Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Wedding Singer

I think we all know that when you fall in love the emptiness kind of drifts away. So all that I'm saying is that when you fall in love like you guys the emptiness drifts away because you find something to live for, each other. And the way I've seen you two looking into each other's eyes all day long I can tell that you're going to live for each other for the rest of your lives. - Robbie Hart

Remember alcohol equals puke equals smelly mess equals no one likes you. - Robbie Hart

I don't think anyone could sing more than that kid. I think I saw a boot come out of him. - Robbie Hart

I feel like I'm doomed to wonder the planet alone forever. - Julia

And they can't drink without a fish. - Julia

You gotta get married before your hips start spreading and you get facial hair. - Julia's mom

I'm just trying to get someone to play with your ding-dong. - Sammy

Well I have a microphone and you don't, so you will listen to every damn word I have to say! - Robbie

You know it's funny. Some of us will never find true love. Like, take for instance... me. And I'm pretty sure that guy right there. And that lady with the sideburns. And basically everybody at table nine. But the worst thing is that me, fatty, sideburns lady, and the mutants at table nine, will never, ever find a way to better the situation because apparently, we have absolutely nothing to offer the opposite sex. - Robbie

Sir, one more outburst, I will strangle you with my microphone wire. - Robbie

Women got a thing about marriage. If you want to stay with them, eventually you're gonna have to marry them at some point. No big deal. There she is, the girl that finally beat me into submission. - Glenn

I think it's the little things that count. - Julia

The right one. I always just envisioned the right one being someone I can see myself growing old with. - Julia

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