Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grey's Anatomy: Chief Richard Webber

Each of you comes here today hopeful. Wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you, say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty, five of you will crack under the pressure, and two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you.

Great, syphilis outbreak and a tumor.

I was a better man for walking away. I loved her enough to walk away.

We’re hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

You think that if you get me laid, I might make you Chief?

I want you to listen to me very carefully. As long as I am here, I don't know what's happening out there, with my doctors, my patients, my hospital. You are my eyes today, my ears. I want you to be a sponge. I want you to report any and everything happening in this hospital to me.

O'Malley, yell at me again and I'll snap you like a twig..

You have to accept there are days when you can’t do it all. You have to delegate.

You know, you're perfect for this job Preston - unattached, obsessive, this hospital, this job, it's enough for you, isn't it?

Being Chief is a lot like being an intern; the work never stops.

Being Chief is about responsibility. Every single surgical patient in the hospital is your patient, whether you cut them open or not. The scalpel starts with you. You need to be able to look at their family and tell them your team did everything they could to save someone’s child, their husband, your wife. You get caught up, taking care of other people’s families and the responsibility it makes you, you take care of other people’s families, and you sacrifice your own.

You don't like to hide from a fight.

Traditionally the best man plans the bachelor party.

Fresh starts. No such thing.

I don’t like fighting. I think it’s pointless and foolish. But you two idiots seem determine to beat the hell out of each other. So if you’re going to do it, you’re going to do it by my rules. Rules, to help protect your hands, so you don’t do irreplaceable damage to them, damage that could end your careers before they even started. So with that in mind, we’re going to do open-handed combat. No scratching, no biting, no punching no kicking, no wrestling moves of any kind. Any questions?

Man love. It’s beautiful. My cousin’s gay. So 'Brokeback Mountain', all of that.

Leave me alone, Derek. I've been sitting home for a week watching Oprah give away things on T.V. Oprah, Derek! You clear me now or I'll hurt you.

Stevens, you put a drill through a man’s skull and didn’t hit his brain. You saved his life.

Notice anything else about that leg? Anything other than that very clean cut? Did you happen to notice, for example, that it was shaved recently? And manicured? Take a look at my patient, Dr. Yang! Does he look like a man who woke up and shaved one of his legs this morning?

You’ve been gone a long time. I know you think you died when the outside was started. I know it’s a relief to you, I know, but it doesn’t feel like a relief to me. I’m not relieved. I miss the sound of your voice. I miss talking to you. I miss you. I dyed my hair, for the ladies.

The fellowship, LA Med, Chicago Central. They're wooing you. I mean, you're fielding offers, you're looking at bonus packages, you're letting yourself be wooed.

It's fine. It's fine. Go be a hotshot somewhere else. But tell me, how could you do this to me? I mean, I'm hurt, I'm really hurt. After all I've done for you. You're gifted and you're ungrateful. And that's all I'm sayin'.

You'll have to cover my ulcer excision.

The woman is unreasonable. When did watching a six-year-old dressed up like a wise man become... You couldn't hang up the phone?

Our Bailey, becoming a mother. Feels good having Bailey back at the hospital, balance has been restored.

Put the damn ice on your two million a year hand! Now, would someone tell me what the hell happened?

I'm going to the prom. If I have to go, everybody has to go.

Justice has no definition within the four walls of a hospital, Dr. Bailey. This isn’t a court of law.

I know you’re type, you’re a surgical junkie. It’s not going to be easy for you to be away from the OR for that long. And if you want to get back to the OR you’re going to tell me what I need to know.

No you won't, I don't wanna know. Not from you. Yeah, I have the answers, but I can't tell them to you. I'm not going to be responsible for you becoming less human.

You took a lot of hits today at the M & M. Some of them justified, some of them not. Compassion and empathy are a big part of the job. But being a parent makes you a better doctor.

There was a fish in a man's penis!

From time to time, I like to go to the zoo.

This type of treatment is why they call you the Nazi.

If you need a job to give you a life, you either need a new job or a new life.

Sometimes Meredith, a favor is just a favor. This treatment won’t cure your mother. It won’t give her a new lease on life but it may give her more good days. I urge you to consider.

Quiet board means trouble. A quiet board is death! A quiet board bodes bad news!

If I had quit, all I would have is that life that I lost. Instead I get to save lives. Every day I get to save lives.

This day, this day you feel helpless, this day makes all those other days where you fight to save a life and lose, this day makes you grateful you have a chance to do anything at all. Take it in.

I’m going to tell you what you're mother would say if she was here, you're making a big mistake.

The workings of my surgical unit don't include your personal life!

I know how to have a life outside of this hospital.

You’re not here to make friends, Addison. You’re here to make better surgeons.

Speed and precision aren’t the most important surgical skills, Dr. Yang. Basics are the key. You need a solid foundation before anything else.

You want to win? Always go back to the basics.

You don’t leave another woman’s panties in your tux unless you want her to find them.

There’s only so much we can help, and so much we can hurt. Forgive yourself.

Dr. Bailey, you thought Shepherd was just a haircut, you didn’t like Hahn, and you think Dr. Sloan is a… hussy. Can you name any attending that you thought was good?

[voiceover] I’ve seen a lot of surgery residents come and go in my time and they’re all addicted, to surgery. It comes before food, before sleep. It becomes the most important thing. The only thing. What they don’t know is that living on that high can eat them alive. Some make it through, they come out on the other side, they survive with their sanity intact. They become better doctors and stronger people. I didn’t. I broke. I didn’t kill anybody and I give thanks for that every day. But I hurt people and scared the hell out of myself. I am 45 days sober today. I am Richard and I am a grateful and recovering alcoholic.

You’re privileged. You grew up privileged and that privileged made you arrogant.

Failing again is not an option.

You think the world stops when you stop, but it keeps on going.

It’s risky yes, but not as risky as “I’ll open up the abdomen and take a good look around.”

He doesn’t have a plan, he has an attitude.

Yes, that’s because that’s the way you would do it. It’s your style. Let me tell you about your new job. You manage surgeons. Your job is to help them do what they do the way they do it, not the way you would do. It takes vision Derek. And you don’t have it.

Age is just a number O’Malley.

I’m just saying, a man whose up at 3 am fishing is a man who’s in pain over a woman.

It’s good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose.

Residents are like puppies, eager and enthusiastic and you have to learn how to teach without crushing their spirits. If you wanna work here with my residents, then you need to do better. You need to be a better teacher.

If you really want to learn about teaching, you should talk to your students and find out how they learn best.

We got sloppy, just like everybody else. We've been resting on our laurels. You have all been failing. Failing to take initiative. Failing to ask tough questions. Failing to practice your skills. Failing to give opportunity to practice skills. And I let it happen. So you have not failed. We have failed. Well, it stops, and it stops now.

Come with me. This man is very ill, may be dying. He's got a perfect healthy donor kidney that wasn’t dropped on the floor. There's only so much we can help, and so much we can hurt. Forgive yourself.

You weren't imagining things. You used to run around here with that doll on the time. Took her everywhere. Cafeteria, OR gallery. Tori's got a whole army. You didn't have anyone. Seeing Anatomy Jane ... reminded me of how much I'm to blame for that. You're a living reminder of every failure in my life. And that's not your fault. And if I thought 'I'm sorry' would hold any meaning for you at all, I'd say it. I'd say it a thousand times a day.

Dr. Bailey, you thought Shepherd was just a haircut. You didn’t like Hahn. And you think Dr. Sloan is a hussy. Can you name any attending that you thought was good?

He can’t take his organs with him to heaven. He can’t take his bowel or his intestines. His organs are probably good because he’s a young man. I know this is not what you want to think about and it’s more than anyone should ever have to think about. But he can’t take his organs with him.

You want to do a grand gesture. It’s the opening pitch of your marriage. It can determine the entire game. You gotta go all out. Now your plans should include flowers, candles, exotic foods, live musicians, and a row boat. Sky writing is not out of the question.

What the hell is this?! I have a hospital to run. And Derek what the hell is the matter with you? We’ve all been there. We’ve all had tough losses. We show up the next day and we try to save the next life. Nothing we can do can stop death. We can hold it a bay now but then everyone dies. And that’s not on us.

I know you don’t like me. And you have every right not to like me. I have abused my power but now I’m here on your turf. What I need to say is I saw what you mother was doing. I saw how neglected you were. I saw her drive your father off. And I spent a lot of time beating myself up about that. But what does that do for you? Nothing. I wasn’t your advocate. I didn’t fight for you. I never stood up for you. I left myself off the hook. I told myself I was young and didn’t know any better, but I did know better. I wasn’t much younger than you are now. I should of fought for you Meredith like you did for that child today. I told myself I wasn’t your father, that it wasn’t my responsibility that I wasn’t right now to butt in, I let myself off the hook. You were helpless. You were a baby, a beautiful, smart, funny little girl and no one stood up for you. I’m so sorry.

I’m not a bad man. I know I’m the villain in your story but I’m not a bad man.

The contest is a lion fight. Chin up. Put your shoulders back, walk proud, strut a little. Don't lick your wounds: celebrate them. The scars you bear are the signs of a competitor. You're in a lion fight, Stevens. Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you don't know how to roar.

Tell her ‘the train is leaving the station, she better get on it.’

You people answer your pages. George O’Malley jumped in front of a bus today. He knew what he was doing and he did it to save a life. I’m not going to allow you doctors to stand here. There are lives on the line; there are lives we can save. So if George O’Malley can jump in front of a bus, we can answer our damn pages. So let’s go.

You woke up every morning and you promised yourself that last night would be your last drink. And you made it until 9am or noon. Sometimes until cocktail hours. And you were so pleased with yourself that you rewarded yourself with a drink. You convinced yourself again that it would be the only one. You have a disease Thatcher. When you’re in it, you can’t stop. You can’t undo what you did. Now, Meredith is offering you a second chance and you need that liver. You need it now, if you want to live.

I have responsibilities. To make this hospital the best that it can be, to repair what I have broken, and even if it was 230 years ago. If I am now the bad guy, if I am now the villain here, well, so be it.

The biggest influences in your life are sitting next to you right now.

We’re not allowed to beat you with sticks so we punish you with scut.

Surgery is a shark tank. Sharks have teeth. Make sure you’re a shark, too and not a minnow.

I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity. I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due. I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity. The health of my patients will be my number one consideration. I will respect the secrets that are confided in me, even after my patient has died. I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession. My colleagues will be my sisters and brothers. I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic original, gender, race, political affiliation, nationality, sexual orientation, social standing, or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient. I will maintain the utmost respect for human life. I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties even under threat. I make these promises solemnly, freely, and upon my honor.

If I wasn’t happily married, I’d hit her. I’d hit her hard.

I want to drink. Not operate, hold another man’s life in my hands.

I had to pee in a cup today Derek. I had to pee in a cup and it was humiliating. And what I did today, agreeing to the awake surgery, I know I overstep, I needed to feel something other than humiliated.

A happy patient is a healthy patient.

Go be a damn doctor. People are dying. Now go save a life. Right now.

People, people, our own trauma's fresh, and we are going to have feelings today, and there's no shame in that. What I want to say is that what we went through six months ago they are going through right now. Which makes them our brothers and sisters. Which makes them fellow travelers. Which makes them our own. So to the very best of our ability we are going to do our work first, and you're gonna have your feelings later.

We are doctors. We save people's lives every day without marrying them. You marry someone you love.

This is a totally inappropriate relationship. Totally inappropriate.

You've signed a marriage license, and you haven't asked him the most basic questions on how he wants to live or die.

Don't give me Bailey eyes.

Milkshake time is not a thing.

Twitter. What the hell is a twitter?

It might change the way you think about her. It could be the greatest thing the both of you ever did.

She didn't give you a lot of love, but she gave you her talent and her name and this.

It was your mother's work, and it's only right that you continue it.

It's your birthright Meredith. It's your mother's legacy to you.

You've got Alzheimers on the brain. You buy a car and you start seeing it everywhere you look. Now, you've been working on this Alzheimers trial 24-7. I get it. Adele is not your mother, Meredith. She's my wife.

Dr. Bailey, when you're rolling down the far side of the hill, things fall apart.

Maybe I don't understand what you two have, how you have it, but I understand this--she is your family. Callie Torres and that baby are your family.

I've made a lot mistakes, and it's taken me a lot of years to finally realize that all I want to do is be with her.

Pray people, we want God in the building today.

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