Seattle for you. Okay, I came to Seattle to get you back.

Gotta love Halloween. When all the crazies come out to play.

It’s like half my job torturing interns.

I’m holding someone’s future in my hands.

Cheerleaders just jump around. Poms are dancers.

In the medical profession, a healthy level of fear is encouraged.

You’re not the kind of guy who makes out with nurses in scrub rooms.

Do you notice that even when you’re insulting me you manage to tell me how pretty I am?

Lady in the streets, tramp in the sheets. Am I right?

I’m like a guru. They come to me for help and I gently guide them on a path of truth and wisdom.

What kind of moron are you O’Malley? Are you a special moron from the aisle of complete and utter morons?

She’s a dead mouse on the kitchen floor. At some point you’ve got to pick it up and throw it away.

Cowboys don’t have friends.

Surgery is like the Wild West. You need to get your claim to Montana from the bank, you’ve got to put a fence around and shot the ass off anyone who walked by. Karev’s a cowboy, you’re not.

It’s hard to sleep when you don’t feel safe in your own house.

It’s your fault, you know. I never thought about Little Grey in that way. You planted a seed.

She came to my hotel room, took off all her clothes and said ‘Teach me.’ It’s like I had no self-control. She violated me with her nakedness.

You are Meredith Grey’s little sister. You are forbidden fruit. You are 25. You’re a fetus.

Walk tall. All you can do is be brave enough to get out there. You fought, you loved, you lost. Walk tall Torres.

ClichĂ©s became clichĂ©s for a reason, because they work. It’s great, isn’t it? When you feel so strongly about someone and it’s not just about the sex, it is, it’s true.

No, I haven’t had time to swing by Peds yet and ask the nurse to point out the doctor who kissed my friend in a dirty bar bathroom.

You’re like the Dali Lama of surgery. People all over the world come here to let you cut into them. You know what else? You look good doing it.

Just because a guy doesn’t publish fancy clinical trials, take on flashy surgeries, or have creepy, perfect hair, he’s less of a man?

Supporting someone and respecting someone aren’t the same thing. You need to tell him that.

I may be irresponsible and untrustworthy out there, but I’m not in here.

I give up. If I hadn’t fallen for Little Grey, you’d found some other reason not to respect me like you always have. To you, I’m always going to be the charity case the Shepherds had to take in.

How does one exactly live in a tree? I mean, how does one exactly, say, eliminate waste?

You should call them and plead temporary insanity. You don’t have to end it with roller girl just say you did. That’s because it’s none of their business. You shouldn’t have to hurt this much.

This may be bad timing but I’ve got to ask you. What did that guy have? I mean, he wasn’t much to look at, but you and Stevens and Torres. Tell the truth. Was he, you know, hung?

You have become a crazy person I do not recognize. I want Lexie back. Can I get Lexie back?

That’s how I know my job is safe, Dr. Yang, because I reattach babies’ arms.

If she loves you she’ll understand if you can’t, perform. Cuddling’s nice too.

Come on. It’s just an erection. All the guy wants is a woody. God forbid you get to be his age and your kids won’t let you have one. He’s your father. He’s taken care of you your entire life. He’s given you everything and now he needs something and you want to throw that in his face. You know how many people would jump at the chance to give back to their parents who would sacrifice everything without blinking? And there’s nothing wrong with dating a younger woman. It keeps you young and that’s my professional opinion.

I have an idea. How about we don’t answer any patient questions with the phrase, ‘Um I don’t know.’

And you’re no blond. You can’t pull that off. Blonds are either bad ass or fun and you’re a brunette!

I wouldn’t have to sleep with nurses if you’d put out.

Appropriate is boring.

Lex, I’m still in love with you. I tried not to be but I am. Sloane’s not around, there’s no baby. And I don’t want to sleep around. I want another chance. I’m in love with you.

Nothing says good morning like shower sex.

I'm going to need some more consonants.

You're a crappy listener. Add that to the list.

I probably shouldn't have used permanent marker. My apologies.

I don't want to be the cool uncle. The cool uncle's only cool until the kid's like nine and then the cool uncle's just creepy.

Poor, Mr. Green Eyes. Let's not pretend being beautiful's a burden.

That goo looks great. I say stick with the goo.

Peanut butter cups. She's a stress eater. You get her eating, you get her talking. She loves peanut butter cups.

Use that Avery sparkle!

We're co-parenting us, all of us. This isn't a joke. It's not some cute arrangement where you humor me and use me for babysitting when you want to see a movie. This is my child. We're doing this together. You don't get a bigger vote. I'm a parent!

I've lost too many babies in my time. Addison terminated. Sloan disappeared. I'm not letting it happen again. I don't care what kind of baby it is.

You're Derek Shepherd. There's a reason I've been jealous of you my whole life, and it's not your hair. You're going to be okay. Even Sophia knows that. Right, Sophia? Say hi to Uncle Derek.

I'd choose her over you in the divorce. You know that, right?

Grey's Anatomy: Callie Torres

You don’t see him. Either of you, he’s just George to you. He’s just O’Malley, just your roommate. He makes my world stop. George O’Malley is sweet and kind, and smart and strong. He makes my world stop, so you just shut up.

Don't forget to clean it up. When you've finished smashing.

It hurts less if you don’t see it coming.

Orthos love hockey season. It’s like Christmas every day.

He’s got a passion and he sacrificed for it.

Sometimes you can’t wait. You want the pain to stop so you cut it off. End the problem and the pain.

From what I understand is that his best friend hasn’t been the best matchmaker in the past.

You missed the boat George. A hot chick gives you her number, you’re supposed to call.

I have verbal diarrhea and I’m a moron.

The other night when I told you I was done trying to compete, that was me breaking up with you.

You were sexier when you weren’t talking.

You guys should think about getting a hotel room or something.

We're socially retarded. I mean, look at me. I'm in love with a guy who won't say he loves me back... and here I am in his kitchen cooking, hoping he comes home and notices me. I'm a total freak. I'm the girl in the back of the class who eats her hair.

I do not do pink or baby blue. I will not be wearing flowers in my hair and I will not be seen with a bow on my ass.

Don't chase me anymore, unless you're ready to catch me.

We're working, George. I'm your boss, alright?

You're an obstetrician.

I used to believe in God, and marriage, and heaven and hell.

I believe in love, and second chances. And that even though George wasn't the one for me, it was okay that I believed that he was because, well, for a little while, at least, I got to be an O'Malley. And I really loved being an O'Malley.

It wasn't cheerful, it was dirty.

I cut off a healthy leg. I just cut it off. It was for the patient's own good, but still, I feel like a butcher.

I washed my hands. I went down to the kitchen and I washed my hands. I didn’t wash them in the bathroom because those girls were staring at me like I was a rodent or something. Like I was in high school having the naked dream and it was actually happening. I didn’t even know they were home. I washed my hands.

Okay, shut your trap for eight seconds and let me finish!

You dared him to lay down in a vat of concrete!

You didn't love her! You just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person that you love!

You think you can pray away the gay? You can’t pray away the gay. You can’t pray away the gay!

I hate that I’m so into you.

The man flew 3,000 miles to make me straight. With a priest! I'm lucky they didn't march into the ER swinging incense all hepped up for an exorcism.

Don’t take it personally. It’s the doctor thing. Four years of high school, four years of college, four years of med school. By the time we graduate, we’re in our late twenties. We’ve never done anything except go to school and think about science. Time stops, we’re socially retarded. Ha, look at me. I’m in love with a guy who won’t say he loves me back and here I am in his kitchen cooking, just hoping he comes home and notices me. I’m a total freak. I’m that girl in the back of the class who eats her hair. M, she’s 17 years old. We’re all 17 years old. This is high school with scalpels.

I’m out of my element here. I break bones for a living. I used to live in the basement. Most days I wear last night’s eye liner to work. I don’t give a crap what other people think about me because I’m a happily, independent, successful woman, and I like it that way. Only when you say stuff like this, it makes stuff too hard. So please don’t chase me anymore unless you’re ready to catch me.

Don’t do that. Don’t tough it out. Just say yes.

Don’t make me climb over this stall. I’ll do it but I’ll be really pissed because I don’t know you that well.

Imagine your dad’s like a vintage car, okay. And his blood is like gas flowing to the fuel lines. The cancer cells are like the gunk that builds up in there. Once the gunk starts circulating it can do a whole lot of damage to the carburetor, everything. It’s like the engine had already blown a gasket, even before all the other damage started.

Panties, Meredith. I’m talking about the freaking code of silence, pair of panties I pulled off the bulletin board, not to mention the adulterous McSex I witnessed!

We were broken up, as in, not together. I slept with Mark to get over you, and guess what? It didn’t work. It was mistake. I did not betray you, George. I would never do that.

George has become a sex machine.

I married the help.

I look insane, I’m wearing pearls.

George, what I’m about to say is crazy and I am not responsible. I am saying this against my will because I am a surgeon, okay? I love my job. I love my life exactly as it is, exactly as it is! Do you understand what I’m saying? I have no desire to house a human being in my body for nine months, and then push it out and raise it. Okay, none. Zero. Except housing a human for nine long months is all I can think about. The thoughts are invading the surgeries that I love and it’s hormonal and horrible. But it is happening, to me.

I like to be good at things. I do not fail, I do not quit. I like to be good at things and I want to be good at this so, I need you. I need you to show me.

Just because we’re not sleeping together doesn’t mean we can’t hang out and be friends. You’re good for more than sex Mark.

Don’t get naked with an intern.

No casual glances over the shoulder. No “This is interesting, can everyone see?”

You know I used to walk tall around here. I used to walk tall, then…came George. He took off at least an inch. Then Erica came and left me, that shaved off a few more. I got shorter. All that humiliation makes you shorter, so yeah, I am scared of getting hurt because one more personal disaster right now would cut me off at the knees.

Dear God, I need your guidance. I kissed a Peds surgeon. I never thought I would end up with a woman, God, but I mean, not until lately, but that’s not the problem. The problem is the Peds thing. She’s... she’s perky. And has butterflies on her scrub cap. But she’s also hot... really hot. So, help me get over the butterflies. Amen.

I married the help. We went to the Vegas. My idea, I embraced the trashy.

You thought our marriage was toxic?

Don’t you dare sleep with that woman!

It’s sad and pathetic. Sloane and her baby leaving you can be the best thing to happen to you. You can grow up, find a woman to love, have a baby or you can be the ass attending who abuses all the residents and screws whatever walks into this hospital. So just pick one.

That’s because they’re husband and work wife. The chief’s your husband and you’re his work wife. You look out for each other; you take care of each other. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s like me and Sloan. He’s my work husband but he has a girlfriend. And I have a girlfriend, but nothing is going on between us.

Find a grown up that wants what you want, and date, like a grown up.

Yeah, third date’s a sex date. And he’s cooking for you, at his home, where he keeps a bed.

Fine. I’m not putting a gun to your head. Let freedom ring.

I’m building cartilage... from jello, and you paged me for condoms?

Guy brings a condom.

Okay, guy brings a condom. But sometimes they fail to provide them on the third date as a sign of respect. “Oh, I never imagined this would happen so soon. Oh, I wasn’t prepared.” So you should bring them. Never trust a guy.

You’re not just a sex machine, Mark. Look, don’t get me wrong, you’ve got skills. But you’re a good person. Why do you think Little Miss Muffet fell for you?

You’re a good guy. You’re worth getting to know... in daylight.

You shouldn’t fight this hard for a wedding. You fight for a marriage and sometimes that is a lost cause so you should let go already. Just freaking let go!

Don’t you dare come to me for forgiveness you traitorous bitch.

Dr. Hahn, anyone who can out drink me and still kick my ass at the dart board can call me Callie.

You didn’t tell your mom that we broke up. Your mom is making us baby clothes because she thinks we’re still trying to get pregnant, because she thinks we’re still married, because she thinks you’re still the kind of person who would never cheat on his wife. Hand-stitched uni-sex baby clothes! They’re yellow and green and go up to toddler sizes. And she’s waiting for you in the lobby.

I like penis. I'm a huge huge fan of penis.

How long did your not friend lay in that vat of cement unable to move before you four geniuses, band of brothers, you future Mother Teresas, how long did he lay there in that quick drying cement yelling that he couldn’t move before you called the police?! Yeah that’s what I thought.

No he’s not okay. He’s stuck in a block of cement.

He needs you and you’re too worried of what your friends think.

It was not good. At all. I choked. I couldn't go down there. I tried, but it just felt so weird and clinical like gynie rotation.

No lessons. Just sex. Nothing fancy just plain old missionary, boy girl, penis vagina sex. I mean it. No dirty talk, no Erica talk. Just grunting and grinding.

Sounds like my life. Married, betrayed, gay, abandoned. Then I woke up and had no idea how I got here.

I cannot have another stupid, romantic disaster in this hospital. It’s embarrassing.

‘Alone’ people don’t like to hear about the ‘together’ people. Even if the ‘alone’ people are alone by choice, it’s sort of mean, it’s sort of like bringing a six pack to an AA meeting. Keep it to yourself.

You’re an amazing doctor. You save babies. God knows who you are.

I have experience to give. Life experience. Like the fact that I was married, did you know that? Or that I was in Peace Corps. Botswana, that’s what made me go to med school. And most recently I’ve experienced the joy of cooking. Yeah, I make an excellent chicken picada, in addition to many other delicious meals that you’d be very lucky to experience yourself. And the fact that you can’t open your eyes to see that makes you a little inexperienced.

Shadow Shepherd. He’s a solid surgeon but kinda like the JV player to Shepherd’s varsity, the B team to Shepherd’s A, the bricklayer to Shepherd’s architect.

No. I don’t do woods. The woods are dirty and there are many, many bugs.

I can’t lie, even if they think I’m wrong, even if they don’t understand, even if they think I’m crazy. I’m me. They’re supposed to accept me. They’re supposed to support me. They’re supposed to love me, you know. I can’t lie.

Yes, I am. I’m a superstar, superstar with a scalpel. I am too big of a star for you to say my name. I build arms out of nothing and legs like God and when I win the Harper Avery and every other prize there is, you will rue this day Chief Webber. That’s right, I said rue.

He doesn’t look at my boobs anymore. The first thing he used to look at when I walked in anywhere was my boobs. He doesn’t look anymore. Not since he met you. Okay?

I probably shouldn’t say anything, she’s my roommate. Girlfriend trumps roommate. She’s Cristina. She’s all about cardio so she’s probably sucking up to you to get through the merger. I mean, is she good with the kids?
Callie: I made a list, to read to the chief. 50 Reasons Why You Should Hire Me as an Attending. Okay, number one, I build a man’s bones out of titanium rods. Two, what I lack in experience I make up for in raw talent. Three, I can go seven hours in the OR without even taking a pee break.

Oh, that’s why you flew three thousand miles to tell me I was going to hell? I thought you were here to apologize.

‘Jesus: A new commandment that I give unto you that you love one another.’ ‘Jesus: He who is without sin among you let him cast the first stone. Blessed are the merciful for they obtain mercy.’ ‘Jesus: Blessed are the pured heart for they shall seek God.’ ‘Jesus: blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’ Jesus is my savior Daddy, not you. And Jesus would be ashamed of you for judging me. He would be ashamed of you for turning your back on me. He would be ashamed.

Scars are hot. Scars are bad ass. Scars are poetic.

I have pox between my butt cheeks. Your pain doesn’t begin to compare to mine.

Here’s a newsflash, overly enthusiastic intern guy, I don’t have to do anything.

Sex on the couch, walk of shame under the cover of darkness.

You have the best doctor with you right now. Yeah, Dr. Robbins is the best doctor in this entire hospital. I think in the whole world. Yeah, people feel so much better after she helps them. People feel better after she walks in the room ‘cause we has got this super magic smile. And when she smiles at you, everything gets better. You don’t know that because you have your back to her, but she is giving you her best super magic smile.

Sex with you just makes me sad.

I am stubbornly choosing to believe that not all people are evil and bad and leave me at airports.

You had to fly across the world to get to me Arizona because you flew a whole world away without ever looking back. You just left. And this might be news to you — no, I think it kinda is — but you're not the only one in this relationship. There are two of us, and you came back today but I didn't.

No, no, you will not hold me hostage and make me listen to you. I am rebuilding the leg of a kid who's been shot. That's, that's why I'm here. That's the only reason.

Dr. Stark, you're new here, but in this hospital, we take shootings personally.

My lack of interest in seeing you is not a strategy. I'm not playing hard to get. I don't want to see you because I turned my life upside down for you and you walked away because for a week I was cranky. You're untrustworthy, so I don't want to see you. You're self-centered, so I don't want to see you. I am a hundred percent certain that if I let you back in my life again you will hurt me again, so I don't want to see you. This isn't a ploy. I'm not pouting. I don't want you in my life. Get your crap out of my apartment.

Things don't go the way you want them to. Ever.

I am a hormone casserole. My body is not my own, and something feels wrong.

(pointing to Arizona and Mark) Lesbian lover. Baby daddy.

So tell her. Do not wait until this kid comes out looking all Sloan-y.

I didn't plan this, OK? I didn't plan any of this, but there's a mighty oak or whatever showing up in our lives in about seven months, so now I have to plan, and I don't know how long I can wait for you to process, but I want you in my plan. I want you to be a part of my plan.

Words, make words.

If we're gonna do this whole everybody gets a vote thing, there's gonna be a new system. We'll still each get one vote, but also the baby gets a vote. As I house the baby, I'll be speaking for him slash her. And, since I'll be pushing this baby out of a very small hole in my body, I'll also get an extra-special vagina vote.

I don't drink chunks. I want my coffee.

I'm extending an olive branch here. Because I know how annoying I must be to you right now. But since I was four and I got that doll that crap its pants for Christmas, I wanted a kid because, other than cracking bones, this baby's my dream. And I get to be insanely out of my mind happy for my dream, but I'm not discounting your need to vomit over my insanity...

The brain is the human body's most mysterious organ. It learns. It changes. It adapts. It tells us what we see, what we hear. It lets us feel love. I think it holds our soul. And no matter how much research we do, no one can really say how all that delicate grey matter inside our skull works. And, when it's hurt, when the human brain is traumatized, well, that's when it gets even more mysterious.

Please take this baby away from me. I'm serious. Take her, Mark. Oh my God. Oh my God. The baby's crack, and she's crack baby.