Friday, June 25, 2010

Grey's Anatomy: Adele Webber

When your Uncle Richard finds out you were cashing in your V-card, none of us will be fine.

I just told me sister her baby’s cancer is back, you’re damn right I’m emotional. If you don’t want to bend your precious rules for Camille, fine. Don’t do it for her, do it for me. Do it for your wife who never asks for anything, who says nothing about your long hours, who looks the other way while you’re having an affair with another woman, who sobered you up when that woman left you, who stayed with you when everyone, when everyone said I would be better off alone. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. You’re gonna make this up to Camille. You’re gonna prioritize the needs of your family above those of your other patients. Or you’re gonna find a new place to sleep.

Don't you know this hospital will crumble unless he's here holding up the walls?

You don’t know what a vacation is, how would you ruin it?

You're perfect for this job Preston. Unattached, obsessive. This hospital, this job, it’s enough for you isn’t it?

You’re no better, tattling on a man to his wife.

Okay, but wife-wife to work-wife, someone in this hospital is sleeping with our husband.

He gets gruff when he's worried.

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