Thursday, November 12, 2009

Gilmore Girls: Rory Gilmore

I have now used the word "suck" so much, it's lost all meaning to me.

[after running away from Doose's market after being kissed, to Lane]
I got kissed. [holds up a box of starch] And I shoplifted.

Hey my mom’s not wearing any underwear.

Because sometimes you have something you need to say, but you can't because the words won't come out, or you get scared, or you feel stupid. But if you could write a song and sing it, then you could say what needed to say, and it would be beautiful, and people would listen, and you wouldn't make a complete idiot out of yourself. But all of us can't be song writers, so some of us will never get the chance to say what we're thinking, or what we want other people to know that we're thinking, so we'll never get the chance to make things right again ever... So give this guy a license!

Because I love you, you idiot.

This isn’t Amish country. Boys and girls are supposed to date alone.

We're competing against the Michael Angelo of snow.

And then every year we put the flowers on the counter and forget the ugliness ever happened.

They had to work, I'm here all by myself, and I'm trying to be calm but I'm starting to feel nauseous and... and the hospital has a smell, and there are noises, and those gowns do not stay closed, and I've seen a lot of butts today, and and...

I need you, I need you here, I need you now, I cannot do this alone, I need my mommy and damn it, I don't care who knows it!

Alright, let's make it a foursome.

[to Luke's and Jess's answering machine] It's me. I just wanted to let you know that this is the last weekend I spend sitting around like an idiot hoping you'll call. Okay? I'm not going to be that girl. From now on, I want a plan. I mean a real plan with a time and a place. And I'm tired of hearing "Let's hook up later." What does that mean, anyway? What's later? How do I set my watch to later? Later doesn't cut it any more, got it? And, yeah, you know, maybe I am spoiled; but guess what, I like being spoiled! I plan to go on being spoiled. And if that doesn't sound like something that you can or want to do, then, fine! I'm sure you'll find another girl who doesn't mind sitting around cleaning her keyboard on a Friday night hoping you'll call. But it's not going to be me!
[almost hangs up]
Oh, yeah. This is a message for Jess.

I know. But it's my mom's favorite part. Once we tried to make a cake entirely out of frosting, which turned out to be better in theory than in actual execution.

Rory: [to Jess, on the phone] Jess, is that you? Jess, I'm pretty sure it's you and I'm pretty sure you've been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You're not going to talk? Fine, I'll talk. You didn't handle things right at all. You could've talked to me. You could've told me that you were having trouble in school and weren't going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn't. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that's fine, I get it, but that's it for me. I'm going to Europe tomorrow and I'm going to Yale and I'm moving on. And I'm not going to pine. I hope you didn't think I was going to pine, okay? I think... I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye.

Rory: Headmaster Charleston, faculty members, fellow students, family and friends, welcome. We never thought this day would come. We prayed for its quick delivery, crossed days off our calendars, counted hours, minutes and seconds and now that it's here, I'm sorry it is, because it means leaving friends who inspire me and teachers who've been my mentors, so many people who've shaped my life, and my fellow students lives impermeably and forever. I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina and strolled down Swann's Way. It's a rewarding world, but my second one is by far superior. My second one is populated with characters slightly less eccentric, but supremely real, made of flesh and bone, full of love, who are my ultimate inspiration for everything. Richard and Emily Gilmore are kind, decent, unfailingly generous people. They are my twin pillars, without whom I could not stand. I am proud to be their grandchild. But my ultimate inspiration comes from my best friend, the dazzling woman from whom I received my name and my life's blood, Lorelai Gilmore.

Rory Gilmore: Hey, talk more like a ferret!

Rory: You know, I have actually thought about this moment. A lot. What would Jess say to me if I ever saw him again? I mean, he just took off, no note, no call, nothing, how could he explain that? And then a year goes by. No word, nothing, so he couldn't possibly have a good excuse for that, right? I have imagined hundreds of different scenarios with a hundred different great last parting lines, and I have to tell you that I am actually very curious to see which way this is going to go.

Rory Gilmore: 5 years? Cool... I've got about the next 2 and a half hours planned... then there's just darkness... and possibly some dragons.

Rory: [Rory and Paris are in Florida for spring break; both are drunk] Whoa, I'm loving the spinning beach.

Rory: It was interesting, you know. We sat on the beach, went to a club, watched the Power of Myths, Paris and I kissed...

Rory: I am late for class and you put a printing press on my backpack!

Rory: Okay, this is the textbook definition of a perfect moment.

Rory: My mom and I have been planning for my 21st birthday since... well, my first memory is kindergarten, but I have a feeling she was talking about it before that. We had this whole big thing planned.

Rory: I mean, how fair is that? He's gone, and then he shows up out of the blue, 'You can’t live here, this place is a dump, and by the way, I love you!' I love you? Is he serious?

Rory: Yeah, I'm a treat! I don't know what I'm gonna do, I don't think I can take running into him every day in the halls, and in the paper and the coffee cart... Oh my god! I'm gonna have to quit drinking coffee! And I love coffee!

Rory: My books looks sad. Can books look sad?

Rory Gilmore: Because, Logan had many many blondes for Thanksgiving.

Rory Gilmore: He cheated on me... with an entire wedding party.

Rory: [screams out, as an excuse to not answer the phone] I'm a cat with no legs!

Rory Gilmore: A trench coat would be too 'All the President's Men' but my blue coat would be too 'His Girl Friday.' I don't know!

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