Monday, November 19, 2012

Hart of Dixie: Lavon Hayes

Some people say that women can't have it all... Those people obviously never met Lemon Breeland.

We can keep our feelings aside as long as you want to. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Comb your damn hair. Put on a clean shirt. Zoe may not be with Judson today but there are a lot of other Judsons out there. Serious men with adult responsibilities, with the sense to tell a girl how they feel. But right now there is no one else. The only thing keeping you from being with Zoe Hart is you.

Surely you can ask the man a question without falling into bed.

Do you even know what a mayor is? A mediator. People come to you with every issue you can imagine. And it is your job to figure out what they need. And guess what, I’m good at it. As a matter of fact, I’m great at it.

May we each find our Bora Bora wherever it may be.

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