Thursday, November 12, 2009

Gilmore Girls: Zack Van Gerbig

Zack: [debating whether or not Gil should become a member of the band] Bottom line: Dude rocks, but dude's too old.

Zack Van Gerbig: Hellhounds is a cool band name, but the positive imagery stops there.

Zack Van Gerbig: [singing] I saw her, in the mist she came walking by, Stella. Now a blur, made a list of what I like about her, Stella.

Zack: Welcome to the SH, bitch!

Zack Van Gerbig: Right. Where was I? Oh yeah. Lane... will you marry me?

Zack: [after coming back from a miserable honeymoon in Mexico] I found out I'm not morally opposed to killing. I just don't have the guts.

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