Monday, September 21, 2009

90210: Debbie Wilson

The problem is, we can't drive anywhere because we're stoned.

No one puts baby in the corner!

Harry, how hard can it be to find an acting coach in LA? I could throw a rock through a window and hit an actor.

I said yes to a date on a school night, which I thought was pretty cool of me.

I could drive you home and we could swap stories about Harry's penis.

Honestly, I'm more concerned about the guy you are now. So just take your time and figure out how you want to handle this.

Well, look, Dixon is a teenager. This is a man. But, before you do anything about that, I think you really need to figure out how you want to handle things with Tracy.

There are some things that are strictly mother/daughters. So let me talk to Annie.

You will have brought a child into this world. Your life as you know it will be over.

Being high doesn't mean you can't see the truth. There are plenty of savvy pot-smokers out there.

I didn't want you to get your heart broken and not trust women.

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