Sunday, June 27, 2010

Grey's Anatomy: Finn Dandridge

But I’m beginning to think that my luck has changed because you like dogs, and pony births, and you save lives. I never said I wasn’t scary and damaged, too.

I never said I wasn't scary and damaged too.

Liz was my wife. When she died, you do this thing where you stop making plans because you had plans and there was a car crash and your plans disappear. I just try to get from sun up to sun down. That's as far into the future as I can handle and I've been fine with that, I have, but right now, looking at you, damn, I have all kinds of plans.

Yeah. Well I didn't say I wasn't pissed off. I said we weren't exclusive. That's all I wanted to say. Oh and, uh, and this. I know you think you're scary and damaged...

It makes you feel like you don't deserve good things. But you do. And Derek - he's bad for you. But me - I'm a good thing. And if there's a race, if there is a ring, my hat is in.

Here’s the deal. You have two options. You could come up to my place, take off all your clothes, shower off all the goop, borrow one of my shirts, and I’ll cook you dinner. That’s door No. 1. Door No. 2: You go home. I think you ought to take door No. 1 because it involves you, naked in my apartment but, you know, that’s just me.

If you choose door no. 1 I absolutely will not have sex with you. I won’t even try to kiss you.

You can't operate without her?

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