Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Degrassi: The Next Generation: Minor Characters

Diane: Who needs two hundred pounds drooling all over them all the time?

Diane: It’s just the way I am. I know what I want and I act on it.

Diane: Come on, women don’t want another episode of This Old House. They want a little romance. They want to know they’re special. Spike is special to you right? So prove it. Show her what’s in your heart. Just remind her why she fell in love with you in the first place. Woo her.

Kevin Smith: Even in my own films I don't get the girl. I get Jay, and sometimes a monkey.

Kevin Smith: Spinner, the only thing I know is that making a movie with a bunch of high school kids is worse than making a movie with Ben Affleck... way worse.

Kevin Smith: I'm a fat guy from New Jersey, I've had girl trouble.

Kevin Smith: In my movie, Kevin Smith gets to dance with Caitlin Ryan.

Kevin Smith: Degrassi, that's a wrap!

Kevin Smith: Folks, I would like to raise a simple toast... to Degrassi!

Kevin Smith: Girl trouble? Dude, I’m a fat guy from New Jersey. Yeah, I’ve had girl trouble. I might write and direct the movies, I never get the girl. I always wind up with Jay, some cases a monkey. But you know what I found, when my heart gets broken, throw yourself into work, man. Go home start writing a song. Go write a song for a movie, a movie directed by a fat Star Wars nerd, who hangs around high schools during prom, talks about broken heart musician types. What part of this don’t you understand?

Kevin Smith: Did you need see me ten minutes ago? I flat out caught the prom queen. Do you know what kind of huge karmic debt that is to pay back? I gotta pay it forward, man.

Kevin Smith: Craig, do not let this fool mack on your broad just because he’s been in a couple movies.

Kevin Smith: I’ve always been a huge fan of Canada, obviosuly. I like your country, like it a lot. You don’t invade other countries. You kinda hang back, try to go unnoticed so that you don’t get invaded, which is very sweet.

Kevin Smith: I’m creepy. I’ve got a real thing for pretty girls who chain themselves to trees and say ‘aboot’.

Kevin Smith: Sir. What ‘flirting with disaster’ over here is trying to say, is just go already, man. I don’t know what you’re doing hanging around the halls of DeGrassi all summer anyways. Just find some summer music program with Coldplay. Just find some excuse to just go hang out with your old lady in London. You know, what could be better than that? It beats this.

Kevin Smith: If you look at it, more democrats went to see Shrek 2 last year than voted in the election, so what’s there to get excited about, or aboot?

Kevin Smith: Just don’t settle alright, you know, for somebody else’s idea of what the real world is. You’re just far too cool a chick for that. Pick your own real world. You deserve that much.

Kevin Smith: Distracted, huh? Let me guess, by some acid tongued, raven haired beauty from the wrong side of the tracks, maybe?

Jay Mewes: Oh, Snap, Silent Bob! Canadian Ninja's. Hip Hip doogin!

Jay Mewes: How the hell did she get to be principal when she doesn’t speak gooder English like us Americans?

Jay Mewes: You are the ones with the filthy potty mouths. These guys keep talking about the periodic table.

Mr. Del Rossi: Look, you're my boy and I love you. You're the best son a father could ever want. But this part of you I don't want to know, I can't know about!

Mr. Del Rossi: I’m just saying. You guys are young. It should be girls, girls, girls.

Mr. Del Rossi: Marco, for a parent to raise a homosexual, it’s like a failure, an embarrassment.

Mr. Del Rossi: People leave Marco. You have to live your own life.

Mrs. Del Rossi: It breaks my heart that because you’re gay that these people hate you.

Andrea: Don't get all Ugly Betty on me!

Mrs. Nash: Don't cause a scene, Eleanor! Just shut up, smile, and wave.

Mrs. Nash: Ha ha, like the cartoon. That’s priceless.

Mrs. Nash: Partners, huh? Do you run a business together or is it pairs figure skating?

Mrs. Nash: Do they let you people into the military now? Do you redecorate the enemy into surrendering?

Dr. Sally: Now if you do decide to have sex then it much be condoms, condoms, condoms. And that kind of respect is key in heterosexual and same sex relationships.

Dr. Sally: Guys get nervous too. Talk to him. Talk to him some more.

Tracker: Money’s important but so is my pride.

Jeff: Teachers giving out condoms suggests that kids should be having sex.

Mrs. Kerwin: Ashley, sanity has left the building.

Amy: What does he see in that bloodless freak bag?

Sully: Be careful Jimmy. Although, it is nice of you to date the creepy chicks, leave the hot ones for us.

Rick Murray: One, it’s not your fault Jimmy’s such a control freak. Two, you don’t have to listen to him.

Rick Murray: Let me make one thing clear. I don’t like that tone of voice. It makes me feel stupid, alright?

Rick Murray: Terri, you’re beautiful and smart, and sweet, talented. Can you blame for thinking a guy loves like I do?

Rick Murray: I understand what girl’s night means, Terri. I just don’t see why you need one. So you can talk about me?

Rick Murray: I have a right to education. Look, what I did to Terri last year was horrible. I’m getting therapy. I’ve changed.

Rick Murray: The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. It is the quality of the brave, not the coward.

Rick Murray: When you speak, I listen. You’re my guide.

Rick Murray: They ruined it Emma. They’re life ruiners. Everyone laughing.

Chris: Well unlike my man Slim Shady over there, I actually read it.

Dr. Sally: Being sexually responsible means being prepared. But the best form of protection is abstinence.

Zane: You can only stuff yourself in the closet for so long.

Zane: All this drama because you don't think gay guys can play football.

Miss Oh: Charm doesn't get good grades in my class. Hard work does.

Bianca De Sousa: I expect a junkie's kid to be a little more street smart.

Mrs. Dawes: Sometimes a friendship can crumble under the stress of one person wanting more than the other, but if you can move on, you can probably save that friendship.

Tyler: Pissed? Go on, sucker punch me in the other ear and flee town. That’s your move, isn’t it? Or do you kill and run these days. Because the kid died this time, didn’t he, hero?

Nate: I’ve had more conversations with the janitor than I’ve had with you.

Nate: There isn’t enough antibiotic in the world that would make me kiss you. And that little smooch in the hall the other day. Who knows what I caught from that? Thanks so much.

Hospital person: A chair’s only a prison if you let it be.

Record Manager: This is a buddy slash love story, okay man! it’s not the place for whiney girls impersonating Kate Bush accompanied by Bon Jovi wannabes!

Girl: Oh that makes sense. Peter invited her. He does go for girls like that.

Tim: You’re like my Yoda.

Tim: You see my father thinks acting is a waste of time. What do you think Marco? You know, about acting, about pretending to be someone you’re not?

Tim: When you act, you’re like Pacino. You fool everybody.

Lynus: So I’m a freak, it’s better than being a homo.

Matt Oleander: Extra points for smiling.

Matt Oleander: Okay, see me after class, we’ll have a lesson on respect.

Matt Oleander: Paige I can’t be expected to sign up for this boring routinized life you’ve got.

Jimmy’s dad: You can’t afford to chase these little dreams. The answer is no.

Serena: You made my life hell and the worst part, you don’t remember doing it.

Damien: You can’t just fake this stuff. You either feel it or you don’t. And when you do feel it, it’s like time stops.

Mel: Lexie, if you are so against stripping, then why are you working here?

Mel: I have seen plenty of girls do this. If you go out there, it changes you.

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