Monday, May 24, 2010

Vampire Diaries: Alaric Saltzman

Did you know that your old teacher had a ‘jackass’ file. No joke. Typed on the label. It’s a list of trouble makers in it, but really it’s just an opus, to you.

You look like a full-grown, alpha male douchebag.

[voiceover]: I found one, after years of research and study. There it was right in front of me. I was terrified. As I stared it into its eyes, I drove a stake into its heart. I was right about Mystic Falls, there is evil here. I can sense it, feel it, it’s everywhere.

First person account of the Civil War? That's like porn for a history teacher.

Losing someone you love so suddenly, the trauma and the grief, there some of the tougher things you’ll face in life.

That’s the hard part, not knowing.

Can I get you a drink? I hear the punch is real boss.

Hell, you’re a dick and you kill people but I still see something in you.

That Elijah is one scary dude, but with nice hair.

Give me your glass. Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation.

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