Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grey's Anatomy: Owen Hunt

Sometimes... words fail.

It’s outta time, outta spaced. Anything can happen on the vent.

I got you a cardio god, or uh, goddess.

Trauma is a team sport. You don’t have to be the hero. You just have to go where you’re needed.

Until you have exhausted all the options, it’s not false. It’s just hope.

Leave it right where it is! You get stabbed in the chest, you're lucky enough to still be breathing. You leave the knife in, at least until you figure out what's going on inside. Leave it in!

In the field you do what you can, you work with what you have. It’s about something. It’s not about being the best. It’s about saving lives. I make mistakes and guys by my hands, good guys, guys who are fighting for their country in the desert. I don’t know everything, nobody does. So I make mistakes, and I learn, and the next time I don’t make that mistake again so the next guy, that guy, he lives. Mistakes are how you learn.

Is that tetanus? You who you have to thank for the invention of the tetanus shot, Stevens? Horses. First shots were done on horses.
Owen: No what you did was pick over him like vultures. What you did was treat a man who's fighting to live like he's already dead. You have no sense, no decency and no respect!

Onward and upward.

As a rule, if I’m showering with a woman, I do it without my clothes. And if I get into her bed naked, I don’t pass out.

I was fired from the Army. They call it an honorable discharge. They knew it was my time even though I didn’t. I’m grateful to them for that.

You’re good at this. You’re thinking ten steps ahead of what you’re doing. Not many people can do that. The hairier things get the calmer you get. That’s not something you learn, that’s something you wire.

Are you whoring yourself out for surgeries?

In my experience nobody goes into a battle because they want to win a purple heart. You do the right thing and sometimes that gets you a medal, sometimes it can get you kill. When is the best thing for the most people? The thing that keeps most people alive.

You think that surgery’s going to make you feel, you think that a successful career is going to make you happy, you think you know things, know things and nothing else matters, no one else matters. People do matter. I matter. We matter. So you don’t get to toss me aside.

Mark Sloan is a public health hazard.

[voiceover] Dying isn’t easy. The body was designed to stay alive. Thick skulls, strong hearts, keen senses. When the body starts to fail, medicine takes over. Surgeons are arrogant enough to think there’s no one you can’t save. Like I said, dying isn’t easy.

[voiceover] Living is better than dying until it’s not. But even if letting a person die is the right thing to do, it’s not what surgeons are built for. We are arrogant and competitive. We don’t like to lose. And death feels like a loss even when we know it’s not. We know it’s time. We know it’s right. We know we did everything we could. It’s hard to shake the feelings that you could have done more.

I would love you if you were a plumber, but would you love you if you weren't a surgeon?

Patients don't suddenly die, it just seems that way when you stop paying attention. Food for thought.

Bowling with Bailey... that sounds fun.

You don't get to talk to me like that in my OR. If you can't keep your problems, our problems, outside, then you should go.

You are fearless, and I don't mean that in a good way. Most people don't tell the guy with the gun to shoot them. Most people are like Cristina. Most people are afraid. So what she needs isn't what you need. She isn't you, Meredith.

You have an obligation to at least pretend that you care what the hell I want.

It's what you are, just be excellent at what you are.

I want them, and maybe you could, too. I believe your life could be bigger than you think it is. I know you can contain more than you think you can. I'm not saying we do this, I'm just saying we think. Let's see what kind of life we can imagine. Cristina Yang, I imagine such a huge life for us.

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