Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grey's Anatomy: Addison Montgomery-Shepherd

Hi, I’m Addison Sheppard. And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband.

She's young. That whole wide-eyed "ooh, he's a brain surgeon" thing happening, but still sweet. Which is what you were going for, right? The anti-Addison.

I flew all the way across the country to reminisce over wedding photos, get drunk, fall into bed, and make you realize you can't live without me. Relax, Derek, I'm here for work. I'm helming the T.T.T.S. case you guys admitted last week. And after Richard's briefing...

Actually I prefer to be called 'Ruler of All That is Evil', but I WILL answer to Satan...

It’s hard to accept the end when you're too close.

I am actively not thinking about you right now.

Seattle Grace is a teaching hospital. Part of your job is to teach. Your interns aren’t your slaves.

Happy people should have happy things happen to them.

It's not resignation, Richard, it's notification. I don't officially work for you. I came for one case, I can track the twins progress from New York.

I'm letting go of the preemie, you know that. He calls me Satan, Richard.

I just accidentally broke the news of my patient’s infidelity to her fiancée.

It's not a fight, he wins. I'm leaving in the morning.

The only reason we are talking like this right now is because I know you won’t remember a single word of this when the drugs wear off.

Just go back to you locker room and wait for your resident to give you instructions.

Put the ice on your hand.

He and Derek used to work together back in New York. And they, we, were all close friends. Until Derek found us in bed together.

Dr. Karev, I may be a board certified OB/GYN, but I also have fellowships in Maternal-Fetal medicine and Medical Genetics *and* am one of the foremost neonatal surgeons in this country. When you can top that, you can mouth off. Until then, you will do your job and you will do it right. Which at this point in time means you keep your mouth shut unless I give you permission to open it. Understood?

It’s not that I underestimate you; it’s just that I don’t think about you, at all.

I am not going to be sleeping with the help.

I’m so stupid for letting a cute hippie boy put needles in my face.

Pity. I've got three surgeries on the board. I was gonna ask you to scrub in but... I guess you should stay by that pregnant lady's side all day. You see to it, Dr. Bailey?

I want you to care. I sleep with your best friend and you walk away. He comes here from New York and rubs it in your face, and still you get a good night's sleep. What do I have to do? Oh, I know. Maybe I should sleep with the vet, because that's what it seems to take to send you into a blind rage. But wait, that won't work either because I'm not Meredith Grey!

Look, why don’t you pick a floor and stay on it, and I’ll pick a floor and stay on that, because I really need a moment or two without you. Your face shows up in my head, your panties show up in my husband’s pocket. Really, you’re everywhere, and I need a moment or two without you.

Ok. Except, you know. It felt like in the vets office this morning and again in the elevator, it felt like you two were having a "lovers' quarrel."

Did you hear about the slutty sex your slutty friend had with my super slutty husband?

So, I was um, thinking, we could have sex tonight.

I am desirable Amanda.

Good air in, bad air out.

A gathering of men outside the delivery room, how mid-century of you.

To be in that condition and have no one who knows you even know. She's all alone, it makes you think. You know? If I went missing would anyone notice I was gone?

What am I? The go to person for adultery?

Why do you think Mark moved so quickly? Do you think it’s because the orbital bone was floating towards the brain?

You're not god.

God wants you to be an adulterer?

An adulterous love child.

I’m the wicked witch who came in and ruined her life and cheated on Dr.... McDreamy.

Derek have you even considered that even if I’m Satan and an adulterous bitch that I might still be the love of your life?

What they’re doing is not about love, Derek. It’s like you. How you pretend to love me but you’re just using me to fill some need you have to be a good guy. Walk away, that’s all I get? What you’re not going to yell at me or call me names, or I don’t know, ignore me in an elevator? I want you to care! I sleep with your best friend and you walk away. He comes out here from New York and rubs it in your face, and still you get a good night’s sleep. What do I have to do? Oh, I know. Maybe what I should do is go out on a date with the vet. Because that seems to be something that sends you into a blind rage. Oh, but that won’t work either because I’m not Meredith Grey!

That’s what marriage is about. Compromise, right?

That’s what marriage is built on. Change. Change I what keeps marriages alive.

Just because I made what seems to be a transcontinental booty call, doesn’t mean we should try to make something out of this.

What's wrong with it? What's wrong? What's wrong is that I don't have time for it. I am out of time. I missed my chance. And now I only have two eggs left. I might as well have no eggs left. I am egg-less. Naomi says she's dried up; I'm the one who's dried up. I'm all barren and dried up. And I've clearly been wasting my time on men. I mean, I might as well take up hobbies or like needlepoint, or collecting those little ceramic dolls. Because that's what dried up women do, they do needlepoint. They don't waste their time flirting with men who clearly just want to get laid. They do not waste their time... telling overly personal... information about their eggs to total strangers, oh my god, I'm sorry.

I am being stalked by pregnant women.

I want someone stable, who barbecues; who teaches little kids how to play catch. He’s not Mark Sloan, which doesn’t explain why I spent the whole day looking at Alex Karev like a puppy at a chew toy.

People mess up.

I was jealous when there was no need to be.

Starting to think LA is like New York with a beach.

None of you go near Lisa or the baby until I say so. The child is not a possession you fight over.

When you’re obsessing about something like that there’s generally a reason.

Derek’s the kind of guy, I just knew he wouldn’t hurt me, not on purpose anyways, not the way I hurt him.

Derek, are you done, hurting me back? Because I need to know. I need to special order thicker skin or something.

She has nobody; she needs someone to fight for her.

I intend to fight like a girl. I’m going to let them kill each other, and then I’ll be the only one left standing.

Be the change you want to see in life.

Well isn't this cozy. Can I join in or are you not in to threesomes?

Sometimes people do desperate things to get attention. There are two sides of every story.

Nothing like a domestic dispute to liven up a pre-op, huh?

I don’t want someone who doesn’t want me, Meredith. But if there’s a slightest chance he does, I’m not leaving Seattle.

There is a land called ‘passive-aggressiva’ … and I am their queen.

Sometimes false labor is the body’s way of telling you to slow down.

I should of let him go. Should of stepped aside, been a better person. I should of... a lot of things.

When no one else is around, the elevator kinda talks to me.

Why am I the only girl? Am I the entertainment? I am not stripping.

Where I come from, elevators tend to be this kind of aphrodisiac, you know. People get on them and they just get all horny. It’s a relief to be on a not horny elevator. You know, get on. Ride, without the sex.

You know how long a baby can survive inside its dead mother? 4 to 5 minutes! Minutes, not seconds, Karev. Look at Melanie. Look at her. Now look around her, see all the doctors and nurses, even her parents? Their soul job is to take care of Melanie. My job is to care for that baby! Now I’ve got a surgery schedule so when I step foot on that elevator and leave, you are going to be the only person on this entire floor responsible for that baby! Do not let me down Karev.

This whole thing brings back very traumatic memories of being a band geek, with braces and a lisp, spending the whole evening with Skippy Gold talking about Star Wars... So, do you want to dance?

We do not get unlimited chance to have the things we want and this I know, nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could change your life.

Try not to say everything that pops into your brain.

You have to learn distance, Dr. Stevens. You’ll be a better doctor for it.

Is that the reason why you want to go into plastics, ‘cause people sign up for the pain they get?

It does suck watching them struggle. And that part never stops sucking.

You stole my husband and I hugged you.

Okay, in L.A., people say things, but in Seattle, there's this strange culture of wordlessness, where in I am supposed to guess what one is feeling by the slight raise of an eyebrow or the beginnings of a frown. Any chance you want to tell me what's going on with you, Miranda?

Who’s the mystery woman Derek’s dating? Who’s the McRebound?

I can hear you. And I’m not hiding. I’m trying to pray, but I don’t know how to pray because I’m a WASP and we only go to church on Christmas.

People get divorced. They meet new people. They get remarried.

We call Meredith the 12 year old. What do we call Lexie? The Pre-schooler?

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